Sweet Flower

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Namjoon: "how did you survive Jimin?". He asked.

Jimin stared at him feeling the horror taking over him. His heart beating fast as his hands started shaking. The images of that memory playing in his head.




His breathing increased. You were expecting to hear his answer but he didn't utter a word. Turning your head looking at him, your heart ached when a whimper escaped his mouth, he looked so insecure.

You leaned closer with a worry expression on your face you wanted to whisper asking him if he's ok but as soon as he felt you close he didn't hesitate to burry his face into your neck desperately, he slipped his shaking arms around you and held onto you tightly. You were taken by surprise but feeling his tears staining your neck brought you back to reality.

Y/N: "hey baby boy it's alright, I'm here nothing will harm you. if you don't wanna talk about it, then it's fine". You said stroking his back soothing him gently.

Namjoon: "I'm sorry Jimin-ah, (Y/N) is right you don't need to talk about it. I'm just glad you're alive". He seemed shocked by Jimin's reaction.

Jimin just shook his head silently.

Namjoon: "hybrids behavior is different from humans they don't take traumatic pain easily since they're too sensitive and emotional they don't forget easily, I hope you understand that". He explained.

Y/N: "I'm aware of the differences". You said.

Namjoon: "please take good care of him". He said.

Y/N: "you don't need to ask". You said and chuckled.

Namjoon: "honestly, Jimin never liked making skinship with anyone specially with humans, to see him throwing himself in your arms like that is a surprise to me". He said and chuckled.

Y/N: "I noticed he didn't like strangers touching him and it made me surprise too because he never rejected me before I thought he was okay with it". You said making Namjoon's eyebrows moving up in surprise.

Namjoon: "he didn't attack you? not even once?". He asked leaning on the table, you shook your head.

He shifted his eyes between you two inspecting questionably, but he got interrupted when his phone rang again he looked at the screen while furrowing his brows.

Namjoon: "my break ended half an hour ago, I should get back to work". He said.

Y/N: "it's alright, I'm glad I ran into you today". You said smiling while stroking Jimin's hair who was still clinging to you, he seemed to be calming down.

Namjoon: "me too". He said smiling back showing his dimples.

Jimin lifted his head up and looked at Namjoon with pleading eyes.

Namjoon: "what? You didn't think this is our last encounter, did you?". He asked smiling at Jimin.

He took out a card from his wallet and gave it to you. Taking it from him you read what was written on it.

My Little Fox (hybrid Jimin X reader)Where stories live. Discover now