Chapter 13- Long Distance

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Twilight and shining reach to the palace and went inside the thrown room to meet the other princesses "Twilight!" Cadence said and went to twilight "Cadence!" Twilight said and walk closer to cadence and both of them start dancing while singing "Sunshine sunshine, lady bug's awake, clap your hooves and do a little shake!" They sang and laugh a bit "so nice to see you cadence!" Twilight said "nice to see you too!" Cadence said "ah! Twilight!" Celestia said as twilight bow "nice too see you twilight! We may start the meeting! But you seem to be tired in your journey, why not take a rest and will just start the meeting tomorrow" Celestia suggest "well I am a bit tired, I suppose that is a great idea" twilight said "flash?" Cadence called out as flash walk right to them and bow "flash, please lead twilight to her room" cadence ordered "yes your highness!" Flash said and took twilight's bag and carry it and lead her to her room.

On their way twilight was just quite "hey twilight!" Flash said starting a conversation, flash always wanted twilight to be His mare friend but what he doesn't know twilight is with somepony now so he is doing everything he can to get twilight, "how are you and your friends on ponyville?" He ask "were fine!" Twilight said sounding annoyed "that's great to hear!" He said and they went quite again "uh hey twilight, I've meaning to ask something" he said "what?" Twilight ask still sounding annoyed "I kinda..... W-well have a c-crush on y-you, so I've meaning to ask, w-will you be m-y mare friend?" He ask nervously as they reach twilight's room door, twilight was wide eye "uh sorry flash, but I don't like you. I'm with somepony now!" Twilight said and went in as she took her bag with her magic and slam the door and lock it, just in case.

•with Flash•
'With somepony?! If I ever figure out who's that stupid pony is! He's gonna get it! He'll pay, and you will be mine! He made a HUGE mistake of taking you from me! You don't belong to anypony but me! BUT ME!!! I'm not scare of any pony!' Flash thought.

•With Twilight•
'Phew! Glad his out of my sight!' Twilight thought " finally! I can get some rest!" Twilight said and lay in her bed, just 5secs later somepony knock in her door.
*knock, knock!*
"Ugh what is it this time?!" Twilight ask herself quietly and went to the door and open it, when twilight open the door a pony was standing in front of her "uh, may I help you?" Twilight ask "oh princess twilight! A letter from ponyville" the pony said and gave twilight her letter "thanks" twilight thanked as the pony bow and walk away. Twilight went to her bed and open the letter, it said:

Hey twilight!
           How are you there? Missing you already, I wish you were here with us having fun. I really miss you twi! Be careful in there! HEY TWILIGHT THIS IS PINKIE!! DID YOU EAT?! COME BACK SOON!AND DON'T FORGET US!!! Hey twilight dear its rarity, do make sure you stay beautiful as me! Hi twilight, don't get stress in your meeting! This is fluttershy by the way! Howdy sugar cube! Stay safe there! Rainbow here is REALLY worry for ya! Sorry about that twi! The rest is just here with me, well don't get too stress and sleep well. Love you!
             Your Trusty Friends & love,
                  The Mane 4 & Rainbow

"Aaww!! Well isn't that sweet!" Twilight said and hid the letter to her bag.

•Before The Letter Was Sent• at Sugar Cube Corner•

Rainbow was on a table writing a letter for twilight when suddenly pinkie bounce next to her and read it "HEY DASHIE!!! Whatcha doin' there?! Letter for twilight?! Oh! Can I write?!" Pinkie ask and took the pen and start writing "pinkie!!" Rainbow said when suddenly the rest came in "hello darlings! What do you have there?" Rarity ask " A letter for twilight!" Pinkie said "oh what a delightful idea! I wanna write something!" Rarity said and pinkie handed the pen to rarity "I wanna write as well!" Fluttershy said as rarity finish what she was writing and gave it to fluttershy "ah wanna write too!" Aj said and fluttershy gave her the pen, after the 4 of them finish writing rainbow took the pen "give me that!" She said and write again "rainbow! Don't put 'Your Love'!" Fluttershy said "yeah! Not all of us is twilight's mare friend, only you, we wrote on the letter too!" Pinkie said "try writing "Your trusty friends & love'" aj suggest "eh not bad" rainbow said and wrote it "why don't we pick twilight up at her last day in the Crystal Empire" rarity suggest as well "huh, that would be..... awesome!" Rainbow said and they send the letter to the mail pony.

•Back with Twilight,real time this time•
Twilight look at the clock saying its '11:55pm' "better get some sleep" she said and put the book she was reading in her beside table "*yawn* meeting start in 10 tomorrow" she said and lay down and slept.

A/N: Sorry that this chap is a bit Short, I'm having WRITERS BLOCK right now. So see ya guys on the upcoming chap!! And sorry I haven't update in one week again.

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