10 - Surprise

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Maribelle and I sat on the floor as Mandy and Doug sat on the couch, in each other's arms. They were very cute together, they also had very different personalities and different feelings towards me. I started with Maribelle's present. I unwrapped it to find a photo album. It had a gorgeous silver and white cover saying 'sister' in the centre of a heart made of other words. I opened it to see it filled with a few photos of us. Whenever we went out as a family to do something, the two of us always took loads of photos together, we had a very photogenic sisterhood and we captured every moment. "This is beautiful Mari. Thanks sis." I gave her a hug and put it to one side. The next one from her was a frame that said 'there's no better friend than a sister, and there's no better sister than you.'

"This next one is from dad and I." Mandy said passing me a package. I knew it was some form of clothing fro the feel of it. Inside the present as the Hamilton NYC jumper I wanted when I saw the show and a Schuyler Sisters top.

"Thanks Mandy, Thanks Doug. I love these." I then opened the next one that was the Hamilton wall calendar. "June is my favourite photo." I smiled before even opening it.

"Why's that?" Doug asked.

"Because is a photo of the woman who changed my life." I stood up and gave Mandy a huge hug. After a short while I sat back down.

"Next one is from me princess." Mandy smiled. I opened it to reveal another T-Shirt. This time with the Fearless Squad logo that I helped design with her.

"It looks so cool. I love how the design worked out. Thanks Mandy. Am I allowed to wear it out today or do I have to wait?"

"You can wear it today. I have to go get one more present from my room, go change if you want." I jump up and run into my room. I put on a pair of black high waisted jeans and the top. I head back out to see Mandy already back. "Becky you look so good in it. My favourite squadkick." I smiled at her.

"Thanks Mandy." I pick up the envelope and looked at it. I carefully opened it. There was a little letter in there.

Happy 17th birthday sweet heart. I know the last 17 years have been rough, but I hope from now on they will be incredible. Since adopting you last month you've brought so much joy to our house. You've been there to look after and entertain Maribelle. You've helped me with things for my album and the Fearless Squad, and you've even helped Doug in ways you probably don't realise. I wanted to surprise you with something really special on your birthday. So you can now take out what's in the envelope.

Love Mom, (Mandy).'

I opened the envelope and saw the Hamilton logo on a pouch. I opened it and found 7 tickets in there. "Wait who's coming."

"Jodie and your five friends from the orphanage that you told me about."

"Wait are you serious? How did you do that? They live all over the country."

"I'm serious, I spoke to Jodie who gave me the contact numbers and I spoke to them and they let the girls come. You are having a sleepover tonight with all of them."

"Oh my gosh." I started crying. "Thank you so much Mandy. I love you." I jumped onto the couch and gave her a giant hug that I never wanted to let go of.

"Aww don't cry baby girl. I just wanted to make this the best birthday ever for you. And by the look of it, I think I've done just that."

"You really have. Can I invite them onstage, meet some of the cast. Oh can I say Hi to James, he's funny. Oh and your sisters."

"Of course you can honey. Also, we are starting your official vocal lessons next week. Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. Wednesdays will be with an external coach. I'm going to vary it each week, so someone from a different show or a professional coach, one of my friends. Just so you don't have it with me all the time. You need to learn from multiple people, and not your mom."

"Wow. Okay. Anything else I need to know about my life as a performer now." I giggled a little. "What about school. I've not been since you adopted me. But I only went to theatre classes anyway."

"Yeah, I've pulled you out. That's why you didn't go."

"Oh Okay. Mari, come up here." I pat the couch beside me. I lean against Mandy and Maribelle leans against me. Doug leans on the other side of Mandy. We have a family cuddle and I get to choose what to do. I decided to watch something and I find the DVD Mandy has of the In The Heights Documentary. I put it in but didn't show the others. I sat back in the huddle that was my family and clicked play. Mandy looked at me as she recognised the intro immediately.

"Really Becky."

"It's my favourite thing to watch. I can practically quote it. Now let's cuddle up and watch."


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Just Breathe - Adopted by Mandy Gonzalez - COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now