27 - Dinner

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I had pasta and Josh had a pizza. He fed me a slice from across the table resulting in us bursting into giggles. As I finished I grabbed my phone to check my face. I then headed onto Instagram and went through all the stories. "Shit."

"What's up honey?" I smiled up at him and glanced across the room.

"That's what's up. Ant and Joanna are here."

"What. Oh my gosh I'm sorry Becky."

"It's not your fault Josh. This must just be a coincidence. I'm gunna text him. Let's make light of this. I have an idea."

"Alright." Josh came and sat beside me on the long bench thing I was sat at.

'Evening Ant. Are you and Joanna having a good friend date? 😂.'

I saw him look at his phone confused. He began typing and I waited.

'How do you know about this????'

'We are two tables down from you, that's why!! Stop stalking Josh and I!'

He looked over and I smiled at him.

'Sorry Becky. I didn't mean to. This is a coincidence. But Joanna now knows. Sorry. I know you wanted it to be kept quiet.'

'It's fine A. I was going to tell my big sisters on Tuesday anyway. See you tomorrow. Xoxo B.'

'See you, enjoy your date. A.LeeM'

I giggle as he ended it in his classic Hamilton way. "Why did you end it 'xoxo'?" Josh asked.

"Oh I always end conversations like that. It's my way of saying, 'I'm not going to respond to you!'"

"Ahh Okay. You never send them to me?" He frowned slightly.

"That's because I send just x's to you at the end of all my messages and also I don't want to end our conversation. If I don't reply it's loss of signal, I've fallen asleep or I physically see you, so we talk in person instead."

"I suppose so." He sat back in his seat and we finished our meals. He payed the bill and then we gathered our things up. We walked over to Joanna and Anthony.

"Hey guys. Not a word to anyone, please. Escape not my mom. I'll tell her tomorrow. I promise. And I'll tell Lexi on Tuesday. I just want to be the one to let them know."

"That's fine mini me." Joanna said standing. "I won't tell the others. Us Peggy's need to stick together." She gave me a hug as I giggled.

"We sure do, not much taller than me me." I gave her one of our Peggy fist bumps and went back to Josh. "We'll see you Tuesday. Don't stay up at the club too late you two, I know what you're like."

"Yes mom." Anthony whined. I ruffled his hair and took Josh's hand.

"Bye." Josh and I said before walking away.

"Bye love birds." Anthony responded. I just heard Joanna 'awww' at us. I smile and squeeze Josh's hand again. I didn't know what a romantic love felt like, but I had a feeling I was going to feel it with Josh.

We hopped on the subway and headed downtown to his small studio apartment. "I'm sorry it's not much, but this is my apartment. He unlocked the door and let me in first. I could see the entire apartment from the door. It was very small, but I knew he didn't have the money for anything bigger. There was a two in one kitchen and living room and then a single door off to one side. "My bedroom is through there and the only bathroom is an ensuite to that, incase you need to go later.

"Alright thanks." He walked into the room and set his bag down by the couch. "Joshy, can I have a glass of water?"

"Of course honey. Have a seat." Josh gets me the water and one for himself as I sit on the couch.

"This is a cute place you have here."

"Thanks." I pull my laptop out bag and opened my DVD app. I paused what I had planned and waited for Josh. "What's this Becky?" He asked sitting next to me.

"I know you always wanted to see In The Heights and they recorded the OBC for them to have copies of and for the documentary. Mandy gave me a copy as a 'gift', and I thought you'd want to see it, so I put it in my laptop this morning. It's the perfect length of time before I have to go home."

"You're the best Becky. I've always wanted to see the show."

"I know you have babe. And it's my mom to thank."

"I'll thank her on Tuesday." I nod and put my laptop down on the table. I have a sip of the water and place that with it too. I sit back and cuddle up to Josh as it starts. There was quite a long intro but we got comfortable as it ran. Josh wrapped his right arm around my waist as I lean against him. I lock my right fingers with his as his hand rests on my hip. I put my left arm around him and rest my shoulder on his head, looking at the screen. He kissed the top of my head just as the 'show' starts.

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