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Today is Twilight's birthday, and tomorrow will be their Anniversary, they've been together for 6 years, and Rainbow think its time.

"Hey guys, is the foods and decorations ready?" Rainbow ask. "Oh Rainbow dear, calm down. You've asked that question for.... For the 10th time!" Rarity exclaim.

She is so nervous. She can't keep herself calm. She had so many 'What If'.

What if Twilight don't like her surprise? What if Twilight won't come? What if Twilight would just laugh at her? What if Twilight will ignore her? What if Twilight will break-up with her? Or worst, What if Twilight reject her?

"If you're thinkin' about some Negative Stuff, ah suggest ya better stop!" Apple jack said. "You don't understand! You're not the one who is gonna be reject!" She yell.

Apple jack put her arms around Rainbow, "Hey, didn't ah went to this before?" Apple jack ask, "You did." Rainbow answer, "Then trust me, she won't reject you." Apple Jack said, "Ugh! You're girl is different from mine!" Rainbow said. Apple Jack let out a sigh, "Well, ah tried." Apple Jack said then left.

"They're coming!" Pinkie said who was at the door, Looking if Twilight and Sunset are coming.

Everyone turn of the lights and hide. When the door open, they saw Twilight removed her blindfold, and...

"SURPRISE!" Everyone greet her. "Happy birthday Twilight!" They all said in unison. "Go on now Dashie!" Pinkie Whisper-Shouted to Rainbow who was holding a cake.

She went to Twilight. "Hey Twi, Happy Birthday!" She greet, "Aww, thanks Rainbow. This is so sweet of you." Twilight said. "Make a wish!" Rainbow said.

Twilight closed her eyes, then few seconds, she open them and blow the candles. "YEY!" Everyone cheered.

"Ehem... That's your cue." Aria said. She took a deep breath and walk closer to Twilight who was talking to Adagio and Sunset. "Ehem..."

Both Adagio and Sunset smiled and walk away. "Is there something wrong Rainbow?" Twilight ask.

Rainbow is starting to get sweaty, and very very, nervous. "Uh, Twi, I had something to tell you.." She said, "What is it?" Twilight ask.

"Uhm.. Twi you see uh.." Rainbow can't speak, she is too nervous to tell her. "Yow! She is starting to get confuse!" Sanota said then Aria covered her mouth. "What??" Twilight ask.

"Dash! Go on!" Starlight said. "You've been preparing for this for almost 1 month!" Trixie added.

"Ugh! Fine! Just be quite you guys!" Rainbow said irritated. She took a breath, "Twilight, first of all, Happy 24th Birthday to you. And I am glad, that you and I are still together for this past 6 years. And I would like to ask you... If, Would---" Rainbow slapped her forehead when Pinkie cut her off.

"Rainbow is asking if you would want to Ma---Hmmm! Hmm!" Pinkie didn't finish her words when everyone covered her mouth, "Pinkie! Shhh!" Fluttershy said. "Hmm! Hmmm-mmm-mm!"

"What was that?" Twilight ask again. Rainbow took a breath before speaking again. "I, would like to ask you, Twilight Sparkle..." Rainbow stopped, the kneeled down holding a red box. "Would you marry me?"

"YIEEEEHHHH!!!" Everyone yelled. Twilight was so shock, it took so long to sink in to her brain what just Rainbow ask her. Rainbow on the other side, she is so nervous on what is Twilight's answer, its been taking her so long.

Rainbow sigh and was about to close the box when... "Yes." Rainbow stopped. "Yes. Yes! I will marry you!" Twilight hugged Rainbow in si much happiness.

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