19 - New Boy

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27th January 2018
Once again I was going with Mandy to the theatre. It was a Saturday, so not my normal day to go in, but they had a dance rehearsal that morning for some new guy coming into the show. Lin had messaged Mandy asking her to take me, so I could look closer at the choreography of the bullet and of Peggy/Maria. Mandy and I headed into the theatre, there seemed to be lots of commotion. "Guys what's going on?" She asked heading into the central room.

"The new guy, Josh, hasn't turned up, and this rehearsal is mainly for him."

"Okay, has anyone checked the Lobby? That's where Joanna got lost on her first day." My mom responded pretty blatantly as if it were obvious. Everyone looked at one another.

"This is why we need you Mandy. Someone go look." Steph said. Everyone just stood there, waiting for someone to go.

"Okay fine, I'll go. You all go stretch." I claimed after a while of waiting. I turned to go and I heard Anthony yell at me.

"You're a star Becky."

"I know I am." I called back before running out the room down to the lobby. I walked in and saw a Latino guy, not much older than myself, standing there singing parts of one last time, looking very lost. "George Washington's going home." I started singing. He turned and smiled at me as he increased his volume. We kept going until the end where he ended with a great riff. "That was good, not as good as CJack, but still very good."

"Uh Thanks." He said shyly.

"I'm guessing you must be Josh, the 'new guy' as Steph described it as."

"Uh Yeah, that's me." He gave me a little smile.

"I'm Becky. Just Becky. Nothing really that special." I held out my hand and he shook it.

"Nice to meet you 'Just Becky'. Can I ask what do you do in the show? You can't be 'just Becky' if you hang out here all the time. You must have some role in the show."

"Well firstly I'm only just 17, so I can't be in the show yet. But I've been asked to look at the Peggy/Maria track and the Bullet track, just so I know it for future knowledge in case I do want to do the show. Which I do. And I'm here because I'm Mandy's daughter, adopted, but still her daughter. So yeah."

"Wow. I've just turned 18. I auditioned when I was 16, and they said they'd call me when the right time came. 6 months ago I got the call and started learning various tracks with Steph. That's pretty cool to have that connection, though you're mom. You're really pretty as well." He looked down awkwardly as I did the same.

"Thanks, you don't look too bad yourself." I giggled lightly. "Anyway come on, everyone's been waiting." I headed off to the backstage area and he followed me. "We're back." I called into the crowd of much older adults varying from 21 to 40s. "Oh the cast are really friendly. You'll bond well with them. It's weird to think that some of my best friends are my moms best friends. I'll introduce people to you throughout the day if you like." I said to Josh he responded with a nod. I headed over to Mandy and she gave me a hug.

"Apparently he's only 18." She winked at me.

"No." I whined. "I'm not looking for a relationship right now. Because by the sound of it I have a potential career to worry about."

"Okay then. I'll keep my eye out for you."

"Well if something happens I'm not going to stop it, but I'm not going to be the one to start it."

"Okay then. I'm here if you want relationship advice. Oh and I think Lexi, Joanna and Anthony are going to try and set you kids up. You two did look pretty cute standing next to one another."

"Okay Mandy." I giggled. "Anyway lets go." I took her hand and dragged her to the stage. "Oh Josh, stage is this way." He walked over to me and stood by my side. "So this is my mom, Mandy Gonzalez. As I said earlier she's Angelica."

"It's nice to meet you Josh."

"You too Mandy." The three of us headed onto the stage.

"Lexi, Joanna, Anthony! Come here." I yelled the the other three. They headed over to us a smirk on Anthony's face. "I know what you're thinking and the answer is no." He frowned at me.

"You're no fun Becky Melini-Gonzalez."

"I am perfectly fun Anthony Lee Medina. I'm just not ready yet. Anyway this is Josh. Josh, this is Anthony, Laurens/Philip Hamilton. Lexi, Eliza Hamilton and Joanna, Peggy/Maria."

"Thanks Becky." He smiled at me and I knew I had a slight crush on him. He was cute, and was a dancer and singer. Maybe we could be a couple. I was snapped out my thoughts by my mom.

"Becky sweetie?"

"Oh sorry Mandy. I was... uh thinking about something. I'll talk to you later about it maybe." She smiled at me and gave me a hug.

"I think someone is developing a little crush." She whispered. I didn't bother pushing her away. I knew she was right is some way. "I'm always here for you gorgeous."

"I know you are. I love you Mandy."

"I love you too princess."

We warmed up for the rehearsal and I got to watch them run a few dances with Josh in place. He was incredible. Even if I wasn't developing a romantic crush there was definitely a talent crush there somewhere. I watched Joanna closely and then copied her movements. I was able to pick it up really quickly, which impressed Andy and Steph. The rehearsal ended and the cast got ready for the show, leaving Josh and I alone with the Swings and Standbys.

Just Breathe - Adopted by Mandy Gonzalez - COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now