Chapter 3- Pinkie's New Pinkie Sense and Stupid Dares

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Previous part:
"I like--"

"I like.........Scootaloo!" Spike said really fast then cover his mouth. They all gasp "whoa! I didn't expect that" pinkie said "then what did you expect?" Spike ask "I thought if you don't like rarity you like amber" twilight said "amber? Seriously?" Rainbow said "what? Something wrong about that?" Twilight said "nothings wrong" rainbow said "well shall we continue the game?" Rarity ask "y-yeah! We should!" Spike said wanting to change the topic " well its your turn spike" apple jack said "OK..... Truth or dare to hmmm..... Rainbow!" Spike said "truth! No! I mean dare!" She said " well then I dare you to ummm huh? Ah! I dare you to tell us how you feel about....." Spike paused "about who?" Rainbow ask "Twilight!" Spike said with a grin in his face "yeah rainbow tell us!" Pinkie said, the rest look at rainbow as she blush hard enough more than spike blushed"is somepony blushing?" Pinkie teased "no! No I'm not!" Rainbow said "cmon rainbow your blush is more redder than mine" spike said "yeah your face color doesn't match with your cyan color anymore" aj said "cmon rainbow tell us" fluttershy said " twilight dear? Are you OK? You seemed to be blushing too like rainbow" rarity said knowing twilight is awfully quite and blushing hard "wha- oh I am fine!" Twilight said "ok then dear" rarity said "back with dash" aj said "so dash? What's the answer?" Spike ask "nothing I feel nothing!" Rainbow answer still blushing "cmon I can tell your lyin'" aj said "yeah, your still blushing hard" fluttershy said "now rainbow just tell it, we won't make fun of you" rarity said wanting to know her answer "I told you! I feel nothing!!" Rainbow said blushing even more "rainbow just tell it already!" Spike said getting tired of her lies "rainbow just--" pinkie was cut off when she start vibrating while her heart pound really fast "w-w-whoa! I f-f-fee-l w-ie-r-r-d!!" Pinkie said with a vibrating voice "whoa! Pinkie what is happening to you?!" Fluttershy ask concern "pinkie are you alright?!" Rarity ask "y-yep! Ne-v-ver bet-t-ter!" Pinkie answer suddenly she stop "oh hey! What do you know? I stop! And most surprisingly I have a new pinkie sense!" She added leaving the rest in shock "a a new sense??" Fluttershy ask "what sense is that?" Aj ask "a sense that can tell me that somepony is in love with another pony!" Pinkie explain " a a new love sense?!" Rainbow ask "yep!" Pinkie answer "well have ya know who the hey are those ponies are?" Aj ask "not yet, but I know where they are" pinkie said looking over at rainbow with a smirk on her face "then where they are??" Rarity ask "only in this room" pinkie said still looking at rainbow with a smirk "only in this room? Well I think who it is..." Spike said looking over at rainbow with the same look as pinkie "who?" Ask rarity " I'll make it like this...... Her name starts in letter "R"" spike said "there's two names who start in "R" here" aj said "lemme finish first...... Her first name starts in "R" and ends in letter "W" in her second name starts in letter "D" and it ends in letter "H"....get it??" Spike ask "say what??" Twilight ask not getting what spike said, as it leaves for rainbow she felt sweaty and nervous "hah! Starts in "R" end in "W" and second starts in "D" and ends in "H"? Well I think I know!" Pinkie said with a smirk suddenly she start vibrating again while her heart pound. "H-e-e-y! A-a-no-t-the-r po-n-ies!" Pinkie said with a vibrating voice then she stop, "say what now??" Rainbow said " I said two more ponies like each other and only in this room...... But I already figure out who's the first couples" pinkies said with a smirk "oh! Who are they?" Fluttershy ask "what I said earlier.... About what her name start and what letter it ends" spike said "oh my! I think I know! But who does she like??" Rarity ask "I bet its twilight" spike said "what? What makes you say that spike?!" Twilight ask "I just notice it about dash" spike said "oh yeah! Also me!" Pinkie said "woah there! I don't act anything strange! I act just normal!" Rainbow said "ha really? Like the time you and twilight was sent to the wonderbolts ya got really excited.... But when you and pinkie was sent to your friend's place named gilga ya weren't excited" aj said "oh yeah! You even want twilight to go with me and not you" pinkie said "ok ok fine! Can we just continue on the game?" Rainbow said wanting to end the conversation "ok..... The answer?" Spike ask "wait! Were still into that?!" Rainbow ask "yep! Ya haven't answer it yet" aj said "wait! I already answer it! I said I feel nothing!" Rainbow said starting to blush "fine! But we know you do! Your still blushing.... But let's get It over with her answer, its your turn rainbow" spike said " ok umm truth or dare to....aj?" Rainbow said "dare!" Aj said with a daring look "hehehe you ask for it.....I dare you to.." Rainbow paused "dare me to what?" Aj ask while rainbow had a smirk on her face "wait! What are you plannin'?!" Aj ask "I dare you to KISS rarity!" Rainbow said "say what?!" Aj and rarity said in unison " how dare you?!" Aj said "why am I even on her dare?!its her dare!" Rarity said "hey! Thanks for the support!" Aj said "well you don't have to kiss her..... Kiss spike instead" rainbow said with a proud look "what?!" Spike and aj said in unison "why me?!" Spike ask "well since aj don't want to kiss rarity she had to kiss you instead" rainbow said "cmon!!" Aj said "you have two choices... Kiss spike? Or kiss rarty?" Rainbow ask as aj blush "I uh I rather uh kiss um uh...rarity?" Aj said "then do it" rainbow said then aj went to rarity to kiss her.

Heya readers! Sorry for not updating for a bit long I got a bit writers block... Well see ya guys next time!!
I might take a while to update

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