Chapter 45- Illusion/Deceived

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Rainbow's POV

Its time. Its time for the battle. We are all in school right now, outside. Its already 11pm in the night. The school seem to change a little. Its dark and scary. The wind is strong. There's black roots that is around the school walls.

"Is this even our school?" Pinkie ask. We can't even recognize the school. It had cracks on the walls, broken windows, dry leafs. It seem like a hunted school. More like hell. "Twilight dear... Is it really the best time?" Rarity ask. "It is. If we won't start now, the school will corrupt." Princess twilight said. "And the portal to equestria... Will be tore apart.." She said sadly. Of course she will, if the portal breaks princess twilight won't be able to go back and it could be the cause of disaster between two worlds. "We must keep this portal safe." Sunset suggested that we all agree. I stare at the school, the roots came from the door to the inside. 'Should I go in?' I thought to my self. I felt someone presence behind me, someone put their hand on my shoulder. "Rainbow? Ready?" Princess twilight ask. I gulped. I am hell not! I sigh. "Yes.. I am" I answer. She nod, as if she's telling me to go in. And so I did. I slowly step closer to the school.

Memories from this school flashed through me. All the happy moments, our happiness, our laughs, our joke, our tears, our bonding, our battles, our sadness and the friendship that we made in this school. I wanna go back in time. I wanna go back to the time we were all happy. Not like this.

I stopped. I'm in front of the door. I slowly touched it, and I open it. Its dark. The hallways is dark. One blinking light at the edge. I slowly step in. I wanna back out!

"Come my dear~" a voice said. What the heck was that?!

"Come closer~"

"Don't be afraid my dear~"

"Step in the darkness, you're safe~"

"Come on now~ You're gonna be fine~"

Don't listen! Don't listen! Don't listen! Remember! Its just trying to trick you. Don't fall for it!

"Rainbow?" A voice of a lady echoed. "Rainbow?" It echoed again. The voice echoed. Until it became clear, "Rainbow?" That voice. It can't be!

"Rainbow?" I turn around. I saw no one but darkness. "Rainbow?" In front of me. But non. "Rainbow?" Where the hell is it?! I felt someone put their hand on my shoulder. I turn around. I almost fell on the ground to see who it was. Mom.

"M-mom?" I said. She smiled at me. This can't be. Mom was gone. This is a joke! "Rainbow, my dear" she said and hugged me. No. No. No. No. Don't fall for it, its just an illusion.

"Rainbow! That's just an illusion! Don't get tricked!"

I snap back in reality. "Come on now my dear, let's go" mom said. She grab my hand but I pulled it away from her. "No" I said. I took a step back, don't fall for his trick rainbow, don't. "Rainbow, its dangerous for you to be alone here" she said. "Trick me all you want! But you won't get the chance!" I almost shout. Mom faded. I sigh in relief, that was close. I continue walking in the dark. Its so quite.

Where the heck am I?! I can't recognize any hallway in here!


Ugh! Jeez, not again.

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