57 - GWB

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I sat sobbing for a little longer when my phone rang. Mom was calling. I declined and then declined again. I knew I'd be panicking her, but I didn't want to talk to anyone. Then Lexi called me and then Joanna. Lauren's number came up and I left it a little longer before declining her. Mom tried again and once again I declined the call. I waited a few minutes before I got a voice mail. I decided to listen to it.

"Hey baby girl, where are you? I've pulled out for act two to find you baby. I'm here for you. I'm really worried about you sweetie, please call me. I love you princess. Don't do anything dangerous Becky, please." I could tell that on the other end of the phone she was sobbing. "Lauren told me that you supposedly went to my room and then went to check a few minutes later and you were gone. Please baby. Please stay safe. I love you Becky, so much and I'm worried about you. Call me. I love you, Bye."

I went off the voicemail and kept sobbing. Another ten minutes later she tried to call me again. I let it ring but didn't pick up. I just sat there staring at my phone. The next person to call was dad. I picked up this time and I could hear the relief in his voice. "Oh my gosh, Becky, is that you?"

"Yes daddy. It's me."

"Oh Baby, where are you? Your mom and I are so worried about you sweetie. You didn't pick up anyone's calls. Lauren's, Joanna's, Lexi's not even mom's. Everyone is so worried about you princess."

"I know they are, mom left a voice mail." I sniffled. "I just couldn't be at that theatre any more." I began sobbing again.

"Shhhh, Becky, respira. It's okay baby girl. Where are you? I'll come and get you and take you home. I'm sure Mari will be fine for a few minutes I'll call your mom for you."

"I'm at the..." my phone cut off. I pulled it away from my ear to see if run out of battery. Great, just what I needed. I grabbed my charger from my pocket and I plugged it in and waited. My phone turned back on to see messages from mom and dad.

Dad - Where are you Becky? You cut off!

Mom - Dad said you picked up but cut him off, why? Where are you? I'm so worried baby!

Dad - Sweetie I'm worried about you. So is mom, and Mari. Mari is so scared.

Dad - I love you Becky, please come home. You're the best sister in the world and I can't lose you. Xoxo Mari.

Mom - Mija, I'm at home with your father and sister. Where are you baby?

My phone shook in my hands as I attempted to text them. I sent them both the same message.

Becky - GWB, asking 'geee Becky, what'll you be'?

I got instant responses back from both my parents.

Mom - I'm on my way baby girl.

Dad - Mom is going to get you, I can't really leave Mari alone, I'm waiting by the front door for you.

I sat right in the middle of the bridge, still sobbing, just waiting for my mother. 15 minutes later I heard her.

"Becky? Becky sweetheart? Where are you baby girl?" As her voice got louder I sobbed harder. I saw her in the distance at the end of the bridge.

"Mommy." I whimpered as loud as I could. I found the energy to stand up and run to her. "Mommy!" I called again.

"Becky!" She called and ran towards me. As soon as she headed in my direction my weak legs gave way again and I fell to the floor cutting my knees badly, and slicing my hands.

"Mom!" I screamed in pain sobbing again. She rushed over to me as I laid on the ground unable to move.

"I've got you Becky. You'll be okay." I felt her arms go around me and lift me up. I sobbed into her chest. She carried me to the end of the bridge then sat down and sat me on her lap. Her arm around my back supporting me.

Just Breathe - Adopted by Mandy Gonzalez - COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now