Chapter 44- Hidden Anger

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A/N: Here it is guys! The long wait is over! Like I promise! But. I just came up with one chap. Sorry. Anyways, for those silent readers, pls reveal yourself now! And give a little comments on some chapters. Also vote too.
Keep supporting guys! And pls for those who haven't showed up yet, reveal your self now(lol) and give a little opinions. I read 'em. On with the story!!!


Rainbow's POV~

"I have no idea too" she answer. "Last night I just lift my hand then it glow like this" she added. "No wonder it was so bright last night!" Pinkie said.

"Y....yeah.." Princess Twilight said. "OK I'll just go to the bath room" I said and walk out. I went inside, lock the door and look at my reflection on the mirror. "I'll have to go in, alone." I said. "Who ever had been back stabbing any of us must tell it at once or... Else" I said again. I eased my hands and look at my reflection in the mirror.

This is not good. I don't want to go in. But I have no choice. If not? The whole school will be a disaster.

I went out of the bathroom and saw sci-twi standing in front of the door. "Need anything?" I ask. She only shook her head and walk out. I closed the door and look at her confuse. 'What's her problem?' . I went back to the living room and sat down. Watching my friends talk to each other.

I was just sitting there so quite not noticing anything at all. I can still hear them talk about random stuff but I can't understand for the reason is my full attention is on somewhere else.

"..." One of them said but I didn't quite understand. "Hey rainbow dash!" Shouted pinkie that gives me to jump a bit. "What the hell pinkie pie?!" I ask annoyed. "I was asking you a question! Plenty times but you weren't listening!" She whined. "OK ok I'm sorry. What was it?" I ask. "Mind giving me your phone? I'll just check something" she answer. I was a little confuse but I still gave her my phone as she reached for it and also, unlocked it. Luckily I change my password.

I once again focus on something else. But like what I said, my mind is floating away. Drifting again. How boring this day could be?

I was just thinking about something so deeply when all of the sudden... Shit!

"WHOA!" I shout. "What the heck was that?!" I ask. Something just almost blast my head off! It was light blaster. Purple with sparkles. Who am I kidding? That will only came from princess twi or even sci-twi. "S-sorry i-i didn't mean too... It was a-an accident" princess twilight said while she stutter. "Obviously it was...' I thought. "Its fine" I answer shortly. Sci-twi suddenly stood up and walk somewhere.... Else.

Ok, she had been so weird this pass few days. What's up with her?

I excuse my self to the others and went to the place where sci-twi went in. Its in the backyard. I open the glass door. I saw sci-twi was sitting on the grass. Its almost sunset too. I went to her and sat next to her, she was shock at first but remain quite. "Hey, you OK?" I ask, she look at me and smile, a fake smile to be exact. "Yeah, I am" she answer. I can tell sarcasm on her voice, "you seem not like one" I said which cause her to look at me. "I am dash, just.... Just a little curious about that... Shadow, its freaking me" she said. I only smile. She's scare, even if she doesn't admit it, I can tell.

"Uhm. Uh hey Twi, is there something bothering you other than the shadow?" I ask.

Sci-Twilight's POV~

D-did she just call me 'Twi' ? Am I hearing her right or not? Because I swear, she never call me in that name. I look at her a little shock. I forced a smile, "no. There's nothing else bothering me. I'm fine though" I said. But deep inside I know I'm not fine. I'm lying to my friend. I'm lying to my self. She only nod in a sign she accept my excuse, but I know she wants to know the truth but she only remain silent.

I hate this. I know she notice how weird I am this pass few days. Wanna know why? Its because, I'm mad. I'm mad that princess twilight is here. Not that I want her here, but its more like that. Rainbow dash likes princess twilight. Being her friend for a long time now and being so close to her, I know everything about her.

Her problems, her skills, her naughtiness, almost her secrets. What she love, what she hate and what she wanna do. I almost know everything.

From the seven of us, I'm more close than rainbow dash, aside from sunset shimmer. And aside from the fact that rainbow dash and fluttershy are close too, they are more like sisters. But I have to admit sometimes I'm jealous.

Me and dash remain sitting in the grass at Pinkie's backyard while watching the sunset. I want a time like this. I want this moment. I wanna remain here with her sitting by my side. I want nothing else but to be with her.

"Oh. Hey, there you guys are! Hey dash, sci-twilight! Come inside and let's eat!" Pinkie yell. Me and rainbow dash look at her and smile. "Yeah, coming pinks" she said. Pinkie nod and went back in. Rainbow stood up and dust off her self, "you coming twi?" She ask, I smile and nod. She lean her hand, I accept it as she help me stood up. Both of us went in.

I want a moment like that. I want nothing else but her by my side. I want a time with her. Spending my day and time with her. I want to be with her. To be with her, to be with Rainbow Dash's side forever.

A/N: What took me so long to update?! Whooo! Finally! My mind is on going now! But still, this freaking writers block! I still had a little but I can keep it up! Sorry for updating a little- well for like ages. And sorry for only updating one chapter. Hope you all enjoyed this chapter!

Advance Merry Christmas readers!

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