I'm Here

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Y/N: "Jimin, for how long are you planning to stay like this?". You said after failing to get up from the couch because of Jimin who was holding into you.

Jimin: "until his scent is completely gone, why did you let him touch you, (Y/N)?" He said with a pout.

Y/N: "Jimin, you've been doing this for hours, and I've already told you we bumped into each other, how am I supposed to avoid that?". You asked.

Jimin: "I don't know, but I don't like it". He said and started rubbing his chubby cheeks on you again trying to make sure his scent is all over you. He buried his face into your neck and his arms wrapped around you securely.

After getting home, Jimin had never been clingier as he was right now. He was literally holding you the whole time. Apparently your encounter with the bunny hybrid left his scent on you which didn't make Jimin very happy. You were laying on the couch with Jimin resting on top of you. You told him to lay on the other couch hoping that you can watch your favorite drama series peacefully without interruption but he refused to listen.

Speaking of that hybrid you bumped into, you couldn't help but to worry about him. He didn't seem to be in a good condition. You were sure you saw bruises on his face. Is he getting abused by his owner? What else could explain the bruises? Maybe he's being bullied? You remembered the dark expression on his face like he never seen happy days in his life. He was even stealing food from the shop, was he starving before that? wait! Does he even have a home to stay in?

Jimin lifted his head up and looked at you with worry expression on his face.

Jimin: "what's wrong?". He asked softly.

Y/N: "nothing important, don't worry". You shook your head and smiled at him.

Jimin: "ok". He said and smiled back at you.

You shift your gaze from him to the TV screen and sighed deeply

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You shift your gaze from him to the TV screen and sighed deeply. You should stop thinking too much you probably not gonna see him again. There's no point in worrying you're just stressing yourself out and there's nothing you can do to help.

As you were so focused on watching TV. Jimin leaned closer started rubbing his cheek on top of your head making sure again that his scent is all over you. You reached your hand to move his head away as it was blocking the TV screen. But he grabbed your hand and started rubbing his cheek against your palm instead.

Y/N: "Jimin stop! This is the final episode I need to watch this".

Jimin stopped and looked at you, his fluffy ears dropping. Finally his head is out of your sightline.

Jimin: "you like this drama so much?". He asked.

Y/N: "I love this drama, now please don't interrupt". You said, keeping your eyes on the screen.

Jimin was quite for a while he didn't even move. You felt you need to check on him but the incidents in the drama were so intense grabbing your full attention.

My Little Fox (hybrid Jimin X reader)Where stories live. Discover now