Chapter 32- The Child

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Few months had pass, the four was there to help them. But rainbow really didn't thought how it would go as it would be, she hated it, she hate this situation twilight is on. She doesn't want to get slap by twilight's tail anymore, only one month then all this will be done, in case you need to know Trixie and rainbow are both getting slap by their wife.

The rest went to the castle for a little party since they all seen each other only twice a month, "hello everypony!!" Pinkie yell coming in the castle with her pregnant wife fluttershy, and so well rarity and apple jack "hey girls, how are ya?" Twilight ask "doing great darling, although, I never thought going through pregnancy is hard, I don't even think I only had one child in me" rarity said sitting on a chair "same" the rest said "uh rainbow? Why are ya and Trixie had red marks on yer faces?" Aj ask "twilight and starlight kept on slapping their tail on us" rainbow said "and why do you two had some as well?" Trixie ask "well fluttershy sometimes slap her tail on me and her wing..." Pinkie said "by rarity's tail as well" aj answer "never mind this! Let's party!!" Pinkie yell and pop her canon "oh pinkie pls! Keep it a bit quite!!" Fluttershy said a bit annoyed "sorry..." Pinkie mumble.

Few hours of partying the pregnant ponies were just sitting and talking while the rest dance like crazy, "yeah but-- ow!" Twilight said feeling a bit something painful on her stomach "ooh!" Rarity said feeling the same "uh girls?" Fluttershy said looking uncomfortable, rainbow look at twilight and the rest looking so uncomfortable, she stop dancing and went to them "uh, are you guys OK?" Rainbow ask "r-rainbow... " twilight couldn't say anything "apple jack!!!" Rarity yell as aj look at her "what's wrong rare?" Aj ask, the rest went to them then ask same thing but all they did was spoke their names, then suddenly "AAAHHHHH!!!!" They scream "Get us on the hospital now!!!" Starlight yell as the rest start panicking "hurry!!" Fluttershy yell "trixie call the ambulance!" Rainbow yell "I'm working on it!!" Trixie yell back. After ten minutes the ambulance finally came, "quick bring them in now!!" Pinkie said as the rest of the doctors went in and carry them.

•At The Hospital•
At the hospital each couples was in the different rooms with their wife, "breath princess breath" the doctor said as twilight do what he ask while holding rainbow's hoof so tight.

On each room was same thing happening when suddenly "AAAAAHHHH!!!!" they all scream at the same time then crying of babies could be hear in each rooms, then after that they scream again then another crying of a baby was heard. After what happen, the rest fall asleep then the nurses took their children and took them to the nursery. The rest follow the nurse and look at their children as they were place next to the window, "aw! Their adorable" pinkie said "I can see where's your children" rainbow said "is that them?" She ask "bet it is, that little pink pegasus is Party animal and that earthpony is Sweet Pie" pinkie said "how cute! But why they look so like you pinkie?" Trixie ask "I don't know! Must be in the gen" pinkie said "is that yours Trixie?" Pinkie ask pointing to the two unicorns "yes it is, that one is Seraphina Glimmer Moon and that one is Tiana Light" Trixie said "nice name sugar cube" aj said "where's yours aj?" Pinkie ask her "there, that beautiful unicorn is Apple Diamond and that one is Crystal Apple" aj said "cute names!" Trixie said "what about your children's names rainbow? We believe those two fillies with multiple mane colors are yours" Trixie said "yep, that unicorn is Rainbow Sparkle and that pegasus is Sparkle Dash" rainbow said "whoa! Cool names" pinkie said.

•After A Week•
After one week everypony left the hospital with their children. The next day everypony went to the castle to have a little party again with their children. The princesses, twilight's family and flurry heart was in the castle too, the babies were in rainbow sparkle and sparkle Dash's room playing in their bed, it was big enough and surely no one would fall. Rainbow sparkle was sleeping peacefully while wrap with a blanket, "aw they are all adorable" princess cadence said "mommy! Look!" A 5year old flurry heart said "oh its your cousin dear, that's rainbow sparkle" cadence said, then they all saw rainbow sparkle was awaking, when she was fully awake she smile "aaww!!" Everypony said then she laugh, shaking off the blanket showing her alicorn wing, "yeah, I forgot to tell you all that" twilight said looking at the rest shock "she's an alicorn?!" Twilight's mom said shock "yeah.." Twilight answer "this is the second time we seen a filly born as a alicorn " celestia said, rainbow sparkle then flew up, her wing was big as flurry heart's wing while she was a filly too, her sister sparkle dash was reaching out for her, rainbow sparkle use her magic then levitate her sister then rainbow sparkle just sneezed causing everypony to switch places "where am I?! Oh still in the room!" Pinkie said and smile "whoa! She can teleport all of us?!" Starlight ask "well its not shocking for me, if flurry heart sneeze then blast off the ceiling then this one is a bit more normal" cadence said "well, Mr and Mrs cake filly pumpkin can even levitate stuff by her own with no pony teaching her" pinkie said (was pumpkin the mare?), " mama!!" Rainbow sparkle spoke "di-did she just?!" Rainbow ask "her first word!!" Rainbow said then grab rainbow sparkle "mommy!!" Sparkle dash spoke too "don't they grow up so fast" Luna said then they start playing with each fillies.


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