Chapter 23- Still A Missing Piece In My Heart

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After twilight got ready, she and the rest went out. She did really miss the sunrise and the fresh air. "Wanna go to sugar cube corner and eat some sweets?" Pinkie ask as all of her friends nod, so they walk to sugar cube corner.

•At Sugar Cube Corner•
"Here's your food guys!" Pinkie said cheerily as she serve her friends their food "oh! Yummy!" Trixie said "ah! Finally! I could eat something divine!" Rarity exclaim "so twilight, how are you doing? Right now!" Fluttershy ask "just fine" twilight answer "don't worry twilight! We will make you feel normal again!" Starlight said trying her best to make twilight even happy even just a bit "hope do" she said.

After they eat their dessert they head out and went to fluterrshy's cottage to make twilight feel calm again.

"Here twilight, try this cute bunny! It might help you calm down even just a bit. It does to me!" Fluttershy said as she gave twilight a cute bunny while the rest play with some other animals "well, it does calm a bit" twilight said but still had a sad look on her face "why don't you all come with me at my boutique and I'll make you all some fabulous!!" Rarity said "for what? We don't have any even to attend!" Pinkie said "just wanna make one!" Rarity said "once you all are done cuddling with this precious animals let's go on to the boutique!" Rarity added.

After they cuddle with the animals they all headed to rarity's boutique. "So darlings! Stay put and I'll just fix some parts in your dresses!" Rarity said in turn twilight is starting to forget her and rainbow's break up. After minutes they are all done and they talk more so twilight could think straight and be happy again. Soon they are all done and they all part ways but twilight headed to the park.

She went to a part of the park where she and rainbow became together, she sat down with the river in front of her. She look down her reflection as she could tell tears are starting to came out of her eyes. "Its been one week, and I should have move on! But why can't I?!" She ask her self, luckily she is alone in that part of the park "how may I be able to focus on stuff if she is all what my mind had!!" She said, she shook her head as tears stop coming out "no twilight! They said she change! Why shouldn't you just forget about her? After all! She's the one who ruin my life in the first place!" Twilight said then stand up "yeah! That's the spirit twilight! Never give in and never give up!" She said and walk back to her castle.

•With Rainbow Dash•
Rainbow dash was on a super market buying some beers of course. She bought some food too, on her way back to her home she saw her friends and twilight! She hid before she could be seen. Once they were all gone she flew back fast to her cloud house. She landed on the cloud floor and walk to the door. She open it and didn't like what she saw, soarin and spit fire kissing on the couch, that's when they were interrupted "wh-whats going?! Soarin!?!" Rainbow yell, soarin and spit fire stood up and try explaining " babe! It's not what it looks like!!" Soarin said "oh yeah?! Don't think so!" Rainbow yell again "I thought you were the right one!! I guess my friends was right after all you cheater!!!" Rainbow yell and threw the plastic full of glass bottle beer in his head "that's for tricking me!!" Rainbow yell then punch him in the face "and this is for making me choose you between twilight!!!" She said then kick him in the face " and this is for making me and twilight broke up!!" She said then kick him in the stomach "AND THIS IS FOR ALMOST MAKING ME PREGNANT!!!!!!" rainbow yell so loud and knock out soarin "and you!!! You little daughter of bitch!!! If you don't want to be like that then I suggest you better get the hell out of here!!!!" Rainbow yell as spit fire back out "and bring this asshole with ya!!!" Rainbow shout as spit fire pull soarin out of the house.

Rainbow sat down on the couch and sigh "can't believe those two!!" She said and realize something, she had Nopony in her life anymore. She broke up with twilight, her friends hate her, her family left Cloudsdale and is out of equestria and lastly soarin who cheated on her, as she think everypony is gone of her life she could feel tears are starting to pour out of her eyes "I'm so so stupid!! Trixie was right!!! I only made my mistake even worst!!!! What will I do now?! Nopony will accept  ever again!!" She said then head out of her house.

She went to the park where also at the part where she and twilight became together, sadly twilight just left and she didn't catch up. Rainbow sat down and think all of the fun time she had with twilight, a smile grew in her face wanting to do all of it again "I should have come to her before and said sorry!" She said sadly, rainbow stand up and went to a secret tree where she and twilight marked their names in it with a heart surrounded, rainbow put a hoof in it and a tear fell out of her eyes "I just wish there's a way I could get her back! But she probably don't wanna see me and forget all about us!" Rainbow said even more sad as more tears pour out, she let her forehead rest in the tree as she continue crying "how could I hurt her? She was all I had!" Rainbow said.

She think and think on how she could face twilight and bring her back to her, "there's only one way I could get her back!" Rainbow said and left and went to twilight's castle.

When rainbow got there she knock and wait for twilight to come, the door was open by twilight, twilight suddenly had a mad look on her face when she saw the pony who broke her heart, rainbow dash. Before she could say anything she was interrupted by rainbow dash who------

A/N: Before you guys go pls follow my other account named @GayleStar_GayleFlower user name: Gayle_ Starz4 I already follow some of you!

CLIFFHANGER!!!! another one!!! Yeah next time again!! He he sorry got nothing to say! Bye again hehehe!!!

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