30 - 10 Years

65 9 0

March 9th 2018

"Congrats mama, on you're 10 year Heights anniversary." I said giving my mom a hug as she made Mari and I breakfast.

"Thanks Becky. Are you ready for tonight?"

"I think so, I'm nervous, but that's to be expected. I'm more nervous about performing in front of Josh, Doug, Mari and other relatives there, than I am about everyone else. Because if I mess this up, I will ruin the whole concert and then have my Peggy/Maria role taken from me before I even get it."

"Sweetheart, you'll be fine. You'll smash it. I heard you rehearsing for Fire escape in our studio and on Friday and you were amazing."

"Okay. I was meant to rehearse it with you initially, but I felt bad so didn't tell you it was for this. I'm sorry, I've stolen you're songs mom. I just don't know how to say no to something. I would have felt bad turning something so incredible down."

"I want you to do the songs baby. You've worked so hard and you're going to smash it and I know you will have an excellent career."

"Thanks mama." I give her a hug and sit down and start on my breakfast.

"Becky! I can't wait to see you perform tonight, you're going to be so amazing." Maribelle yells running up to me and attacking me, while I'm sat down.

"Thanks sis. I can't wait to perform. I'm dedicating Breathe to mi familia. To all three of you." I give her a hug before she sits in her seat and eats her breakfast.

"Becky, we have to go soon. We have to pick up your dress and we have sound check at 10, then lunch with the company and press stuff before a light dinner and the show at 7."

"Okay." I quickly finish my breakfast and go get all my things ready. I the. Rush back out and see Doug there. "Morning dad. Mari and Mom know, but when I sing Breathe tonight, it's dedicated to the three of you. To mi familia."

"Thank you Becky. I know you're going to kill it out there. I'm very excited to watch you make you're first stage performance."

"Thanks dad. Anyway I think mom and I have to go. I'll see you at dinner. I love you." I get a  hug and kiss from him.

"I love you too Becky." I give my little sister a massive hug and leave with Mandy.


As I step out onto the stage I'm I awe. "Wow there's so many seats. How many people will be here?"

"Roughly 1300, similar to the Rodgers." Lin said.

The rest of the cast arrive and we set up the stage. We bring chairs out for each of us and have microphone stands by each seat. We sat in order of Seth, Robin, Olga, Carlos, Priscilla, Me, Mom, Chris, Lin, Karen, Janet, Andréa the. Elesio. The ensemble were all behind. "Why and I in the front Lin? I should be at the back with the other ensemble."

"No Becky, you should be at the front. You are singing Breathe and Fire Escape and I want to give you an experience of a life time. Also Mandy requested to sit next to you, so there's that."

"Oh okay." We start sound check and after 'In The Heights' it's time for me to rub though 'Breathe' with my mom. She was doing a higher part and I had the tune. There were a few points where she was on the tune and I sang slightly lower. As we finished I was crying slightly, as was Mandy. I looked around and Lin, Chris and Karen, from who I could see, all had tears in their eyes.

"That was absolutely beautiful." Chris said. "Becky you are so talented, please tell me you are auditioning for Hamilton as soon as you're 18."

"Ummm." I look between my mom and Lin.

"She already has a role." Lin told him. "All she needs to do is sign the contract on her 18th birthday." I stand in shock and my mom wrapped her arms around me.

"Congrats baby girl. I'm so proud of you mija, or should I say sister."

"What's going on Mom? Lin?"

"We want you to take on the Peggy/Maria standby on you're birthday. We've spoken to Joanna and she wants you to debut then as well. You'll be the youngest to perform in Hamilton by making your debut on your 18th birthday."

"Thank you so much. Why did you decide to give it to me now? I still have 9 months before I'm 18."

"We've watched your rehearsals and you are pretty much there already. Steph is going to spend a few weeks in the summer officially teaching you the choreography with Tommy to assist in direction. You'll have a week prior for vocal touch ups and then you only need costumes and you're set. We have plans to do you're put in the week before and a press shoot for all the new cast by that point as that Wednesday Matinee. You won't perform then but you will run costume changes with Chris T, as there are a few quick changes for you. Then we will repeat a few songs with you in so you get press photos as well. So probably Schuyler Sisters, Helpless and Satisfied and then Say No To This. But this is all still months away." I struggled to take all the information in and just nodded.

"Okay. Yeah. Thank you." I give Lin and hug and then jump into my moms arms. "I can't believe it."

"Neither can I baby girl." She spins me around a little and we then continue with the rest of the sound check ending on my solo to end the show. As I finish I look out into all the currently empty seats, I feel someone's hands on my shoulders. I look up and see my mom, as I expected. "My little Nina Rosario." I smile. I look into my moms eyes as she tears up.

"I love you mama. If you didn't do In The Heights, I wouldn't be here now. Thank you for showing me the world. Thank you for everything I know." I turn around and hug her burying my head into her chest. She held me close and kissed my forehead. I was living the dream.

Just Breathe - Adopted by Mandy Gonzalez - COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now