41 - Lin

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We all stood onstage as Lexi did the ending gasp. The audience cheered and I realised that I had just made my Broadway Debut in Hamilton. It was crazy. I loved every moment of it. I had to rush down the stairs and went and stood next to Mandy as Joanna always did and held her hand, she quickly kissed the top of my head before we lifted our arms and bowed. Then pointed to the conductor and then did two more bows. It was so surreal. We all took a step back and Lin ran onstage causing a massive scream. He was holding a bunch of yellow flowers and picked up a microphone from our conductor.

"Hello, hello, hello." Lin cheered in his usual way. The audience was still on there feet cheering wildly. "Okay can I make one request that for a few moments we stop cheering and I can say a few words." Mom and I were still holding hands where everyone else had let go. "Okay so obviously I want to thank y'all for coming to see Hamilton tonight, we hope you enjoyed our history making show. But tonight even more history was made on this stage. To get to be part of the company of Hamilton you have to be 18 or older. Which almost all of these guys are. Josh is the youngest of the company, having turned 18 in January, and made his Laurens/Phillip debut tonight. But due to circumstances Joanna couldn't come on as Peggy/Maria tonight. You may have seen an unfamiliar name on your slip of who's performing tonight. That Being Becky Melini-Gonzalez." I was already in tears and I tried to wipe them away subtly. "Our dearest little Becky is only 17 years old and last year was adopted by our amazing Mandy Gonzalez and her husband, who is here tonight. She came and helped us backstage, and after hearing her sing a little and seeing her dance when no one else was onstage I offered her the opportunity to learn the Peggy/Maria track in the hope I'd get to cast her in November. She had very few rehearsals prior to this and they weren't full day rehearsals, this is an hour or two a week sitting with Alex Lacamoire learning the songs. Joanna taught her all her Choreography. When Joanna came up sick at 6:30 this evening we had no understudies, ones on vacation and one had already called in sick. With the last minute decision, Becky was set to make her Broadway and Hamilton Debut. She's in Joanna's costumes as she hasn't had her own made yet, so aren't measured to her size. She's never had a dress rehearsal except wearing a dress for a few hours this afternoon, at that point not expecting her to go on. She's been an absolute star to work with and I'm so proud of her for all the hard work she's put in to be suddenly making her Broadway debut with 30 minutes notice. So as I said history was made because she is the youngest person to perform in Hamilton, and in a principle role. Unless a situation like this happens again, we aren't allowed to have her perform between now and November 30t due to the contract we've been set by our producers. But I'm excited to make her officially part of the Hamilton Broadway Company. So to end my speech I want to say congratulations Becky. You were incredible tonight and I can't wait to see you perform again." He walked over to me and took my other hand and pulled me front and centre. I was wiping my tears away and smiling so wide at the same time. "Take a bow Becky." He whispered. I did just that and got another massive cheer. Lin handed me the flowers and gave me a massive hug.

"Thank you Uncle Lin. I whispered into his ear. Thank you for this opportunity. Can I say a few words?"

"Go ahead kid, take it away."

Just Breathe - Adopted by Mandy Gonzalez - COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now