Ready? 🦊💝

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(not story related)

Carrying groceries while opening the door to your house, you kicked it open as soon as you unlocked it, and walked inside.

....: "(Y/N)!!!". Someone shouted startling you.

Your head perked up, you saw an orange fluff running his way to you with open arms.

Y/N: "Jimin!". You said surprised.

Jimin threw his arms around your neck, making you stumble back, and hugged you. You released the bags you were carrying and hugged him back.

Jimin: "finally you came". He said smiling.

Y/N: "how did you get in?". You asked after he pulled away.

Jimin: "um..through the door". He said pointing at the front door behind you.

You stared at him dumbfounded, you just unlocked it, how did he..?

Jimin noticed the look on your face and chuckled nervously scratching the back of his head.

Jimin: "I used the doorbell you didn't answer, I was really reeeally sad". He said, his fluffy ears dropped down.

Jimin: "I was gonna leave but I tripped on your doorstep and hurt (Y/N), look!". He said.

He pouted and pulled his sleeve up to show you a small scratch on his arm. You felt sad for the little baby, but why does he look excited?

Y/N: "aww, Jiminie, that looks painful, don't worry I'll take care of it". You said.

He was pouting sadly to get your attention but his tail started wagging joyfully. This sly little fluff, you chuckled.

Y/N: "but you haven't told me how did you get in?". You asked.

Jimin: "oh, I used your spare key, it was under the doorstep". He said grabbing the key out from his pocket.

You were shocked, you hid it there a long time ago and forgot about it. Thank god Jimin was the one who found it and not some stranger.

Jimin: "here, let me help". He said and rushed carrying your groceries you left on the floor, while his tail was wagging excitingly.

Y/N: "thank you Jimin". You said.

Jimin: "anything for you". He said smiling softly, and headed to your kitchen.

You took off your shoes and jacket and walked to the living room.

A moment later Jimin came back the smile never left his adorable face.

Jimin: "(Y/N)?". He called your name as he sat beside you on the couch.

Y/N: "________". (Pick your line).

Jimin: "did you get author-nim's notification on her account? She announced that she'll update". He asked.

Y/N: "________".

Jimin: "I was worried if you've seen it or not, thats why I came". He said and smiled widely.

Y/N: "_______".

Jimin: "and I have a gift from author-nim". He said.

He took out a present box from the bag he was hiding behind the couch, and gave it to you. His tail was wagging excitingly.

You took the box and read what was written on it.

'Love you to the moon and back, enjoy reading the new chapter my dear (Y/N)


Jimin's face brightened as he watched your reaction. He saw how excited you were and came close hugging you tightly.

Jimin: "I'm so happy to see you excited".

Y/N: "_________".

Jimin giggled, you saw the blush on his chubby cheeks when he pulled away.

Jimin: "I'll cook something for you and we can read the chapter together". He said excitingly and rushed his way to your kitchen.

Y/N: "wait! Do You even know how to cook?". You asked.

He was already in the kitchen. You heard a sound of something breaking and him whining.

Y/N: "oh god, Jimin, wait!". You called out for him and hurried to the kitchen before he sets everything on fire.



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Everyone!!! Prepare yourself!! Get ready!!!!


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