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Lin handed me the microphone and I looked out into the audience as he stood behind and to the side of me. "I just wanted to say thank you to all of you for coming and watching tonight. I know I wasn't as good as you'd expect but as Uncle Lin, as I call him, said, I've only been doing this a few months. I've not had any formal rehearsals really. I got to wear the Schuyler Sisters dress a little bit today, but that's all I've done costume wise, and it's a lot harder in heavy dresses and corsets! I want to thank my mom and dad. They've been there every step of the way for me. From when I joined their family last October, right though til now. And I know they will continue to support me and my dreams forever." I turned and saw my mom with tears down her cheeks. I ran up to her and took her hand bringing her to the front of the stage. "This woman, who I'm both proud and honoured to call my mom off stage and now my big sister onstage, has changed my life forever. I wouldn't be here today without her." I turned to face her. "I love you mom. So, so much." She nodded and kissed my forehead before wrapping her arm around me. "Dad, I don't know what to say, but thank you so much. I know when I first became part of your family you were very against me, you didn't want to adopt me. I'm so happy you do now accept me as your eldest daughter. We have good times and bad times but right now, I just hope I'm making you proud daddy." I stopped and took a deep breath. "Chris, Karen, Lin. Thanks for being there for me. Auntie Karen and Uncle Chris, thank you for coming tonight. It means a lot to me and you are the best unofficial uncle and aunt I could ever have. My sisters Lexi, Joanna and Mandy. Thank you for taking the time out of your days to rehearse with me. To teach me the choreography to help me learn the score. I love the bond the four of us have despite our age differences between us all. I'm just going to point out, the age difference between Joanna and I is smaller than that of Mandy, my mom, and Joanna." She ruffled my hair and I giggled at her. I held my hand out to Lexi for her to take and she stood beside me. "I know it's weird that my moms best friends are my best friends but even though I'm younger you've accepted me into the trio of Schuyler Sisters and we are more of a quartet. Joanna, I hope you feel better soon and also Anthony who's like a big and protective but funny older brother to me, I hope you get better soon as well. Uncle Lin, thank you for the opportunity of a life time. I hope I do you proud and don't let you down. Um, Josh. I love you so much. I can't believe you got to debut Laurens/Phillip the same day I got to debut as Peggy/Maria. Thank you for your support, I appreciate it babe." There were a few awwws from the audience as I smiled over at him. "Finally my best friend in the world. The kid who keeps me going. The girl who inspires me to stay Fearless. The most incredible little sister I could ever ask for. Maribelle. I love you so much. I want you to know that you can do anything you set your mind to. If you work hard you can chase the dreams you've always had in your creative and imaginative little head. Thank you from the day I first met you for always being there for me to cuddle and talk to. Finally all the cast and crew, thank you for making my dreams come true. To anyone out there who may be an orphan, you can do anything you set your mind to. I've been in an orphanage all my life until October and then my family changed my life forever. You will find a family and everything will be okay. I promise you all. Dream Big, Work Hard, You got this. Thank you all for an amazing Debut." The crowd erupted into applause and I smiled wide and took another bow.

"I'm so proud of you Becky. So so so proud to call you my daughter."

"Thanks mom." I gave her a massive hug as she kissed my forehand. We headed offstage and Mandy immediately hugged me so tightly I thought I was going to explode. When she let go I gasped for air. "Can I go speak to Joshy?"

"Of course you can princess. Get dressed afterwards and you can head home with dad and Mari."

"Alright, I love you mama."

"I love you too baby." She kissed my forehead and I gave her a final hug before heading to Josh's dressing room.

Just Breathe - Adopted by Mandy Gonzalez - COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now