Chapter 46- Portal To Equestria

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A/N: Read my not below.

Sci-Twilight's POV~

Almost half hour. We've been out here outside the school for almost 1 hour. Rainbow dash haven't came out yet, Princess twilight was watching rainbow dash from the inside using her magic.


"No!" Princess twilight suddenly shout. All of us ran to her and ask, "what happen?" Sunset ask. "Rainbow dash found a portal to equestria.... A-and the s-shadow..." She stutter. "The shadow is with her?!" Rarity ask. "Yes, so we must get in at once!" She said and so we did what she ask us to do. The inside is dark also scary. I heard fluttershy whimpered. We continue walking while princess twilight lead us the way to rainbow dash. "Wait..." She said as we stop, "whatever you do, don't let go of each other. Don't fall for any illusions that we'll encounter, understood?" She ask as we nod at her. "OK, let's go---" she stopped, "where's fluttershy?" She ask looking around, we also did the same. Fluttershy isn't with us, "pinkie darling! Isn't she at your side last time?!" Rarity ask pinkie. "She was but I didn't saw her left my side!" Pinkie said. All of us turn our gaze around in case we might see her.

"Aaaaaahhhh!" Shout someone. "What the hey was that?!" Aj ask. "That's fluttershy!" Shout sunset. When sunset shout we all automatically ran into another hallway. "Fluttershy!" Pinkie shout. "Fluttershy!" Sunset yelled. "Fluttershy! Where you at?!" I yell. "Guys this is no use!" Pinkie said sadly. "Over here!" Princess twilight yell while pointing to another hallway. We all ran to that direction and we saw a room with a bright light from the inside. We all ran more faster to get there, when we did, we all gasp as we all stop in fear. "Let go of me!" Rainbow demand while trying to get out of the shadow's tentacles looking thing around rainbow and fluttershy that was holding them.



Me and pinkie shout at the same time. The shadow turn his gaze on us and smiled. "Why hello everyone" he said. "Princess twilight sparkle" he added. "What do you want?!" Princess angrily ask. "Revenge is what I want!" He said. "Let my friends go! I'm here! Let them go now!" Princess demand. "No!" He shouted as it echoed around the room. "What I want is you, you're pony friends and star swirl!" He yell. "Are you crazy?! We are in the human world! The rest are in equestria!" She said. "And I'm not bringing them here or even let you see them!" She added. The shadow smirked. "Well played. You leave me no choice then. But let me make you choose. Bring me or the rest? Or...." He stopped as his made fluttershy and rainbow closer to the portal of equestria. "They'll get in" he added. All of us frosted in fear and shock. No.

"I..." She started. "Take me instead" she added. "Take me!" She yell. "No!" The shadow yell. "Then what is it that you want?!" Princess ask. "You, you're pony friends and star swirl!" The shadow answer, "or, this two will be pushed to the portal" he added. "I won't bring the others here!" Princess said. What?!

"So be it!" The shadow said and was about to bring fluttershy and rainbow closer to the portal, "Rarity!" Princess shout, as crystal zoom in and cut his tentacles off. Fluttershy and rainbow got out, pinkie and sunset help them. "Agh!" The shadow shout in pain. But not to long, his cut out tentacle grew. He touched rarity's crystal shards that is now stuck on the wall. "Very, very sharp crystal you have there" he said. He used his tentacles to touch it, he then turn to us. "Won't this get beat?" When he said that, he suddenly throw some shards, black shards that grew a bit.

I was not about to move not until I notice its on my direction its heading. I quickly move to the right as I doge it. It hit some piece of my hair that cause to get cut, "whoa!" I shout. "Twilight!" I heard someone shout, I felt a hand on my shoulder as that person help me stood up. Rainbow dash. "You OK?" She ask, I only nod. I turn my gaze, when I suddenly saw a purple fire from princess twilight. "Agh!" She yell, blast out the fire and it hit the portal. A bright light appeared, It made a huge impact which cause all of us to fell on the ground. "Ah!" Someone yell. All of stood up, really felling weak already. "Hmm. Seems you're magic is involving princess" he said, he again threw some black shards at us, but before it hit us, I raise my hand and made a barrier out of purple fire. The ground shake a bit. "He's much more powerful than I imagine..." Princess twilight said. The ground shake again, meaning the shadow is throwing black shards at us.

"Pinkie!" Princess twilight called. "Throw something that will explode at the shadow" she added, "on it!" Pinkie salute. "Twilight, make a hole on the barrier" she said, and so I did. Pinkie went closer to the wall and threw something out. "Agh!" I heard the shadow shout. "Now!" Princess twilight yell. I remove the barrier as rarity threw crystal shards again, pinkie threw something once again. Sunset made a dagger, looking like fire, just like her. Well she is Sunset shimmer.
"Twilight!" Rainbow yell, she ran up to me, hugged me as we fell to the ground. I felt the ground shake again. I open my eyes, I'm in a barrier, cyan color, with yellow electric running around. "Twilight" she called me again, "are you okey? Are you hurt?" She ask me, really worried. "Yes I am, but I'm not hurt too" I said. I felt her hugged got tighter, "r-rainbow..." I said. "You were so out of you're mind that you didn't even notice that the shadow was about to attack you with his black shards" she said. "I thought I almost lost you..."

A/N: So someone just replied to me here on wattpad, last month. That person is clearly one of the readers of this story, well I forgot who was that. So anyways, sorry, I didn't reply, as you can see, my account is not allow to reply in private messages or in anyone's or in my message board.

So here's a way to connect with me, aside here in WATTPAD. You can also chat me in Facebook, 'Elyjah Gayle Pascua' is my name in FB. If you will chat me, better tell if you're a reader of any of my stories. No need to add me, just reply me on messenger.

So to that person who replied on me, well you're idea is great, I would love to get some help when I have writers block.

You see why I only update few times last December, well my inspiration is not with me. What's my inspiration? My Classmates/Friends, I get so many ideas when I'm with them. They are my inspiration on all of my stories.

So anyways, enjoy the chapter! See ya later!

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