26 - Sunday

66 8 0

February 18th 2018

I sat in the chill out area waiting for the show to end so I can go on my date with Josh. I was really excited. It was my first proper date with anyone. They all came off stage and I pulled Mandy right into her dressing room. "Becky, Hun, calm down. What's up?"

"I'm not going home with you. I'll be home by 11. I love you, bye mom." I kissed her cheek and turned to leave. She grabbed my arm and turned me to face her again. I looked down at the floor then up at her.

"Becky. What's going on? You can't expect me to just let you be home by 11 and not tell me where you're going."

"Umm, josh asked me on a date." I whispered.

"My baby girl's got a date. I'm so happy for you princess." She gave me a massive hug and I hugged her back.

"I love you Angelica Schuyler."

"I love you too Peggy." I giggled at her response.

"Don't tell anyone. We want to keep whatever we are quiet around the theatre. Ant knows because he saw us when went out on Wednesday."

"But you were just getting drinks, that doesn't mean anything. Well unless and saw you kiss." She began giggling and I pulled out of her arms and began to walk off, a frown on my face. "Wait Becky. Im sorry mija."

"I'm sorry mom. I didn't really plan on us kissing, but he kissed me first and it felt so right that I gave him a second one. I know I shouldn't kiss a guy when it's not even a date but yeah. I'm sorry, I'm a let down of a daughter."

"Sweetie. You are not a let down at all. I'm genuinely so happy for you. It's clear you kids like one another. Although if you don't want people to know, tone down the flirting backstage. It's quite obvious." I finally giggle at that. "but the way you look at each other, it's magical. It's the same way Doug and I looked at each other when we were your age."

"Oh Okay. Thanks mama. Oh and can you just tell Doug that I'm with one of my friends from the orphanage. I don't want him to know just yet."

"Alright princess. Remember Home at 11. Doug will be asleep probably but I'll be up, you have a key just in case don't you."


"And you know which subway to get to and from where."

"Yes mom. Stop stressing. I'll keep you updated anyway. I need to go. I love you mom. If you need anything just text me, Alright. Give Mari a goodnight hug and kiss from me, I may call at some point to wish her a goodnight."

"Alright sweetie. Home at 11, have a good evening mija. I love you lots." She gave me a hug and kiss and I picked up my things again.

"Night mama. I'll see you by 11. Now get out of that damned corset you crazy woman." She laughed at both me and herself. I opened her door and she called me back.

"Becky," I turned my head. "Josh is a very lucky guy." I smile at her and head out the door. I ran down to the stage door and found Josh waiting for me.

"What took you so long Gorgeous? I had to get changed and everything."

"My mom!" I rolled my eyes. "That woman won't shut up!" Josh laughed and smiled at me. "So you ready to go. I'm excited to see where we're going."

"Yep. We need to go out the back door. Stage door is so busy today."

"Alright." We walked around the building to the back door and out onto the New York streets. Once down a few streets a felt his hand brush against mine a few times. I looked around, checking none of the cast were near us, then I took his hand in mine interlocking our fingers. He looked at me and smiled.

"Have I told you how beautiful you look today?" I giggled softly.

"Yes, three times. Once when you arrived, once at intermission and once just now."

"Oh. Well you do look beautiful, you look beautiful every day." I blushed massively.

"Well you look pretty handsome and very attractive today."

"Thanks." He squeezed my hand a little and I squeezed his back. He lead me to this little Italian restaurant. "I hope you like Italian."

"I love Italian. Oh and just reminding you, home by 11." I responded as we walked in. We were seated at this little table in the far corner. "I'm glad we're back here. Means Ant won't see us like he did on Wednesday."

"What he saw us?"

"Yeah, he walked passed exactly as we kissed."

"Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry Becky. I never meant for him to find out."

"Hey, Joshy. It's okay, he's kept quiet about it which I'm thankful for and he doesn't know about tonight."

"Okay. If he ever gets on your nerves I can set him straight. Probably easier for me to."

"My moms got it. Well once I tell her. She thinks I'm out with a friend right now. But yeah, I may tell her tomorrow, not sure yet. Are you okay with me telling her, and possibly Lexi and Joanna if you don't mind. They are still like big sisters to me, and it's been hard keeping it from them."

"You can tell whoever. I'll keep quite on my end then only people you tell will know."


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