Chapter 27- Fake Or Real?

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A/N: hey guys! So I'm just gonna warn ya about this chapter that this is boring! There is only two reasons that I sometimes took long to update, (1) I could have writers block, just like right now, that's why this chap is boring cuz I have writers block. (2) sometimes, I don't have internet to use to publish chapters. So that's only the reasons, well on with the stories!!
Rainbow had been in the hospital for two days while twilight is with her looking out for her and helping her every time she need a help.

Rainbow was deep a sleep when the door open a bit, twilight turn to see her friend "oh, hey fluttershy!" Twilight said "hello twilight! How's rainbow?" Fluttershy ask letting her self in "she's doing fine" twilight answer "great! Well here twilight, I brought some food, I know you haven't took your dinner yet" fluttershy said giving twilight the food that was on a paper bag "oh thanks fluttershy, you shouldn't have too" twilight said "oh its nothing, I'm more glad too see my friend happy, that's what makes me happy" fluttershy said "well, I better go now twilight, see ya!" Fluttershy said heading to the door "thanks again fluttershy, bye!" Twilight said as fluttershy smile and went out.

Twilight took a glance at rainbow then back at her food, she settle down the food twilight gave on the table. Rainbow woke up in the smell of the food, "hey twilight" rainbow said still half asleep "oh hey dash, your awake" twilight said as she walk to her bed "what's that smell?" She ask "fluttershy drop by and gave us dinner, how kind of her isn't it" twilight said "of course, she's the element of kindness after all" rainbow said as twilight prepare their food and gave one plate to rainbow with the food fluttershy gave her "thanks twi" rainbow thanked her with a smile, twilight smiled as well.

After eating rainbow fell asleep again while twilight just sat down next to her in the bed reading a book, it was already 12:30am twilight was still reading making her self fell asleep.

Twilight woke up when a sudden burst of doctors went in to rainbow room, she step back, confuse on what's going on, "doctor i-is there something wrong?" Twilight ask as she stutter a bit, she was also scare. The doctor didn't bother answering twilight, like she was being ignore.

Sooner her friends came in the room, walking normally while looking at the doctors "hey sugar cube!" Aj said "girls! Thank goodness your here" twilight said "of course we will be dear, were here to watch rainbow die!" Rarity said with an evil look "w-what?!" Twilight ask "don't you get it? Fluttershy came by last night to poison rainbow, glad it work!!" Pink said cheerily as fluttershy giggled with evil look "h-how could you do that fluttershy?!" Twilight ask with broken voice "oh, wasn't it obvious?! That I like dash and you took her from me!!!" Fluttershy said "but I thought you like pinkie" twilight said "pls twilight! I don't like her, were in a role to pretend we loved each other!" Pinkie said "since you and dash comeback we decided to kill her instead, you don't know how much we were happy to know you two broke up, but sadly you came back" fluttershy said, now twilight was in tears, and remember something "wait a minute, we ?" Twilight ask "pinkie, aj, fluttershy and I loved rainbow dash more than a Friend she was our everything" rarity said "until you came here to ponyville, when she first met you, she told us she had a crush on ya, so when we were findin' the elements of harmony, she began showing off aroun' ya cuz she likes you and not us !" Aj explain.

"Princess! Were sorry, but rainbow dash didn't make it, our apology" the doctor said and he and the rest walk out of the room leaving her and the others "this can't be!!!" Twilight yell as fluttershy laugh like a witch "revenge never feel so good!" She said and laugh again "how does it feel twilight? It hurts, we know" fluttershy said "cmon girls let's get the hey out of here" she said as she and the rest laugh like witch "loser!" Pinkie said laughing, twilight couldn't help but cry, she lost her love and now her friends change.

"Twilight? Twilight! TWILIGHT SPARKLE!!!" Rainbow yell causing twilight to fell in the floor "ow!" She said "what the hey?!" Twilight said "what's got in to ya twi? And why in Equestria you were crying??" Rainbow ask as twilight quickly hugged her "whoa!" Rainbow said "bad dream is it?" Rainbow ask as she wrap her hooves around twilight, twilight nod. Rainbow hugged her trying to comfort her "shh, its OK twi, it was only a dream" rainbow said calmly "I know, it just scared me, I thought I lost you" twilight said, later twilight had herself calm.

"Hey dash, don't you think the others like you?" Twilight ask as rainbow turn her head to twilight with shock and confuse look "what do you mean?" Rainbow ask "you know, fluttershy had been so kind lately, so close to us mostly to you, rarity kept on visiting, so unlike her, aj kept bringing foods and stuff not so usual and pinkie, well, she's more loud than ever, kept talking about you, instead of sweets" twilight said "don't you think they've just been ya know being curious about my state, plus fluttershy love pinkie, she and pinkie can't stand a minute not seeing each other, aj and rarity are same too" rainbow said "fair point" twilight said.

Rainbow fell asleep again, twilight was doing the same thing she was doing last night but she got interrupted when somepony knocked on the door, "come in" twilight said as the door went open revealing her friends "hey sugar cube!" Aj greet "hello darling" rarity greet as well "hi twilight" fluttershy said "Hiyieeee!!!!" Pinkie said cheerily as she and the rest went in, "oh, hey girls" twilight greet them back "how's rainbow?" Fluttershy ask as the rest put their attention on her "she's fine" twilight answer with a smile, the rest smile as well. They began talking when rainbow woke up, soon rainbow join the conversation, having a good time. But rainbow and twilight didn't mention twilight's dream about them so they just forget about it and had a good time.

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