Chapter 16- Preparing

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After two days everypony start leaving the Crystal Empire. "It was nice to have you all here!"cadence said "yeah, wish we could stay more but sadly we need to prepare" twilight said as the train start moving "bye cadence! It was fun staying here!" Twilight said waving good bye "bye twilight! Take care of your friends and rainbow!" Cadence said while waving bye as well.

After 1week~

After one week twilight told her friends to gather everypony in ponyville at the town hall. She was going to to gave them an announcement. "Alright, thank you everypony for coming" twilight said " I need to tell you something important. I want you all to prepare for the visitors of Saddle Arabia's visit, they will visit our town next month so I'm hoping you all to do your best. Alright, I need 10 ponies to help rarity decorate the whole town tomorrow, rarity will be in charge of putting all of the 10 ponies to do their task of decorating the town. Mr. And Mrs. Cake, if you don't mind making some sweets for them?" Twilight ask "oh, we will deary!" Mrs. Cake said "Trixie? Starlight? Since you two are working together for Trixie's magic show for a long time, i was wondering if you to could perform a magic show for the visitors after they took their lunch at sweet apple acres?" Twilight said "perform a magic show for a special visitors?!? Ah! I would love too!!" Trixie response "great! apple jack will be in charge of their lunch, pinkie will be in charge for the party, fluttershy will be in charge of the songs! And rainbow! Yours is a very important part of all! I want you to make your sonic rainboom perfect!" Twilight added.

After the announcement to Cloudsdale & Ponyville

Twilight went inside her castle and took a rest for a big day of preparing tomorrow "hey twilight! Wanna eat?" Rainbow ask as twilight nod, they both headed to a restaurant and took their lunch together "so, how are things doing with that plans for the visitor's visit?" Rainbow ask starting a conversation and took a bite of her apple "well more harder than I thought" twilight replied. After they took their lunch they decided to hang out by their selves until night fall came.

Rainbow walk twilight to her castle and gave her a goodbye kiss and flew to her home.

•Next Day •{sorry I'm just bored}
It's time for everypony to work, pinkie is being busy planning the best party she could make. Fluttershy is being busy practicing her birds choir singing. Applejack and her family are being busy from making the best food they could make, rarity being busy giving the ponies their task and designing the decors they would use for the decorations in town, Trixie and starlight are being busy practicing their best magic show ever, rainbow practicing flying fast for her sonic boom and twilight checking everything from ponyville to Cloudsdale to see if everything will go as plan and everything perfect.

Everypony took a break. "Hey twilight dear!" Rarity said "oh hey rarity!" Twilight said back "how are things doing?" Rarity ask "its fine, how about the decors?" Twilight ask back as rarity signal her to follow her, rarity led twilight and show her each place of the town was decorated perfectly "well? What do you think dear?" Rarity ask "its perfect!!" Twilight said then apple jack came in "howdy twilight!" Apple jack greet "ah would like you to test our foods if its OK" aj said as twilight nod and follow aj to the apple farm.

Twilight went in the farm to see a long table with a table blanket (sorry don't know what is called) with candles,plates,fork,spoon, and some rose on the table and some fancy chair "what do ya think twilight?" Aj ask "even perfect!" Twilight respond and go to their kitchen to test the foods. Twilight took a food and taste it "love the food!!" Twilight said and eat it all down "your doing great aj! Keep it up!" Twilight said then pinkie came in too "HEY TWILIGHT!!!! NEED YOU TO SEE THE PARTY PLACE ASAP!!!!!!!" pinkie shouted and rag twilight all the way to the party place.

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