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(Not story related)

You stopped by the convenience store before you headed back home. You were tired after a long stressful day but decided to grab a snack and go back home and watch the new episode of bon voyage.

KitKat or Snickers? Or should I pick something else? You were trying to decide which one to pick when you heard familiar voices.

You looked around and saw author-nim and Jimin having an argument.

Author: "no Jimin, pick something else".

Jimin: "but I want that ramen, please_". he stopped and his nose twitched, he started sniffing the air.

Jimin looked around and saw you, his face brightened.

Jimin: "(Y/N)!".

He ran to you with a big smile on his face, he hugged you and buried his face into your neck.

Jimin: "I thought I smelled your scent and I was right". He said and giggled.

Y/N: "______".

Author: "I'm so happy to see you (Y/N)".

Y/N: "______".

You were chatting with author-nim when you noticed Jimin sneaking behind and putting a ramen box in the cart, he smirked. You weren't the only one who noticed him.

Author: "Jimin, put that back".

Jimin: "this is not fair!". He pouted and crossed his arms after he put back what he took.

Jimin: "(Y/N) please talk to her, she wouldn't let me take spicy ramen". He asked you as he looked at you with puppy eyes.

Author: "do not fall into his tricks".

Jimin: "(Y/N), pretty please". He said and held your hand.

Y/N: "________".

Author-nim sighed deeply.

Author: "(Y/N), you know how much you're dear to me, but this baby doesn't know whats best for him".

Jimin: "I'm not a baby!". He said and pouted.

Author: "whatever cutie boy".

Author: "(Y/N), he can't eat spicy food, the last time he did we ended up in hospital, just tell him no".

Jimin: "not fair!".

Y/N: "_______".

Author: "let's make a deal Jimin, you give up on that ramen and get to spend a day with (Y/N) in return".

Jimin: "yaay!". His eyes sparkled as he jumped in excitement.

Author: "I hope you're ok with that (Y/N)? He can be really annoying sometimes". She said and chuckled.

Y/N: "________".

Author: "thank you, I'll reward you with a new chapter, I'll post it tomorrow"she said and smiled.

Y/N: "_________".

Author: "Jimin I swear if you annoy her I'll take your jams away"

Jimin: "I'll never bother (Y/N), I'll be a good boy".

Author: "you better, alright see you later" she waved to you and turned to leave.

After paying for your things you left the store with Jimin.

Jimin: "it's cloudy today, I hope it doesn't rain". He said as he looked at the sky his ears dropping.

Y/N: "where do you wanna go Jimin?".

Jimin: "you, I just want to be with you. You look tired (Y/N), it's ok we can go home and watch a movie I'm happy as long as I'm staying with you". He said and held your hand.

Y/N: "ok, lets go home then".

You held Jimin's hand and walked towards your home. His tail never stopped wagging he was really happy to be by your side.

* meanwhile author went back home and searched for Jimin's jams but couldn't find it, where do you think he hides his jams? *



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I'm excited about the new chapter, are you as excited as me? Or are you less excited? Or maybe you're MORE excited?? 👏🏻👏🏻

I'm excited about the new chapter, are you as excited as me? Or are you less excited? Or maybe you're MORE excited??  👏🏻👏🏻

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