39 - Ready or Not

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I ran back to Joanna's room and found her lying down, a bucket beside her. I figured that she wouldn't be able to get home, as she couldn't take the subway when this ill and she needed someone to drive her home, but were all needed for the show.

"I'm guessing you're going to lie here until we are done with the show?"

"Yes. Thank you for going on as Peggy/Maria tonight. Good luck, break a leg. From seeing the rehearsals today, I know you will be amazing sweetie. You've got this."

"Thank Joanna. I hope you get better soon."

"Thanks Becky." Joanna smiled. "I'm going to try sleep." She closed her eyes and began drifting off to sleep.

"Lin's gone to tell the cast. The wardrobe department are frantically trying to bring the dresses up just a few inches so you don't trip so you are almost ready. Let's go do you're hair and makeup honey." I nodded and sat in my moms chair and she did some simple stage makeup for me, practically the same as Joanna's. I had my mic fitted and tested just before the house would have opened. She loosely curled my hair and I looked down.

"Mom, I'm the first white person to be in this show besides the kings."

"You are Becky, you're making history as the youngest person to perform in Hamilton and the first white performer besides King George the third."

"This show isn't meant for people like me Mom. It's meant for the African Americans and the Latinos and the native Americans and the..."

"And the immigrants, Becky. I know you were born and raised here, but your birth parents must have been immigrants for you to be mostly British. You have every right as everyone else here to be in this show Becky. I promise you. Lin wouldn't have asked you to learn the part, if he never wanted you to play it because of your background."

"I guess so." I sighed.

"I know so Becky." She finished off my hair and I got a text.

'We are in now, ready and waiting. Also they were able to change to have your name on the 'in this performance' sheet. See you out there in 15 minutes. Xoxo'

'I'm so excited but terrified. I'll see you soon. Xoxo'

Thankful mom curled her hair this morning so her act one hair was ready, and just needed pinning into place. she did her makeup and Chris came in and helped us all into our dresses. "They did a great job of bringing it up. This is much easier to walk in, it's not trailing on the floor anymore."

"Those ladies work miracles." Mandy said. Once in the opening dresses I smiled at my now sisters.

"So this is it. Hamilton debut at 17 and a half. Wow. I don't feel too stressed. I'm glad we did those rehearsals with the dresses on today, or I wouldn't be ready."

"Okay, let's head down to the chill area and welcome you to the company unofficially." I looked at both Lexi, now one of my best friends, and Mandy, my mom, but also my best friend, my support system and the reason I was here. I held my hands out and they each took one and squeezed it. We headed down together and everyone was waiting for us and I got a massive cheer as I entered the room. I smiled and giggled. Lin was there as was Chris and Karen.

"Oh My God, Uncle Chris, Auntie Karen. What ware you doing here? I can't believe you're both here." I ran up to them and gave them a massive hug each.

"Your mom called us and told us you were going on today? I jumped straight in the car and grabbed Karen from her doorstep where she was waiting and we rushed down. Thankful traffic was okay so we got here about 10 minutes ago. There were spare seats up in one of the boxes, so Lin gave them to us rather than selling them."

"Thanks Lin."

"Also we weren't missing your Broadway Debut." I giggle lightly.

"I'm glad you were able to get here." The five minutes call came on and everyone gathered around. Mom, Lexi, Lin, Chris, Karen and Josh all stood around me, each with one hand on my shoulder. Everyone else had their hands on their shoulders and I closed my eyes and smiled as I had Chris do the welcoming prayer. Lin then spoke.

"So we have two debuts today, Josh is debuting as Laurens/Phillip and we have Becky, Just 17, do Peggy/Maria last minute, making her Broadway debut tonight. If Becky does slip up, remember she's only had one, sometimes two rehearsals a week. She's not had an official put in, and only wore the dresses a bit today. They aren't even made to fit her. So take it easy on the girl, who wasn't due to have this special day for another 6 months. I'm proud of her, Chris and Karen are proud of her, Josh, I'm sure is a very proud boyfriend and Mandy." Lin started before my mom cut him off.

"I couldn't be prouder of my little girl. I know you only came into the family last October. But everything you've done since then, Hamilton, In The Heights, things on The Fearless Squad and my Album. I couldn't be more proud to say that you are my daughter. And I know your dad would say the same thing as well." She wrapped her arms around me and kissed the top of my head.

"Thanks Mama, for everything you've done for me. I'm doing this for Joanna and the cast, to keep the show going, I hope you get well soon sis. I'm going this for You and Dad, the two best parents I could have asked for." I notice that Lauren Boyd was filming me. "You've supported me to get me here. But I want to say, dreams really do come true, if you work hard and put the effort in. But mostly I'm dedicating this performance to my incredible little sister, Maribelle, and all the dreamers and orphans out there. You can do it. One day you will get out of that Home and achieve amazing things. I was in your position until the perfect family found me. Even if no one adopts you, work hard, get good grades, and you can make your own way out. Now, lets do this." Everyone cheered and I gave Karen and Chris one last hug each before they snuck into their seats. Lin told me to break a leg and I went and stood with Josh.

"I'm so proud of you Becky. Break a leg baby. I know you will be amazing out there and I can't wait to get to dance with you, just like Jasmine and Anthony did in the original company. I love you."

"I love you too. Break a leg gorgeous, I'll see you back here at some point." I gave him a kiss and then Mandy, Lexi and I headed to places. "This is it Mom. I'm making my Broadway debut. Eek. Thank you for everything. There's so much more I wanted to say to you, dad and Mari back there but I didn't have time. I love you mom."

"I love you too. I'm so, so beyond proud of you. We can call Abuela, Abuelo, nana and pop pop after the show, assuming they are still up."


"And Becky, what you said back there was perfect and beautiful. I think I saw Lauren record it so I'll make sure she sends it to you." I gave her a hug and a kiss and looked out to the stage as the house lights went down and the first few beats were played. Wether I was ready or not, it was time.

Just Breathe - Adopted by Mandy Gonzalez - COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now