25 - Date

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Josh and I sit and chat for another half an hour. "Anyway we'd better be heading off soon. We only have 45 minutes till you take the stage."

"Okay, can I say one more thing?"

"Go ahead." He takes my hand and looks at our hands together.

"Becky, since seeing you in the lobby, the day I first arrived, I've had feelings for you. I wanted you to know. I like you Becky. I really like you. You are beautiful and so talented. You have a gorgeous personality and I love everything about you." I smile wide at him. He put his hand on my cheek and stood up, bringing himself closer to me. I look up into his eyes. He bends over slightly and then kissed me. I flinched for a second then kissed him back, closing my eyes.

"I like you too Josh. I always hoped you liked me back." I said pulling back after only a few seconds.

"Well I do." I stood up and put both hands on either side of his neck and kissed him again. They were sweet loving kisses and my heart melted. When we mutually pulled away we both smiled. "Happy Valentine's Day Becky." I laughed softly.

"Thanks, Happy Valentine's Day to you too. Can we keep this quiet for a while. I want you to focus on performing tonight and I don't particularly want my mom to know just yet. It's a little weird given you're her costar."

"Sure thing. Let's go, or we'll miss half hour." He took my hand and we ran out the door giggling. We ran all the way to the theatre and in through the stage door. We let go of each other's hands and signed in. "See you later Becky."

"You too Josh." He headed to the Male ensemble room as I went over to my moms room. "Hey mom. Hey dad."

"Hey baby girl. How was your date?"

"It wasn't a date mom. We just went and got some drinks and talked. Nothing else." I said trying to hide what had happened.

"I'll see you two gorgeous girls later. I'm going to head back home after picking up Mari from dance. Bye."

"Goodbye babe. I love you." Mandy said giving him a kiss.

"I love you too baby."

"Bye dad." I gave him a hug and he walked out. I slouched down on the couch and went on my phone as my mom got ready. Then there was a knock on the door.

"Is Becky in there?"

"What does Anthony want now?" I moaned. I open the door and shut it behind me, just in case it had anything to do with Josh.

"So you and Josh huh?"

"What's he told you?" I asked worried.

"Oh nothing. I just saw someone getting a kiss from him in that cafe down the road."

"For fuck sake. Did you just stalk us the entire time?"

"Nooo. Just happened to walk past." He said innocently.

"Well not a word to anyone. Especially not my mom."

"Okay." He whined.

"I'm being serious Anthony. I don't want everyone to know. We aren't even a couple yet, we just kissed, that's all. We said we both liked each other but he hasn't asked me out on a proper date or asked me to be his girlfriend. So as I said, not a word. I asked him to keep it quiet. And it more important he focuses on his Broadway debut than on me. I get you've been trying to set us up. But we did it on our own terms not because of you. Now go get dressed you have 20 minutes before top of act one." I became flustered as I kept speaking.

"Yep, I'm sorry Becky. I'll stay out for your way. I didn't mean to upset you in that way. It's just you two are cute and everyone loves a budding romance." He seemed genuinely sorry.

"Thanks And it's okay. I just don't want my mom to find out right now. And definitely not Douglas, he'll kill me." He nodded and left. I took a deep breath and went back into the room.

"You okay baby girl?" Mandy said standing and giving me a tight hug.

"Yeah. I'm alright. Thanks though." I wrap my arms around her and lean into her chest.

"Well I'm always here. I love you Becky."

"I love you too mama." I give her a kiss and sit back on her couch. She finishes getting ready and I sort her hair out. "Break a leg mom. I love you."

"I love you too princess. Let's head out to the chill out area." We walked out together and down the steps under the stage. The usual routine occurred for Josh's debut. He stood in the middle and everyone had a hand someway touching his shoulders, as Bryan gave a little welcoming speech. Josh then took me around the corner hidden from everyone else.

"Happy debut Josh. I know you will smash it."

"Thanks Becky. One thing I want to get off my chest before I go, would you like to go on an official date with me on Sunday after the show?"

"I'd love to, now go out there and break a leg." I gave him a hug and a peck on the lips, before he went to the far side of the stage. I smiled to myself and sat down with my notepad and script, at the main table and went through it as the show played.

Just Breathe - Adopted by Mandy Gonzalez - COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now