Chapter 49- Possessed

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Rainbow's POV~

"How sweet you guys are having a group hug without me?"

T-that voice. It can't be. She can't be. This can't be!

I turn around and saw Sci-Twilight, or should I say Midnight Sparkle who is mixed with the shadow.

"T-twilight..." Pinkie whispered. "Oh no... Twilight Sparkle is gone everyone. Mhwahaha. And I am back! The one and only, Midnight Sparkle, me!" She said. "Midnight Shadow Sparkle.. Haha!" She laugh.

"You freaking Shadow! Give Twilight back to us!" I yell. "Oh? Why would I? She accepted me in her. That's why I possessed her. Do you all even know? That she had been hiding her anger for a long time? Sadness, anger, jealously, fear. That's what she was feeling when you are a around her. Especially with you!" Midnight pointed towards Princess Twilight. "And you!" She point towards me.

"She hide all the anger and jealously she felt this past few days! You all don't notice at all!" She yell. "Effected?" Princess Twilight ask, "Of course not! Haha! Why would I be? I'm just telling you all, what you all don't know" she flew around us. "Did you know? She is keeping a secret? A very, very private one" she said then smirked.

"What do you want?!" Rarity ask, angrily. "What? Do I want?" She stop in front of us, then she smirked. "Revenge is what I want!" She yell then threw a huge purple fire ball at us. Good thing we were all prepared. "Coward!" Rarity yell at her then attacked her.

All of started attacking her at the same time. But of course, we didn't succeed. She made a huge shield to protect her self. "Ugh! Let go of me!" Sunset yell at her. "Sunset!"

I saw Princess Twilight jump and cut the tentacles that was around sunset and they ran away from her. "Ugh!" She yell in pain. "Rainbow dash!" Someone shout. Before I could turn around someone pushed me and both of us fell on the ground, it was Pinkie. "Why would Twilight hide her emotions from us?" I heard pinkie asked. Even I don't know why. "Wanna know why she hide it?" I heard Midnight ask, "she hide all of her emotions so that one specific person won't notice" she smirked, "who?!" I ask. "Haha! Silly, its you" she said which made me stop, "that's right, it's you. She hide all of her emotions from you. So that is the reason why you didn't know, haha!" She laugh.

Why would she hide her emotions from?

"Aw, thinking why she hide it? Haha!" She laugh. Ugh! Why does she keep laughing?!

"Sorry! I won't tell you ahaha– aw!" Midnight yell. "Ha! Keep laughing! You are more than talkative than I thought! Didn't saw that coming? Did you?" Rarity teased. "Ugh!" Midnight yell as she pull out one crystal shard that was buried in her skin. "You want crystal shards?! Then I'll give you black once!" Midnight yell and did what she said, she the black shards at rarity but rarity blocked it by making a barrier. "Ha! Loser!" Midnight yell at rarity.

Rarity remove her barrier and glared at midnight. "Calling me a loser doesn't make you a winner! Nice try, but try more harder more than ever, b*tch!" Rarity yell which made midnight mad, "burn!" Pinkie shout,"I hate all of you!" Midnight yell again, "Go ahead and hate us to death! But let me remind you something before you die! Hating us, won't make you pretty or powerful!" Rarity smirked. "Solid burn!" Pinkie shout again, "solid burn? Want to get burn?!" Midnight ask, but she quickly made a fireball and threw it on pinkie. Instead of dodging the fire ball pinkie made a dagger and threw it as the fire ball and the dagger meets, both exploded.

"Weak!" Pinkie laughed. "I am not weak!" She yell. Seems like she is getting mad. "Ha! Can't even defend you're self like before!" I teased, "oh? Am I? You can't even defend for you're love ones! That's why she is gone, because of you are reckless!" She shout at me, which made me mad at what she called me. "I didn't kill her! She is still alive and you are trapping her inside you!" I yell. I'm boiling in anger.

"Pch! Really now? Tsk! She is gone and she will never come back! Because I killed her as well!" She yell, I stop a second and when it all sank on me, I realized I am about to attack her. "You are a devil!" I shout and threw daggers. "Ha! Even you can't aim right! Reckless!" She said again. "GO TO HELL!" I yell. "You go first" she smirked.

"You monster!" I heard fluttershy said, I saw her hit midnight with her vine whips. Rarity keep on throwing crystal shards non stop, Apple jack throwing fire knives, pinkie throwing pink bomb, sunset making fire balls and princess twilight shooting flaming blades.

"Ugh!" Midnight yell in pain. She keep defending, protecting her self. "Enough!" She yell but we didn't stop. "You should've die!" Sunset yell. "I hate you!" Pinkie said. "Enough!" Midnight yell but we didn't listen. Feel all the pain for killing our friend!

"Ugh! Stop!" She said. "Does it hurt?! Well deal with it!" I yell at her. "I SAID ENOUGH!" When she shout, a big wave of sound made us fell on the ground. We felt the ground shake a bit, the impact was too strong. Her voice saying 'enough' echoed.

"Aw.." Rarity said. "M-midnight..." Someone mumble. I look at midnight who is... She had purple flame around her. This is not good!

"W-what is happenin'?" Apple jack ask. Midnight float in the air. Her eyes are all white, her horn is becoming more lighter, her flaming glasses became more bigger.

A very loud sound appears, it hurts so much in my ears. "All.... Of.... You.... Must..... DIE!" A bright light appeared and something just exploded.


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