Chapter 25- Accident

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Days passed rainbow is allow to leave the hospital. She went home straight and still remain locked inside her house.

Two days away and its Pinkie's birthday, she was so excited and couldn't hold but prepare her invitations and stuff for her party. She invited everypony in ponyville even the princesses.

Skip To Pinkie's Birthday>>>
The day had come, ponies gathered in the town hall. "Ladies and gentle colts! Thank you all for coming, this day, we are celebrating somepony's special day! The pony who give happiness, joy and smiles in our own beloved town! Let's all hear it for our one! The only one! Our Party Pony Pinkie Pie!" The mayor said as pinkie came out and pop her canon "ARE YOU PONIES READY TO PARTY?!" she ask as ponies yell and cheer in excite.

Pinkie's friends are having the best night of their life. "Pinkie!" Her friends called out "hey sugar cube! Happy birthday!" Aj said "happy birthday darling!" Rarity said "happy birthday pinkie!" Twilight said "hey pinkie! Happy birthday!" Starlight said "pinkie! Nice party! Happy birthday!" Trixie said "hey pinkie! Happy birthday!" Fluttershy said and kiss pinkie in the cheeks "thanks guys! Ya know what? Were not complete yet!" Pinkie said which got the others confuse "what do you mean pinkie? Everypony is here, the princesses, zecora, the kids, your family, the cake family and everypony else!" Twilight said "oh, someone it still coming, hope so she does come!" Pinkie said.

•With Rainbow•

Rainbow was just lying on her bed, feeling lonely. Her thought were interrupted when some pony just knocked on her door, she hopped out of her bed and went down to check who it was, when she open the door she saw Nopony, she was about to close the door but a piece of paper caught her eye "huh? Who could of left this here?" She ask and picked it up. She went back up stairs and read it "whose this from?" She ask and saw it was from pinkie, she began to read it, it said:

Dear Rainbow Dash,

          How are ya doing?! Heard the news about ya! Anyways!! In case you forgot its my birthday today!!! I'm inviting you and so does everypony in ponyville, I know you don't wanna come for some reason, I know the reason! I just want you and twilight to comeback! I miss TWIDASH!!!! I WANT TWIDASH BACK!!!!----

"Wait! What the hey is twidash?!"

   ---Silly! Its a ships name of you and twilight!!! By the way! I'm sorry from saying mean stuff about you and soarin, but hey! PINKIE SENSE!!! YOU TWO BROKE UP BECAUSE OF SPIT FIRE!!!!----

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