Chapter 7- Confessions

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The mane six went to their bed and start "so what do we do first?" Twilight ask "umm truth or dare?" Pinkie ask "that again?? We just played that yesterday, can we play something else?" Rainbow ask suddenly SOMEPONY throw a pillow on her "hey! Who the heck throw that?!" She ask then one more pillow hit her "ahaha ok! PILLOW FIGHT!!" rainbow shouted as they all start running around throwing pillows at each other. Rarity had three pillows ready to be thrown, she lined them up and throw them by one by one  at fluttershy, pinkie and aj, twilight was standing on her bed while levitating one pillow, she teleport it next to rarity and smack and teleport it to dash and smack her as well she teleport it to pinkie and hit her but pinkie had dodge it and took the pillow and hit it on twilight.  All of them had fun while hitting each other, they took their dinner and eat on the thrown room "wonder, who throw the pillow first?" Rainbow ask taking a spoon of food and eat it "ah did" aj answer while chewing an apple "well I didn't like it that much because my main might get ruin, but it was fun" rarity said "well good thing aj had that idea or we won't be having fun like that" twilight said "indeed" the rest said in unison "um may I be excuse I need to go to the comfort room" fluttershy said as the rest nod and stand up and went outside "may I be excuse too?" Pinkie ask then the rest nod too and pinkie went out and follow fluttershy "um hey fluttershy?" Pinkie called out "yes pinkie?" Fluttershy ask "c-can I talk to y-you for a sec?" Pinkie ask "sure, what is it?" Fluttershy ask back "look i-i uh i-i think I uhh um..." Pinkie can't bring out her words, fluttershy looked at pinkie confuse "you??" Fluttershy repeat "I uh I t-think I, look I have this uh f-feeling that every time I s-see y-you i--" pinkie got cut off when she saw a pair of lips pressing against hers "I think I know what you mean" fluttershy said and two of them kiss again "i-i love you" pinkie said with a blush  "I love you too pinkie, ever since" fluttershy said "I want to give you this" fluttershy said and bring out the bracelet, it had hearts around the string and in the middle a gem balloon like Pinkie's gem stone on her element "I made that for you long ago, I wanted to tell you I like you" fluttershy said "I love it" pinkie said "I wanted to give you this" pinkie said and pull out the small chest and gave it to fluttershy, fluttershy open it and saw a beautiful pink glowing rose, it had sparkling small dots that looks like a gold dust "wow pinkie! This is the most beautiful rose I've ever seen!" Fluttershy said and they kissed again "aaaaaaawwww!" Voices behind pinkie said, both of them let go and look behind pinkie to see their friends watching them, both of them blush "h-how long were you guys there?!" pinkie ask "a bit long dear" rarity said

"May I be excuse too?" Pinkie ask the the rest nod too and pinkie went out and follow fluttershy, "girls! I'll be back I need to get something from the room" rarity said and got off of her thrown and went out of the room, when rarity was out she look to her right and saw fluttershy and pinkie kissing. She went back inside fast and hid behind the door and peeked "ppsst! Darlings!" Rarity whisper-shouted calling out for twilight,rainbow and aj, three of them look at rarity as rarity was signaling them to come over her, they did what rarity said and peeked behind the door to see fluttershy and pinkie was kissing and said "aaaaaaawwww!"

~Flashback ended~

"So~ you two are dating now?" Twilight ask "uh um y-yea?" Pinkie said "well ah told ya! Ya make a cute couple!" Aj said "uh-huh" the rest said "indeed! I accept both of you!" Rarity said "me too!" Twilight said "well its cute and all, and I accept you two, plus you guys are our friends" rainbow said  "so shall we go back to the room? And play pillow fight?" Rarity ask excited, all of them look at rarity surprise "what?" She ask "you never ask us to PLAY a game like PILLOW FIGHT before" pinkie said "w-what is that bad? I just want to have fun" rarity said with a blush as the rest laugh "OK OK let's play" twilight said and they headed back to her room and play.

Skip to the time they are sleeping>>
Cuz I'm lazy (lol)

"Phew! That was fun....and tiring" rainbow said "yeah *yawn" I wanna go to sleep" pinkie said "nighty night!" Pinkie said "good night girls" twilight said and went to sleep "night guys" rainbow said "good night darlings!" Rarity said and lower her mask "night sugar cubes" aj said "night! See tomorrow morning" fluttershy said and went to sleep.

Rarity couldn't sleep, she keeps moving to her bed trying to find a perfect position "ugh! Why can't I sleep?!" She ask and looked at twilight's clock saying its '3:25am'  "what?!" A voice said rarity look in the directions on where the voice came from and saw aj awake "aj? Your up late" rarity said "ah just can't sleep" aj said " me too" rarity said "want to go the thrown room?" Rarity ask "sure" aj said and got off of her bed and took something in her bed and hid it under her hat, rarity got out of her bed kneeled down to her saddle bad and hid the things she made "let's go?" She ask as aj nod and both of them went out and went to the thrown room.

•at the thrown room•
"So aj... Why are you still up?" Rarity ask trying to start a conversation "ah dunno, ah just can't sleep" aj said "how bout ya? Why are ya still up?" Aj ask "I don't even know, I don't usually stay up in this time" rarity said and looked at aj's eyes and so did she.  Both of them stared in each others eyes and getting closer and closer "r-rarity? Ah w-want to t-tell you somethin'" aj said "what is it dear?" Rarity ask "I uhh.. Ah l-like..--" aj paused "you like??" Rarity ask with a eyebrow raised up "ah like................... Y-you" aj finally said with a blush, rarity blushed as well and didn't move a muscle or even talked, aj looked down sad "ah knew ya won't like me" aj said as a tear fell on her eye "ah know ya won't like a pony like me" aj said and felt a hoof in her chin. Rarity put her hoof in aj's chin making her look at her "why wouldn't I like you?" Rarity ask "you are the most hard working pony I've ever met, of course I like you.... I love you" rarity said with a blush and kissed apple jack, apple jack melt in the kiss and both of them let go "ah love ya rarity" aj said "I love you too"rarity said " ah have somethin' for ya " aj said and put her hat down and pull the small box and gave it to rarity, rarity open it and saw  heart gem stone and it shines too "ah found that on the farm" aj said "oh aj darling this is the most beautiful gem stone I've ever had in my life!" Rarity said and kiss aj in the cheeks "I made something for you too" rarity said and brought out the thing she made, it was two hair tie in a color red with a design of apples around the tie and a ribbon with a design of an apple, rarity removed aj's hair tie and replaced one on her main and tail and put a ribbon on her hat and tied it "wow rarity, this is beautiful ah love it" aj said and both them hugged and went sleep.

Hey readers! I know the two ponies left is not in here, but I have to tell ya. They had their story by their own no pony will be there well except for the ending part of the chap........ So see ya!😉😉

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