Chapter 10- Party

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•The Next Day(again)•

Rainbow woke up on a cloud "ugh! What a dream, me and twilight dating. He he" she said "hmm" said the tired twilight "oh, its not a dream! YES!" Rainbow shouted "ughm! Rainbow pls be quite I'm sleeping!" Moaned the tired twilight "oh sorry twi" rainbow said and lay down back next to twilight and cuddle.

Rainbow and twilight was walking around ponyville "hey dash? Should we tell the others?" Twilight ask "why not? They even want us to be together already happily, if we tell them they would probably super happy for us" rainbow answer "you sure about that?" Twilight ask again "yeah, when do you wanna tell them?" Rainbow ask "tomorrow?" Twilight ask back "ok then" rainbow said.

•The Next Day(sorry for skipping it to the next day)•

All of the mane six was in sugar cube corner, twilight and rainbow sent them a message to come in sugar cube corner today "so darlings, what is it?" Rarity ask "well you see.... Me and rainbow are now.... Uuhh..,...... D-dating" twilight said while holding rainbows hoof tightly as the rest gasp "YOUR DATING NOW??!" pinkie ask while shouting "y-yea" rainbow answer "YIIEEEPIEE!!! IIIIITSSS PARTY TIME!!!!" pinkie shouted and brought her party canon out and pop it "oh my shining diamonds! I'm so happy!!" Rarity squealed " told ya ya make a great couple!" Aj said "you two look cute together than I thought" fluttershy said "thank girls" twilight thanked "ENOUGH CHIT-CHAT ITS PARTY TIME!" Pinkie shouted again and start dancing. The mane six was having fun while split into three rarity,fluttershy and twilight was on the table talking while apple jack,pinkie pie and rainbow was playing games and dancing.

[Rarity,Fluttershy and Twilight's Conversation]
"So darling how does it feel?" Rarity ask with a smirk "felt happy than ever" twilight answer "I still do not understand why you like her, I mean not that I'm judging you, its that you two fight much" rarity said as fluttershy nod "yeah, she does even call you egghead" fluttershy added "heh, well you might say that. But you and apple Jack fight way more than us, I was kinda confuse with both of you being together" twilight said "fair point, I just like her for some reason, but fluttershy you like peace and quite, why do you like pinkie?" Rarity ask "well I just like the way she smiles, making everypony happy in here, throwing super fun parties, and you know how cute her voice is" fluttershy said with a blush at the end "oh is that so dear? Well I have to say you two are the only CUTE couple there is" rarity said "how about you rarity, why do you like about aj?" Twilight ask "well I admire her country accent, her honesty, the way she cares for everypony, the most hard working pony I'd ever met,and that's that" rarity said "well fair enough" twilight said "how about you twilight? What do like about rainbow?" Fluttershy ask "well I like her for being brave, adventuress,her loyalty, her rainbow mane and her cute magenta eyes" twilight said blushing a bit "can't judge with that" fluttershy said with a smile.

[Apple Jack, Pinkie Pie And Rainbow Dash's Conversation]
"I'm so happy for you Dashie!" Pinkie said "thanks pinks" rainbow thanked "whatcha plannin' for her in hearts and hooves day?" Aj ask "never thought about it, maybe something, I'll just surprise her I guess" rainbow answer "surprise is the best!" Pinkie said "what kind of surprise?" Aj ask again "I don't know, I'll think of it though" rainbow said "well you better think of something quick!" Pinkie said "ya do know its not easy to think of somethin' right?" Aj said "nope its easy for me!" Pinkie said "right~" rainbow said, suddenly the three walk over to them and they start dancing.

A/N: I'm Again so sorry that this chapter is short and TOTALLY BORING, I have nothing else to think of and I have writers block. Pls forgive me that this chapter was short. My mind keep drifting on a very heart breaking chapter THAT I HAVE BEEN planning for a long time for this story and wanting for that to come, I guess the middle part will be a sad ones for twilight, and its a VERY heart breaking for twilight. And its already planned I don't need to think of anything for those chapter. So plsssssss FORGIVE ME ITS SHORT!! NEXT CHAPTER WILL BE OUT VERY VERY VERY SOON!! I PROMISE!!!

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