Chapter 40- Stollen Shots

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A/N: I know its a bit weird since you guys know me that I don't literally put POV in my stories... I guess Influence about the story I'm reading.. So expect this time it will had POV in each chapters.
(I may update slowly this time.)

Rainbow's POV~
Weird. Is all I can say. Every time I'm near Sci-Twilight I always hear a snap of a camera. I look at the place but saw no one and a camera.

I walk down stairs and saw everyone giggling. "What's so funny?" I ask. Pinkie put her phone in front my face showing a picture of me and sci-Twilight!

First pic, I'm laughing and so she is. Second, she was playing my hair by doing different hair style. Third, both of us were covered in icing and laughing. Fourth, I was putting her phone away from her while she try and reach for it. Fifth, both of us were playing a pillow fight. Sixth, both of us are in a bed while I was lying on my stomach while she was lying on my back.

Those are the stuff we did yesterday, last day and two days ago! The time at pillow fight wasn't just me and her playing, all of us are. Its just me and twilight was near to each other so we hit each other. First pic was the time last night she was telling a joke. Second was last day, both of us played each others hair. The pic that I was putting her phone away from her was two days ago. The icing was last day and the pic she was lying on my back was earlier!

Yeah, me and twilight are OK again, and back to our original bonding but what the hey! Their taking shots of us!

"What the?!" I said, "why are you guys taking shot of us?!" I ask "we just love too. Plus you two look cute when you're both like that, especially in this!" Pinkie showed me the fifth picture again. "Its so cute!" Fluttershy said.

"I also took more shots than pinkie did" sunset said. And show me a picture. Its not just this week but it was the time in the camping at everfree, and more! "Sorry, I just ship you two ever since sci-twilight came, I also see how close you two sometimes" sunset said.

"I also love to see you like this, more than seeing you two so quite in different corners" rarity added, "ah can tell ya both fight when ya two are so quite" aj added too.

All of us stop talking when we heard laughing, I can tell its sci-twi and princess twi. Its the same voice. We saw them heading downstairs, "what's so funny?" Pinkie ask, "on it's nothing, just having a bond with my..... Self" sci-twi said and they laugh again. Its hard to see the person you like--- I mean the person who's so close to you had a Twin.

"Oh OK! Um, hey princess, may you come with us? Me, rarity, fluttershy and aj had to show you something!" Pinkie cheerily said. "Oh OK then" she said and they went outside. Me and sci-twi look at them, until their out of our sight I turn to sci-twi and she did the same, "what was that about?" She ask, I shrugged, "I... I had ni idea" I lied.

Not to long I heard a load scream from out side, "AAAHHH THEIR SO CUTE!!!!" I heard one of them scream, technically it was rarity. Me and sci-twi ram out side to check them out, "so so so cute!!" Princess twilight said, "I want more!" Fluttershy squeal "ah like the other pic where rai--" aj didn't got a chance to finish her words when all of them put their hand in her mouth. "U-uh h-hi! H-how long where y-you been there?" Pinkie ask, "just got here" sci-twi said. Me and twilight sat down on the grass with them, she was sitting next to me. I then heard another snap of a camera, I look over At pinkie who had her phone up. She slowly put her phone down and look at me and smile, I only glared at her and rolled my eyes.

"So what are you guys screaming about?" Sci-twi suddenly ask, "uh... Oh its nothing dear" rarity lied. Sci-twi raised an eye brow but quickly nodded accepting rarity's answer which was technically a lie. Pinkie then start telling random stuff that cause for everyone to Burt through laughing. I was out of place because I wasn't really paying attention on what pinkie is saying.

My full all attention is on sci-twi, I can't get my eyes of her. I actually don't know why but I like absorbing her. I can't tell what I am feeling but I just love it.

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