Chapter 14- Meeting Meeting

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Twilight woke up in the sounds of her alarm clock, twilight press the button as it get shut, twilight yawn and got off of her bed and went to her bathroom and took a bath, after she took a bath she brush her teeth and mane and went out and went to the dining room "good morning princess twilight!" A mare unicorn said "good morning too" twilight said back "here's your pancakes princess! Princess cadence said you love pancakes so we made our best pancakes for you!" The unicorn said and put a plate with pancakes on it with a syrup and a cheese on top in the middle and strawberries around at the plate "oh wow! Thank you so much!" Twilight said as she sit down "your welcome princess!" The unicorn said "what is your name by the way?" Twilight ask " its Amber Jewel your highness(my oc)" amber answer "oh, what a nice name" twilight said "thank you princess" amber thanked when suddenly princess cadence came in, amber bow and step aside "good morning princess cadence" amber said "good morning too" cadence said back "good morning twilight! Did you like their pancakes?" Cadence ask "yeah, so delicious!" Twilight said then another mare unicorn came and gave cadence a tea "thank you!" Cadence thanked as the unicorn bow and walk away. Twilight and cadence talk when it was almost ten. "We Better get ready for the meeting" cadence said as twilight nod and both of them walk out of the dining room and head to their room.

Skip to the meeting>>>
•at the meeting room•
Twilight came in the room to see the other princesses, celestia was standing next to the white bord and cadence and Luna are sitting "ah! Twilight! Pls take a sit so we can began the meeting" celestia said as twilight sat down next to cadence "so, all we need is to make something that the visitors would like, in every top places here in Equestria" celestia said " so your saying that Crystal Empire, Canterlot, Ponyville, Manhattan, and Cloudsdale should have something for the visitors?" Ask Luna " yes indeed, they will visit all those place that you just said. Since they are the top great places" celestia said "where is their first stop?" Twilight ask "at canterlot then to ponyville next is Cloudsdale then to Manhattan then lastly is crystal empire" celestia said "OK, then what is it that we are suppose to do?" Cadence ask " something entertaining would do" Twilight said "not a bad idea twilight! Something like that" celestia said "well ponyville have some ponies who could help, and ponyville' s no.1 Magician" twilight said "wait you have a magician?" Ask Luna "yeah" twilight answer "since when? " ask cadence "a bit long ago, she already had plenty of shows in ponyville. Ponyville hated her before when I was just a unicorn, the reason ponyville hated her is because she did some evil stuff but she change" twilight said.

~im a bit lazy right now~
"OK everypony, that's all for today. You can spend the whole afternoon" celestia said as all of the them head out, twilight went to the balcony to look at the whole Crystal Empire "ah! Finally the meeting was done" twilight said when suddenly flash went to the balcony too "hey twilight! Nice to see you again!" Flash said, twilight turn around "oh hey flash!" Twilight said sounding annoyed again "you look tired, I guess that meeting was tiring ha?" Flash ask "why don't you come with me? I know a place that you could relax!" Flash said as he was about to grab twilight's hoof, twilight look down to see flash's hoof was almost to hers, twilight raise her hoof abit in her chest level "uh, no thanks!" Twilight said as she starts walking in " wait! Maybe we could ya know, go out together?" Flash said, twilight rolled her eyes annoyed and turn around to flash "didn't you heard me yesterday?! I said I'm with somepony! I'm dating somepony!" Twilight said with a glare and a annoyed look and sounding annoyed, twilight walk out of the palace and went to a cafe.

Twilight enter the cafe and sit down and a waitress came "good afternoon princess twilight! What can I get you?" The unicorn mare ask "I'll just have one juice and a sandwich pls" twilight said as the unicorn wrote it down "OK princess, your order will be serve in 10mins" the unicorn said and bow and walk away. After 10mins twilight's order had arrived, she ate quietly and when she finish she head back to the palace and took a rest.

•Next Day•Morning•
Twilight was walking around the halls, she reach the meeting room and sat down, after a couple of minutes they began. "OK everypony! It looks like our plans for the visitors are going well, and we only have 3more days!" Celestia said happily "So cadence? Have you think of anything that the visitors would like?" Ask celestia "yes, the crystal ponies will perform and when they do sunburst will cast a spell to make sparkle rain, when it does the crystal heart will of course spin fast by it self and make everypony a crystal ponies with sparkles around ponies" cadence explain "but it still need more" cadence added "well that could do, and amazing" celestia said "Luna? How's your plan for the Manhattan?" Celestia ask "well, since Manhattan is a place for FASHIONISTAS I have plan that maybe they could make their city more fabulous like them, design around, lights,crystals,ribbon and they will make a fashion show showing their incredible designs" luna explain "not a bad idea dear sister, how about you twilight? Since I have a sign you to Cloudsdale and Ponyville, did you have any idea for it?" Celestia ask "yes I do, I have a sign rarity to decorate ponyville, pinkie will throw a party,fluterrshy's birds will sing, apple jack will make the foods for them Trixie and starlight will perform a magic show and lastly rainbow will perform a sonic rainboom. For Cloudsdale they will show them around the factory on how they make rainbows and they will perform a show for them of each pegasus will show them some stunts and the wonderbolts will perform too!" Twilight explain "oh wow twilight! You seem you really have planned for it!" Celestia said happily.

A/N: I know its boring! Plus the title too. OK that all I could say. See ya guys next time!

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