67 - FaceTiming

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I was sat eating my pancakes when my mom appeared from my room. "Becky, can you come here sweetheart?" I got off my seat and headed over to her. I still hadn't properly talked it out with Maribelle, I'd said sorry for yelling at her, and she pretty much ignored the apology. But deep inside, what hurt the most was that she thought everyday was a special day for me. Everyday was long hours of rehearsals, admittingly the last month had been the worst as I had to fit 2 months of rehearsals into 1. I guess I hadn't realised how much it affected her.

"What is it mom?"

"Do you want to FaceTime them now, we can do it as a whole family if you want."

"Yes please mama."

"Okay, Let's go talk to your father and see what he says."


The phone began to ring as we waited for the other people to pick up. I had my little sister on my lap, trying to make her feel better, and had a parent either side of me. I was for the first time in 18 years, going to see and hear from the people who brought me into this world. "Hello." I heard a female voice with a thick British accent say. Just moments later I saw them and I began tearing up.

"Becky, they really look so similar to you." I nodded.

"Hi, I'm Becky." I said waving. "But I guess my name was Carly when I was born but when documents were rewritten as I was put in the girls home I was renamed Rebecca, Becky, for short."

"It's lovely to finally see you and know you are safe and well. And by the looks of it you have a beautiful family now."

"Yeah, this is my mom, Mandy. She's a Broadway actress. This is my dad, Douglas, and he's a professional artist and painter. Then this is my adorable little sister, who's mom and dad's natural child, and her name is Maribelle and she's just turned 7."

"Well it's nice to see you all, I'm Elizabeth, and this is my husband and your birth father, Alexander." I began laughing slightly and they looked at me weirdly.

"Sorry have you ever heard of Hamilton, as in the musical."

"Oh yes, Alexander and Eliza, yes. We are both involved in the musical theatre world. Alex is a director and I'm an actress myself. We love Hamilton but haven't had the chance to see it. I would love to see it on Broadway though."

"Do I tell them?" I whispered into my mom's ear.

"Why not. It's clear where you got your natural talent from Becky."

"Thanks mom, well Elizabeth, Alexander, my mom plays Angelica on Broadway, and as of today I understudy the roles of Peggy and Maria."

"No way honey, that's incredible. I didn't know you liked to act and sing too. That makes me so happy and I'm so proud of you."

"I could never have done it without Mandy though. She kind of got me the ticket into the company, by adopting me and then I sang, not realising Lin was there. And he asked me to learn the track. I'm making my official debut today. I technically debuted in the summer. I did one performance in someone else's costume because Joanna Jones ended up being sick just half an hour before the show and all the standbys and understudies were already out. But I've not played since."

"That's still pretty cool, only being 18, and performing in Hamilton on Broadway."

"Yeah, it's a dream come true." I turned to my mom, "I know I've only just met them, but can we invite them over to the states for a week or something, they can stay in a hotel and we can give them tickets to see the show and we can see if I can go on on that day."

"I think that's a beautiful idea Becky."

"Thanks mom. Dad you're okay with that right?"

"Of course I am. I may be your dad, but these are you birth parents."

"Thank you Daddy." I kissed his cheek and looked at the phone. "If you can get flights over here, we can get you both a hotel to stay in so I can see you in person. We could also get you tickets to see Hamilton, with me in it if you like."

"Oh honey, you don't need to do that for us."

"But I want to. I want to get to meet you in person, learn about everything that happened in the first three months of my childhood and why I was left and then I can tell you about everything that's happened since. You're my birth parents after all."

"Well Okay then, we are having a holiday to New York next Easter so don't bother getting us a hotel, just if you can get us tickets to see you that would be wonderful. Also Becky, you do actually have a biological sister. I thought you should know."

"I do? How old is she? What's her name?"

"She's 15 now and her name is Jasmine. She wants to be an actress too one day, maybe you could give her some advice."

"Sure, it's very different from how I got here but I'm sure I could do something. Does she know about me?"

"Yes, but she knows you as Carly obviously, and she doesn't think you are alive. She has it in her head that you were never found and you were lost forever. That's what we were all beginning to believe. But I'm so glad you are here and happy and you have a beautiful life now."

"It wouldn't be like this without Mandy or Doug adopting me last year. I've only been with them for a year and 2 weeks."

"Well thank you Mandy and Doug for adopting her. I know you are probably thinking that we are going to try and get Becky back in our lives, but we won't. We promise. It's just nice to know she's alive and well. She's your daughter and as long as you look after her, then that's all I want."

"Thank you for those words Elizabeth. I don't know about my wife, but I was a little worried." My dad said, taking my hand and squeezing it slightly.

"Don't be worried, just imagine it as if we put her up for adoption at birth or put her into the girls home at birth. That's effectively what we did by leaving her on the street. We didn't want to do that Becky, but we had no other option. We planned for a life in New York, but they denied our stay after having you and since you were classified a US citizen we were made to leave you. It's like everything going on now with parents being deported and their children being left. It's horrible and it happened to us. I'm just happy you are where you are in life. Oh and call us Eliza and Alex."

"Thank you, we need to go now, we are going to the court house to have my unofficial Godparents officially become my Godparents and to legally change my name to Becky from Rebecca. Do you mind if I give myself the middle name Carly. Given that's the name you gave me at birth."

"I'd be honoured if you did that Becky. For you to keep your birth name somewhere in your full name. We will leave you to enjoy your birthday. I hope you have a good day and good luck tonight with your performance."

"Thank you bye Eliza, bye Alex. Maybe I can talk to you privately soon, if my parents let me. Bye."

"We would love that. Bye Becky. Bye Doug, bye Mandy and Bye Maribelle." We then hung up.

"Becky, I'm confused who were they?" My sister asked.

"They are my birth parents. So when I was born, they were my parents, but they were made to leave me in New York when they were sent back to England by the government."

"Oh okay. Do you have a second sister?"

"Technically yes, but to me you are my only sister, and I love you so, so much. You are my best friend Mari, and you always will be my best friend and the best little sister ever, well unless mom does have another child but I think it's gunna be just you and me, and I couldn't ask for anything more. I love you all so much. You are my real and true family. My mom, my dad and my sister." I gave them a massive hug, This was my life, my family, my home.

Just Breathe - Adopted by Mandy Gonzalez - COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now