Chapter 42- Truth

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Rainbow's POV~

"What are you guys doing?!" Sci-twi ask shock. Well you should be, who would thought your two friends is doing something unexpected? They are half naked! Rarity had her T-shirt down but still had her bra on, apple Jack's buttons on her shirt is open and her zipper is too.

"What they hey?! Why are you guys half naked?! And.... And like that?!" I ask, they look at each other then look at different directions. Rarity bite her lips below. Seems they were ashamed of what they did. "We..." Rarity started but look at apple jack first, she nod. "We..." Rarity repeat and took a deal breath "me and apple Jack are dating around months for now, we didn't tell you all because we were scared that you all might hate us and won't accept us for being together and will avoid us" rarity explain, by the sound of her voice she is about to cry. "We didn't mean to hide it forever" she added.

I sigh, "I think you should explain to the others about this, we'll give you time to get ready" I said "they deserve to know, they are still your friends. Might as well tell them the truth before they knew it by their selves" sci-twi said and nod at me telling me to leave the two, when i seem to get it and closed the door and walk with her. "What do you think the others would react?" She ask "I don't know but my guess that everything would be fine" I said then she nod.

We got downstairs, the rest was leaning at the sofa, seems their bored. "What's taking them so long?" Pinkie ask, "something needs to be out, they will come her in a minute and had something important to say" I said. They seem to be alarmed about what I said because they suddenly lifted their heads up and look at me confuse. Me and sci-twi sat down and waited.

About some time rarity and applejack was walking down the stairs, I can tell rarity cried because of her make up ruin around her face, "rarity?" Fluttershy called, rarity lifted her head up and smile "sorry for the wait darlings" she said then her smile fade away. "Me and apple Jack had something to say" she added, "what is it?" Sunset ask. Again, rarity and apple Jack looked at each other before turning to us. "Y-you see dears, me and applejack had been keeping a a secret for a bit long now... And we think its time to tell you all" she said and took another deep breath, "me and apple jack are dating about 5months for now" she said.

I look at the rest's expressions, they are all shock. "We didn't mean to hide to ya all the truth, we just need time to tell ya. We know its been too long but we were scared of yer rejection on us, we were scared y'all leave us, avoid us, hate us, be ashamed that we were your friends" aj said, "but the time princess twilight came and told us about her life and her other friends life we thought that you might accept us, you all did accept her and was interested about her and pony rainbow Dash's love story. And the way we see you all react about it me and apple jack thought that we might be accepted. The ways how you girls want this two to be together?" Rarity point towards the direction of me and sci-twi, "wait what?" Sci-twi ask but she was ignored. "We really did assumed that you girls will accept us" rarity stopped. I saw tears falling from her eyes, "and now that we tell you the truth we hope you won't hate us and accept us for being together" rarity smiled "we really planned to tell you all tonight but we were scared too. But it seems that we've been forced to tell you all the truth even though were still scared" she said, rarity and aj faced both me and sci-twi and smiled. "Were so thankful rainbow and sci-twilight for making us realized that they must need to know" she added and start crying.

The rest was alarmed again and stood up, "its OK guys, we accept you, we a knew that you were dating" sunset said. Rarity and aj look at her confuse "its obvious you are dating, you two had been together lately and we decided to follow you two for once to know the truth, we had known it 3months ago. We slide it out and wait for the two of you to say it by your selves" sunset added "and we do accept you two" fluttershy said with a smile. "Aaaaggghh!" Pinkie yell and made her self fall on the sofa, "finally!" She yell again, "finally you all told the truth to each other! Do you guys even know how hard to hide a secret for months?!" She ask. "Wait you knew?" I ask, she nod "yes I do, rarity and aj told me first and need to keep it a secret until them" pinkie point towards sunset and fluttershy and sci-twi, "until they decided to stalk them, when they knew they were dating they said to keep it all a secret, especially me! I can't just spill out a secret without a permission from the person who own the secret!" Pinkie added.

"Whoa! Hold that thought! So all of you? Knew?! While me?! Don't even know a thing?! About them dating?!" I ask, they look at each other. They look away, sunset was whistling, fluttershy comb her hair with her fingers, pinkie ate a slice of pizza and choke her self purposely, sci-twi pretend reading a book, rarity was putting on foundation... Again, and aj pretend to fix her buttons. Except princess twilight who was really eating and reading. I sigh, "fine then! Its OK, since you all don't even know a secret from me!" I said which made them lift their head and look at me.


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