59 - Surgeries

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We arrived at the hospital and Doug carried me through the building. Mandy stroked my head with on hand and held Maribelle's hand with her other. I couldn't believe that this is what had come out of my boyfriend cheating on me. I wondered how he'd react when he realised I was in hospital potentially with a broken wrist. I must have zoned out because the next thing I heard was Mandy trying to get my attention.

"Becky! Becky sweetie, please honey, stop zoning out. Becky!"

"Wait? What? Sorry mom." I looked around and saw myself lying in a hospital bed, my wrist on a little ledge that stopped me from moving it.

"Hi Becky, I'm Dr Johnson and I'll be looking after you for the next few days."


"Can you tell me what you remember happened."

"So I was at the theatre, I saw my boyfriend making out and cheating on me with a fellow cast mate. So I grabbed my phone and ran out the theatre, telling Lauren, who wasn't on today that I was just going to moms dressing room. I got on the subway to 181st and ran to the George Washington Bridge. My legs gave way as I sobbed. I didn't hurt myself then though. I sat against the wall of the bridge in the middle, sobbing. Mom and our onstage sisters all tried to call me and I declined them all. I eventually picked up for dad and spoke to him, mom then came and found me. When I saw her I jumped up, just needing a hug and her support. I ran towards her open arms and either tripped or my legs gave way. I fell to the ground and naturally used my arms to break the fall and stop my head hitting he ground. In return I cashed at my legs, sliced my hands on what I assume is glass that was there, and really hurt my wrist. I can't move it so I think it may be broken, but I don't really know much other than that it kills."

"Thanks Becky. We are going to x-Ray your arm first and while that's going though and being processed we will do a scan on your whole body to look closer at the cuts. By looking at it you will need stitches and we may have to put you under general anaesthetic for it though." I look up at Mandy worried.

"Will I still be able to do Hamilton with rehearsals starting in November?"

"Potentially, But it depends on how bad it is. It can take anything from 2-6 months for a wrist to heal, depending on if it's a sprain or a break. I begin to tear up and the tears fall from my eyes.

"I've put everything into that show. I don't have an education because of this show. This show is my education! I've trained and rehearsed so much to make my official debut on my birthday."

"Shhhhh Becky, it'll be okay sweetie. You aren't going to be allowed to dance at all, we can still do vocal stuff though and run through steps slowly. You will be alright baby girl."

"Okay, thank you mama." I'm wheeled into a large white room and an X-Ray was taken off my arm. I then had scans done of my cuts. Once back in my room i took a deep breath from having fast breaths the whole time I was out. I needed to have my mom there, or my dad. I hated not having one of them by my side, especially when like this. "Mommy." I whimpered. "I can't do this, it all hurts so much."

"Shhh baby, you'll be fine. Trust me. You will get through this and I know you can because you are so strong and so fearless. You're the most fearless person I know Becky. And I so incredibly proud of you."

"Ummm." I say not believing anything she said to me.

"Okay Becky, we are going to have to put you under general anaesthetic for the stitches. You won't be able to feel anything during the surgery but you won't be put to sleep. If you can get to sleep that will be good for you because you won't have to see what's happening."

"Alright, can I quickly see dad and Mari first?"

"Sure." The one of the nurses heads out and then comes back in with my little sister and father.

"Hey daddy. I just wanted to say I love you and that I'll see you on the other side. Thank you for calling mom and then coming to get me, you're the best."

"I love you too princess. And you will be fine. I promise you, you'll be free of cuts and you'll have a cast, just like Evan Hansen! And we can all sign it if you want!"

"Yeah. I want you all to sign it, and Chris and Karen and Lin and my Hamilton sisters and all the people I love."

"We will sis. I love you so much Becky, you are the best sister in the world and I'm so glad you came into my life. I love you beyond words and I hope you get better soon."

"Thanks Mari." I held by non potentially broken hand out and she placed hers in it. I squeezed gently and then let go. "You're the best little sister I could ask for. I love you so much and I'll see you after the surgeries."

"Yeah. Okay. I love you more than you can imagine." She kissed my cheek and I giggled lightly. They then had to all leave the room and I laid there nervous and was put under the general anaesthetic. I was so tired that I ended up falling asleep.

Just Breathe - Adopted by Mandy Gonzalez - COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now