Chapter 26- Forgivness

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The rest look at each other sad, a doctor approach them "excuse me, are you all are friends of rainbow dash?" The doctor ask "why yes we are" rarity answer "OK then, are all of you are the only once that is her friends?" He ask again "well, you see one is not with us, is there something wrong?" Rarity ask him back "well you see rainbow dash wanted to see all of you, if you don't mind me asking, what is the name of your other friend?" He ask "Twilight Sparkle" starlight answer "oh, princess twilight! Well rainbow want to see you all, if you don't mind take princess twilight with you? Rainbow dash wanted to talk to you all" he said "oh, we will, thank you for the information" rarity said as the doctor walk away heading to the hospital.

"Do you guys wanna go?" Pinkie ask "well, i still hate her, but, she seem to need us and....... I got nothing!" Rarity said "let's go find twilight, she seemed to need a help" starlight said as they start looking for twilight.

•Meanwhile With Twilight•
Twilight was just sitting in front of a river crying "this is all my fault! If I didn't bother running away she could of been just fine!" Twilight said "what's the point of living if the one pony I miss will die?" Twilight ask and look at the river "this is the least thing I could do if she die" twilight said, as she was about to hop on the river she was stopped when a pony, by meant pony, ponies called out her name "TWILIGHT!!" twilight turn around seeing her friends running towards her, when they got close they stop "twilight! Rainbow want us all in the hospital" fluttershy said "why?" She ask "we don't know exactly, but the doctor said we must go there" rarity said, twilight only look at the ground with watery eyes "why should I? I'm the reason she got into this mess" twilight said when she felt a hoof around her neck "its OK twilight! She might forgive you" starlight said "yea! Its not like she will hate you forever, she might just die, have amnesia, or not forgive you ever!" Pinkie said which only made twilight felt even more bad as she start crying heavily "Pinkie!!!" The rest yell as they gave pinkie a glare "oh, sorry twilight, I didn't mean too" pinkie said as her mane pop while her light pink coat drained "c'mon we'll know when we get there" apple jack said as they went to the hospital.

•At The Hospital•

The rest went in and went to a nurse at the desk "excuse me, do you know where is the room of rainbow dash?" Rarity ask "why yes, are you all related to her?" The nurse ask "were her friends" fluttershy said "oh is that so? Come with me and I'll show you all" the nurse said.

Once they reach her room they stop next to the door "here it is" the nurse said "thank you" starlight said as the nurse nod and walk away.

Starlight open the door slowly, they all peeked and saw rainbow dash with bandage in her head and wing, also she was resting while her eyes are shut. Rainbow open her eyes and saw her friends "oh hey guys, I thought you weren't coming" rainbow said weakly "its OK Dashie!" Pinkie said, rainbow look around her friends and stop when she saw twilight standing in the corner, she looked back to her friends and said "may I have some time with twilight?" Rainbow ask "alone?" She added as her friends nod.

On the other side, when rainbow spoke twilight's name twilight got nervous and scare. Their friends left them both alone as Trixie took a glance at her "good luck" she whisper to twilight and left closing the door.

Twilight walk closer to the bed not lifting her head, she stop when she got close, "twilight?" Rainbow said weakly "rainbow i-im sorry, I didn't mean for all this to happen!" Twilight said "its OK twilight, you didn't do anything" Rainbow said "yes I did! Because of me you got hurt instead of me!" Twilight said as tears start streaming down her eyes and looking down. Rainbow wipe her tears and smile weakly "its OK twilight, really, and I should be the one who is sorry, for hurting you, you know I didn't mean it and you were right I was drunk that day. I just want to be with you, I miss you, and I still love you, it was a huge mistake I made ruining your trust from me. I hope you could forgive me" rainbow said sadly. Twilight look up surprise with her own words. Before rainbow knew twilight already hugged her "miss you so much rainbow!" Twilight said with tears pouring out her eyes, rainbow hugged back missing her embrace "I miss you too!" Rainbow said, twilight let go and look at rainbow's magenta eyes "I love you!" Rainbow said as twilight kiss her in the lips. Rainbow and twilight closed their eyes deepening their kiss, they let go and hugged each other again "I love you too" twilight said.

Little they didn't know the rest were peeking behind the door, now rarity was fangirling so much seeing the couple's love are so sweet "yes! Twidash are back on the road!" Pinkie whisper-shouted as the rest gave her confuse look as they close the door quietly "twidash?" The rest ask "its a ship name!" Pinkie said "I'm so happy! Rainbow and twilight are back together! How I miss seeing those two together! Their relationship are the sweetest!" Rarity said fangirling much "yeah me too!" Fluttershy said.

Soon all went in happy as they all spent their time together, happy as they were before. They really did miss twilight and rainbow together, soon it was time for all of them to leave but twilight remain in the hospital wanting to look out for rainbow.


But I'm gonna finish some new twidash stories and  after those are all finish I'm gone continue all of my twidash stories part two.

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