Chapter 41- Truth Or Dare

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A/N: Since I hate that my readers will wait for a long update I will push my self to have an idea about this chapter even though I still had writers block.

Rainbow's POV~

Its still night time, all of us are in the backyard of Pinkie's. We sat in circles playing truth or dare, I'm making sure that I choose wisely or else my friends of mine will make another crazy stuff!

We started the game, pinkie was the one who started it, I thought she'll ask me but I was wrong. She chose rarity, "rarity! Truth or dare?" Pinkie ask, "I'll go with a dare for this time dear" rarity answer, "oki-doki-loki! OK then I dare you to straighten your hair for the whole night!" Pinkie said. Rarity's eyes got wide, "straighten my hair?! What?! You can't be si serious pinkie dear! Are you?!" Rarity ask "I am serious alright!" Pinkie proudly said. Rarity sign and stood up, after maybe 30 or 40 mins rarity came back with a straight hair. "Happy now?! How do I look?!" Rarity ask "eh... I doubt that I gave you that dare.. You look....I had no comment" pinkie said, rarity glared at her rolled her eyes then sat down. "Your turn rarity!"

"Ok then, fluttershy, truth or dare?" Rarity ask "um, truth?" Fluttershy said unsure, "hmm.. Do you like someone?" Rarity ask, fluterrshy's face turn red so I'm guessing she has, "yes.." She mumble. "WHO?!" Almost all of us ask the same time, fluttershy giggle, "sorry, one question only" she laugh, they all wined. "My, rainbow dash, truth or dare?" She ask. I gotta think wisely!

"Um... Dare?" I said, she nod. 'Ok, maybe she isn't up to something', I looked at her, her eyes are closed must be thinking about my dare. She opened he'd eyes then smirked, 'scratch that! She's up to something!' . "so rainbow I dare you to..." She paused, hope not! "Only hug sci-twilight!" She smile. I sigh in relief, I thought it was something else, I stood up and did my dare until, snap. 'Ah geez! Not again!'

"Dang it pinkie pie!" I yell when I let go at twilight, I look at her but she only giggle, "whaAaaAt?" She ask innocently. "Nothing, my turn, aj---" I was cut off when apple jack answer quickly, "its a dare rainbow" she said. "Ok, I dare you to let rarity hair do your hair" I said, she tried to talk when rarity just suddenly scream "yehey!! On thank you so much rainbow dear! I've been dying to do that on aj!" Rarity squeal. "Wait! Wait! Wait! If ah didn't do the dare, do ah get an punishment?" She ask, all of is nod, "what?" She ask again, "if any one didn't do the dare or neither answer the given question, we or you or I must do what we hate to do most" pinkie explain, aj gave her a confuse look, "example apple jack, you don't like dressing up, if you didn't do the dare or answer the question you'll be dressing up until the game ends" princess twilight explain, aj seems to get it and follow rarity up stairs.

It took them 50mins but their still not back yet, "what's taking them so long?!" I ask, "you know aj's hair is a mess sometimes, maybe rarity is having a hard time to do it" sci-twi said. I nod and lean my back on the wall, 10mins, I stood up "I'll just get something in the room" I said.

I reached the room, no one is there, I'll tell the others later. I went to my side where my stuff are. I took my phone and was about to leave but I stop when I heard something. Something like moaning, wait a sec! Moaning?! I search where it was from, I surely didn't made a sound. I check my friends stuff but not messing it all up, who knows? Maybe their phone is vibrating and had strange noise when its covered. Pillow, covers, drawers, under the bed, their bag and the bathroom. Still nothing, one place I haven't checked yet, Pinkie's walk in closet. I hope I'll find that sound already! Before I check it I should really get some permission. Why not? Maybe something private pinkie is hiding there and if I see it it might ruin our friendship ya know!

I walk down stairs and saw the rest talking, "hey pinkie!" I called "yes Dashie?" She ask "can I check your walk in closet?" I ask "sure, nothing to be seen in there anyways, except my party canon and my clothes" she said, I nod and walk back up. I walk in to the room still hearing that sound, oh for the love of! Can't that stop just even for a minute?!

I was about to touch the door knob when someone held my hands, I was about to yell but saw sci-twilight. She was about to speak but I signed her to be quite, she did what I told her then her look change, she was about to ask again but I covered her mouth. I went near her ear and whisper "someone is in the walk in closet, not sure if its rarity and aj but I need to know. Want to know too?" I ask, she nod. Before we open the door, we peek through the door, since we can't see so clear we decided to open the door. I touch the door knob of the right door and twilight on the left door, me and sci-twi counted silently, "1..." She started "2..." I continue "3..." We both said in the same time then open the door at the same time as well.

Oh I wish we didn't open it widely! I wish we only open the door a bit and peek! This is ah! My eyes yuck! Am I dreaming?! Tell me I'm dreaming! Or even illusion! Tell me this is not really what I'm seeing or what is happening!

"What are you guys doing?!"

SORRY FOR THIS KIND OF CHAPTER! DIDN'T MEAN IT! Yuck my mind isn't innocent anymore! Thanks to wattpad!*sarcastic* DONT FORGET TO VOTE AND COMMENT!!!! BYEZZZZ

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