Chapter 33- Reunion With Old Friends

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PS: So basically I'm skipping time
After 15 years, Rainbow sparkle and sparkle dash had grew up, basically spike and scootaloo are married. Still starlight and Trixie lives in the castle, Seraphina, Tiana, Rainbow sparkle and sparkle dash were in the mane hall playing around even they are already teenagers "haha can't catch me!" Sparkle said flying around so fast like her mother "bet I could!" Rainbow sparkle said then teleport in front of sparkle dash as they both crash at each other and fall to the ground and hit the two "hahaha!" They all laugh, both of their parents went down with a smile "now what's this noise?" Twilight tease "you two really never grew up do you?" Rainbow said "cmon mother, were just playing around its not like you were like this before you and mom got married" rainbow sparkle said with a grin "OK ya got me, got your stuff ready?" Rainbow ask "yes!" They all said "wait, where's mama and mom?" Seraphina ask "don't worry Seraphina, they went out early to go and prepare our stuff at our camp sight" twilight said "now c'mon we got a reunion to go" twilight said as they all grab their stuff and head out.

On the way rainbow and sparkle were playing around while the rest below just talk "hey! Sparkle you come back here!" Rainbow yell chasing her daughter "haha catch me first!" Sparkle said flying away from her mother, "so mom who are we going to meet anyway?" Rainbow sparkle ask "me and your mother's old friends and their daughters, we haven't seen them since the last party, you girls were just new born babies that day" twilight answer as they reach their camp sight. They saw Trixie and starlight fixing tents and more stuff "mom!" Seraphina yell and run to her mom "serry!" Starlight said, serry was the nickname starlight gave to her, as Seraphina run she hug both of her mother and so did Tiana "tia!" Trixie said, tiana was Trixie's favorite daughter and tia was the nickname she gave her.

"So when they will arrive?" Starlight ask "hello darlings!" A familiar voice said, they turn around and saw the rest of their friends "hi rarity!" Twilight said and they both hug and so did fluttershy and starlight while the rest did too, rainbow sparkle saw there was a group of younger girls like same age as her standing behind them, she nudge her sister getting her attention "ow! What?!" Sparkle dash whisper shout "look" rainbow sparkle said pointing to the other girls "oh twilight dear, is this rainbow sparkle and sparkle dash?" Rarity ask looking at them "how in equestria she knows us?!" Sparkle whisper shout "shh!" Rainbow sparkle shush her "oh yes they are" twilight said "oh look they had grew up!" Rarity said "hey rarity are they your children?" Rainbow ask "oh yes, here is apple diamond and crystal apple" rarity said "diamond look just like you rarity!" Pinkie said "where are your daughters?" Aj ask "oh their over there, c'mon now girls come out" fluttershy said as one earthpony and one Pegasus came out "they are very shy, but sweet pie is shy at first but like pinkie when they got friends" fluttershy said "now c'mon, you girls go over there with Seraphina and Tiana, have fun! We'll be here talking" starlight said as the young ones went and sit.

"Uh, hi!" Sweet pie said with a high pitch voice "hello I'm--" rainbow sparkle was talking but got cut off by sweet pie "I know who you are! You are Princess Rainbow Sparkle and your sister Sparkle Dash. And you two are Seraphina Glimmer Moon and your sister Tiana Light" sweet pie said causing the four in shock "oh so sorry about her darlings! She is just like that, like her mother" apple diamond said "let me introduce myself, I'm Apple Diamond and my younger sister Crystal Apple" apple diamond said "howdy y'all!" Crystal apple said "hi, what's her name?" Tiana ask talking about the pink pegasus "oh that's Party Animal, sweet pie's older sister" apple diamond said "hi" she mumble "she is a shy girl like her mom, but once you get to know her she isn't that much shy" apple diamond said "well, it's nice to meet you all, but this introducing is making me--" sparkle was speaking but her sister cut her off "hungry?" Rainbow sparkle ask with a grin while levitating a paper bag full of chips, sparkle took a chip from the bag giving a playful glare at rainbow sparkle "you always know what I will say next do you?" Sparkle said "of course! Even Seraphina knows!" Rainbow sparkle giggle "want some girls?" Rainbow sparkle said hading some to the rest "don't mind if I do!" Apple diamond said and grab one.

"So nice to reunite with friends again!" Pinkie said then they all heard laughing, they turn their heads seeing their daughters getting along "well isn't that sweet! The girls are getting together!" Trixie said "well, why don't we had fun as they are?" Twilight said as they laugh as well enjoying their time together, reunited again to each other.

A/N: sorry again for this lame chap, I wrote this with the same day I wrote chapter 32 so yah! Bye!!

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