Chapter 36- Feelings

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The next day, all students had no class, the teachers canceled it because of the creepy shadow. Students can't pay attention on the lesson because the shadow just pop out on side of a student and whisper stuff. Teachers can't focus on their meeting, lectures and other stuff because the shadow does the same to them. They had one week of no class.

The girls were in the hallways of the school, principal celestia gave sunset the keys of the school so they can search for him. "I don't think I want to... To walk in!"  Fluttershy almost yell the last words she said, also hugging in Pinkie's arm. "Any of you know where the shadow at?" Twilight ask "for I know he always stay in the janitor's closet" sci-twi said "then let's get him!" Rainbow said then start running and so did the others.

They stop in front of the door, they could tell the shadow is inside, they can hear him talking. They got scared and feel like backing out and not go in, especially add the effect of the light blinking, turn off, on, off and on plus the part of the hallway was dark. "S-s-should we k-keep go-going?" Fluttershy stutter.

Twilight was about to open the door but got herself stop when they heard the shadow inside scream, "THIS IS HER FAULT!!!! I ALMOST HAD MY REVENGE ON HIM BUT THIS PRINCESS TWILIGHT SPARKLE THE PRINCESS OF FRIENDSHIP RUINED EVERYTHING!!!!! Now I'm stuck in this world!! With no magic!! And those 7girls who had magic and looked like the ponies back and equestria!! Add in princess celestia and Luna who are now principals!!!! And that girl with glasses! Who look like PRINCESS TWILIGHT!!!!!!!" he yelled, the rest backed out and ran out of the school.

"I don't wanna go back in there!!!" Fluttershy yell shivering while hugging of course still pinkie, and pinkie who was hugging back. "Is he talking about you twi?" Rainbow ask "y-yeah" she answer, then they heard sci-twi said something, everyone turn their attention on her which she also notice "what?" She ask "is there something wrong twilight?" Rainbow ask.

Sci-Twilight's POV~
"is there something wrong twilight?" Rainbow ask me, 'would I ask 'what?' For nothing?' I thought madly, I gave them a force smile, fake smile to be exact, to them, "nothing's wrong, just got scared about that shadow" I lied "twilight? I'm sorry if he is  talking about you, you know that we look the same except that you wear glasses" she said with a smile, 'why? Aren't glasses useful in your world?!' I thought madly again.

All of us decided to go back In Pinkie's place, she said we can stay there until the shadow is gone, doesn't that seem, to much? She said we need to stay together to have time together and have a talk about that shadow. All of us are doing something that we do as always.

Rarity looking at the school's news feed online, pinkie just watching cute dogs and cats with fluttershy, apple jack playing a video game while rainbow and princess twilight talk about something while me reading a book. To be honest, I wanna go home and be alone but I can't, if I told them I want to go they'll keep asking me non stop.

"Uh girls? You might need to see this" rarity said then showed us the screen of her phone letting a video play by it self.

Canterlot High School News
        Shadow Caught On CCTV

{Video Playing}


The shadow was really mad on the video and was throwing stuff around. "S-should we still do what we should do?" Fluttershy ask "how else can we stop him? Its the only way twilight said it would be, right twi?" Rainbow ask 'one more you call her that I'll totally loose it!' I thought madly, "is there anything else?" Pinkie ask "don't think so, the shadow would be powerful again once he found someone who is hiding their anger and let the darkness take over them" twilight explain. I'm sort of not listening to her. "Ah don't think any one could do that again, everyone who's evil who try and broke down the school is reformed-- no offense!" Applejack said "non taken" sunset answer but I didn't answer back instead I continue reading while they continue talking, "so twi? How's equestria? I forgot to ask you that!" Rainbow said. Because of that I didn't notice that I'm in the backyard of Pinkie's place. 'How did I get here? Maybe my feet had its own brain now' I thought.

I just sat in the bench looking at the stars, "why did you left?" Someone ask me, I didn't notice that rainbow dash is sitting beside me "n-nothing I just need to be alone " I said then look away. "You know? Every time I see the stars it reminds me of you" she said, I look at her with confuse look, "how so?" I ask "duh, your trade mark is six pointed star, you did said you love stars" she said, for some reason I felt a bit good when she those.

"Oh their you guys are!" Pinkie said over the sliding glass door "cmon! Its dinner time!" She said and went in, rainbow stood up and start walking but stop when she notice I'm still sitting, "ya coming?" She ask, I forced smile and nod "yeah, be there in a sec" I said, she continue walking and I look up at the stars.

"Why do I feel like this when she's around her?" I ask my self "can't it be?" I said "It can't be...." I said "I don't even think I really like her, I don't even think she likes me back" I whisper and stood up and walk in to meet the rest.

A/N: So basically, this part two will be the continuity of equestria girls, you didn't think it would be the story of their children did you? Well if you did your wrong, this will be the story of human Rainbow Dash and Sci-Twilight Sparkle, of course still princess twilight is there, she has too!! Anyways, that's all I forgot what was the rest of my announcement, must of forgot that while I'm at school,,, we didn't do much but geez! Our math is getting harder! And we had a test at English! I'm not an American or what eves! I'm a Filipino from Philippines! A grade 8 student! 13 years old, that's it! OK bye I'll tell you the rest of my announcement next chapter when I remember! Bye!

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