50 - Blackout

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"Becky honey." I could feel my mom shaking me but I couldn't respond. I sob into her dress as she tried to help. It was the picture. The painting dad must have quickly put together. It was just so beautiful. A painting of Lexi, Mom and I in the dresses. I don't know how he did it in such a short space of time either. I continued to sob until I felt another arm go around me.

"Sweet heart? Are you alright?" I kept sobbing unable to speak or say anything. I knew my dad was there beside me.

"Of course she's not alright Douglas!" Mandy said sternly. "Go take her to bed, I'll sort Maribelle out and I will be there in a minute." I felt her kiss my forehead and then let go of me.

"Please be okay sissy, I love you." I heard my little sister say. God I loved her so much. I felt my dad lift me and soon I was on my bed, head on his lap, facing him, sobbing into his leg.

"Becky?" He said softly. "Please be okay baby girl." I nodded against him, beginning go get control back. "Are you okay Becky?" He asked. I was able to adjust my head and open my eyes.i looked at my father and everything rushed back to me.

"Daddy?" I whispered. He rubbed my back soothingly.

"I'm here princess. It's okay. Do you know what happened?"

"Not really Daddy. I know I saw the painting and I blacked out."

"Okay honey." He rubbed my back soothingly and I smiled at him.

"Is she alright?" I heard Mandy say as she walked in.

"Mama?" I said quietly.

"Yes princess. I'm right here for you baby girl. I'm not going anywhere Mija." She massaged my shoulders gently and I smiled. After a few minutes I rolled over and faced her. "Hey, baby girl. How are you feeling?"

"Better. I think." She kissed my forehead and I smile. My tears stop as Mandy brushes my cheek. "Thank you. I have the worlds best parents."

"And we have the worlds best daughters. We love you both so much." Doug said, his hand resting on my shoulder, rubbing it softly. I held my moms hands and she gently squeezed them.

"I think I'm okay now." I push myself up and a rush of light headedness, my arms giveway and I collapse back onto my dad's lap. "Why." I scream as I burst into tears. I bury my head into my dad's lap and sob.

"Shhhh, Becky. Calm down, it's okay. We're here, always." Mandy says running her hand through my hair.

"Mama, Daddy." I whimper. Doug keeps his hand on my shoulder and rubs it still.

"Shhhh, sweetie, we are here." I head from Doug."

"I'm sorry mama. I'm sorry Daddy. I wish I could just be normal for you both. I wish I didn't Blackout and become so weak because of something so beautiful." I wipe my eyes. "I loved your painting Daddy. So so much. It was beautiful, I don't know how you had time since Friday night to do it? I'm so sorry it caused me to collapse Daddy." I rolled over again and wrapped my arms around him. "I love you daddy. I'm so sorry."

"Don't be sorry princess. I'm glad you liked the painting. I worked on it on Saturday when you had your two show day. That's when I did it."

"But I'm breaking down over it Daddy. I shouldn't be like this. I'm a mess." I cry out.

"Honey, it's okay. Listen, I don't mind that you're breaking down. I just want you to be okay, I want you to be safe baby girl. And I'm sure your mother would agree with me."

"Yes, I only want you to be okay Becky. If you try to sleep, maybe you'll be okay in the morning honey. You're tired and emotionally confused right now. Get some sleep and we'll see how you are in the morning." I nod against Doug's lap. He gently lifts my torso, allowing him to get out from under my head. He gently laid me back down and smiled at me.

"Daddy, can you get my PJs they are in my closet in their usual spot, can I have the In The Heights top and the black shorts?"

"Of course." He quickly grabs them and comes back to me. "Here you go princess. Have a good nights rest, I'll see you in the morning baby girl, I'm not working and you don't have to be at the theatre so I was wondering if you wanted to have a Daddy, daughter day and you can come do some fun painting in the studio. Just us, How does that sound?"

"It sound perfect. Thank you Daddy. Goodnight." He kissed my forehead and smiled at me.

"Goodnight Becky." He leaves the room and Mandy helps me change.

"Sorry you have to do this mama." I frown that I'm having my mom change me into PJs.

"It's okay Becky, you need help, your body's too weak right now. I hope you will be okay for tomorrow."

"Me too."

"I'll let you get some sleep baby. Goodnight Becky. I love..."

"Mommy." I cut her off. "Can you stay here with me tonight? Just incase." I look up and into her eyes, hoping she will.

"Of course I can. I'll go get dressed and say goodnight to Doug and then I'll be back." I mood and she stands and leaves the room. About 10 minutes later she comes back and climbs into bed with me.

"Thank you mama. I love you. Goodnight." I weakly wrap my arms around her torso and rest my head on her chest.

"Goodnight Becky. I love you too." She wrapped her arms protectively around me and  kissed my forehead. I close my eyes and finally drift off to sleep, knowing I have the most supportive parents ever.

Just Breathe - Adopted by Mandy Gonzalez - COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now