24 - History

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Josh and I walk down the road to this adorable little cafe. "What do you want to drink Becky?" He asks as we stand in the queue.

"I'll buy mine, it's okay."

"I insist, I'm the one taking you out."

"We've just gone down the road, but if you're desperate then I'll have a hot chocolate please. But I'll buy next time."

"Okay deal. One hot chocolate and one caramel latte please." He orders. Our drinks are made and we head to the stools and table by the window.

"Thanks." I said taking a sip.

"You're welcome. So, tell me a bit about yourself, like your childhood. I know Mandy adopted you, how long ago was that?"

"Okay, it's a long story, well just over 17 years long! So, this first part I only actually learnt a few months ago, on Christmas Eve. So I was born, like everyone. Then somehow at two months old I ended up in my carrier outside the Jacob Javits convention centre, no paper work, no identification, nothing. This lady found me and took me to the girls home that's down the road. I had two days worth of testing in one of the hospitals and they found out I was born from two British parents, around the week of November 30th, but they couldn't determine my actual birthday. The lady named me Rebecca Jacobs. Rebecca, not sure why, but nicknamed Becky. When I'm 18 I'm going to legally change it. I've never been called Rebecca by anyone. Jacobs, from the place I was found. When given the week I was born apparently the woman's husband was called Andrew and in Scotland it's St Andrews day then, so they chose to make that my birthday. I was then in the girls home all my life. There were 6 girls my age by the time I was 12. Immie, Alex, Carly, Hannah, Poppy and I. All of them were where parents put up for adoption straight after birth or they lost their parents somehow. Alex was put up for adoption since birth so I've known her my whole life. By July 2016 they'd all been adopted. I was the first in and the last out, I began listening to musicals and discovered Hamilton in November when Hannah messaged me about it. I then listened to in the Heights May 2nd 2017 and discovered Mandy on Twitter, May 11th. My life was changed. I never told anyone I was an orphan, afraid of being treated differently. My social worker was asked if anyone wanted to go to the presentation of the Eliza Project last September, and she took me. I met Mandy there and thats how she found out I was an orphan. Come October 15th my life changed forever and I got something I'd been dreaming of for as long as I can remember."

"That's an incredible story. Mines not quite so dramatic."

"Let's hear it." I took another drink of my hot chocolate.

"Well, I was born and raised here in New York. My parents were both from Puerto Rico. From what I remember my mom was pregnant with me when they came here. When I was 10 my parents got a divorce. My mom wanted to go home to Puerto Rico, my dad wanted to stay here. They had massive arguments that ended badly. I was made to chose between them. I had a Lin moment 'what does it mean to be Puerto Rican If you don't live in Puerto Rico.' So with the want to know where I was from I chose my mom." He started tearing up and I rested my hand on his back.

"I'm so sorry to hear that."

"So my dad left us, my mom couldn't then afford to go back to the island with me. She was dramatically over working only being home for three hours a night, working 3 jobs. As a way of entertaining myself I listened to cast albums. In the Heights was big at the time and I hung around the theatre whenever I could. I've clearly changed a lot since then as no one recognises me." He pulled out a pile of photos from his pocket. "I take these with me wherever I go. It reminds me of why I do this."

"These photos are amazing. They tell the story in itself."

"From the over working my mom fell very ill. She contacted my dad saying she wasn't going to live and if he could take me in. He said he wanted nothing to do with me." By this point I held him close to me. His life had been so dramatic and heart breaking, it hurt me. "So my mom passed away when I was 13 and I was left to fend for myself. I went to high school and studied theatre and worked in one of the corner shops. I lived with a friend but was made to buy my own food and do everything myself. I understood why, they weren't well off so couldn't afford to look after me. I put all my money into additional acting, singing and Dance classes and auditioned when I could. It definitely all paid off because I got the job. So now I'm here."

"I'm so sorry you went through all that, no one deserves that."

"Well it all happened for the good, because I wouldn't be here otherwise. Having a drink with the most beautiful girl in the city."

"Hmm." I smile and blush, before drinking more of my hot chocolate.

Just Breathe - Adopted by Mandy Gonzalez - COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now