The Duality

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She likes them, she likes them more than me.

Jimin was standing, staring at his precious angel stroking the hair of a stranger. Your back was facing him leaning down on your knees as if you just ignored his existence.

she doesn't care about me anymore.

His heart pounding but it wasn't because of the warm feeling he gets whenever he looks at you it's something different this time, something he couldn't understand what it is. He didn't understand why his chest feels so tight and it pains him.

You stood up talking to the creepy doctor, who he still remember exactly how he wanted to pierce that scary needle into his skin and give him a hella pain if it weren't for you stopping him, he was so grateful back then.

Putting your hand inside your pocket, an upsetting look on your face, Jimin wondered if you were feeling alright. You lifted your head up, and finally your eyes met.

His breathing hitched as he held your gaze, his heartbeat fastening. A spark of hope lit inside him, you still know he exists. He wanted you, he wanted to hold you, he wanted to nuzzle his face into your neck and hide there in your presence with your scent surrounding him and your warmth hugging him, he wanted to hear your voice saying it's gonna be alright. He wanted to pretend that no one else is here but you and him...

But as he inhaled, with the desperate feeling spiraling inside him, your scent reached his nostrils. It hurt him when he noticed his scent on you was faint, another scent he despited was taking his place, it broke his heart, he doesn't like it, he doesn't like any of this.

Jimin: "w-why?". He stuttered weakly feeling a lump in his throat.

He saw you looking at him worryingly, your lips parting as if you wanted to say something. You took steps toward him, it made the desperate need to hold you tightly get worse.

Finally...she'll hold's gonna be alright...

Yoongi: "(Y/N)!".

You were distracted, you weren't looking at him anymore...

Staring at you as you were standing there helplessly watching the scene. He hoped you would look back at him again. He knows everything is going down to hell for the bunny, but he didn't want to help out, this feeling inside him prevented him.

The thing that triggered him was when he watched that bunny grabbing your hand and taking you away...he was dragging you out...away from him!

Just like that nightmare.

A horrifying feeling washed over Jimin. No! No! No! This can't be true. No one can take you away from him! No one dares to! He won't let that happen!

Without thinking, he rushed over to you and held you from behind. He lifted you up taking you away from them, he pulled you away securing you in his arms as he sat back on the far couch behind.

He moved you around so no one can look at you but him. He placed a hand behind your head burying your face into his chest and secured his arm around you. He can't let you go he was afraid if he did you would disappear, or fly away just like a butterfly.

His ears pressed backwards, tensed muscles, clenched jaw and gritted teeth. His sharp fangs were on display, furious eyes glaring maniacally at the minted-hair man, who was standing now in front of him.

Jimin: "take one step closer and I'll snap your neck". Said your fluffy innocent fox talking to someone, with a deep tone that sent chills down your spine.

Yoongi: "I knew you would snap out at some point". He said.

Jimin: "take your buddies and leave". He ordered.

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