Chapter 8- Rainbow's Confession

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A/N: so before we start I need to say something first, I put that video cuz I think it fits this chap and I will say that if you guys notice something in this chap that is same in the video well... I copied few stuffs, Don't judge! Let's continue on the story!

~8:00 am~
Everypony woke up to see aj and rarity are not in their beds "uh where's aj and rarity??" Pinkie ask "I don't know" twilight answer "me either" rainbow said "let's look for them" twilight said and got off of her bed and went to the door followed by rainbow,pinkie and fluttershy. All of them look in each room of the castle "found them?" Twilight ask "nope" pinkie answer as rainbow and fluttershy just shook their heads "the one place we haven't check yet is the thrown room" rainbow said "then let's check" twilight said then they start heading to the thrown room.

•at the thrown room•(same time as the rest woke up)
Aj and rarity woke up in their own thrown since they can't sleep anywhere except twilight's room "mornin' rare" aj said and went to rarity "morning too darling"rarity said and both of them kissed and cuddle for a bit when somepony entered the room and interrupted them "there you two are!" Rainbow said above the rest "we were looking for you both" twilight added "we were so worry" fluttershy added too "so~ what's going on?~" pinkie ask with a smirk and zoom right next to them and look at them "hmm~ are you two~ couples??" Pinkie ask with a smile as aj and rarity blush "uh-uuhhh y-yes?" Rarity answer "well I think you are! They are the second couples guys!" Pinkie said "then who's the first???" Fluttershy ask suddenly everypony looked at twilight and rainbow standing next to each other very close next to the door "what?" Twilight ask "why are you all staring at us?" Rainbow ask "you must be the first couples dear" rarity said as twilight and rainbow blush "cmon! Pinkie and fluttershy was the first one who got together maybe they are the first one" twilight said "nope! I vibrated at the first sleep over when we went to sleep, I didn't tell you guys I vibrated 3× that day. Me and fluttershy are the third, it start at third--" pinkie said while putting a hoof around fluterrshy's neck and while pointing at them "then second couples--" she added while pointing at aj and rarity " then first, well the first couples hadn't still been together yet" pinkie said "well ah mighty say ya two do sure make a great couples" aj said as the rest nod "OK OK! CAN WE JUST EAT?!" Rainbow ask wanting to end the conversation "Oki-doki-loki! I'll cook again!" Pinkie said and bounce on their way to the kitchen "where do we eat?" Pinkie ask " in the kitchen table room" twilight said and all of them helped pinkie cook and talk a bit when its time for the rest to leave.

"Well this sleepover is so delightful dear!" Rarity said with her saddle bag in her back "well thank ya twilight for the sleep over!" Aj thanked "it was super duper fun!!!" Pinkie said while bouncing "we should do this next time" fluttershy said " its really fun twi!" Rainbow said and all of them left.

Twilight wave goodbye to them and head to her library and read and lay down on the ground next to the fire place (her position is like in the video) , she silently read her book and after two hours of reading somepony fell next to her. She jump a bit and look at her right side to see who it is and found rainbow dash, rainbow look up to see twilight looking at her "heh, sorry" rainbow said as twilight playfully rolled her eyes and went back on reading, rainbow fixed her position and did the same position as twilight she look at the book that twilight was reading "Its not daring doo" twilight said then rainbow look away, few seconds later she snick to get closer to twilight while twilight didn't notice, she got closer and she then pretend to stretch with her wings open and after that she finish stretching and lay down again with her left wing drop behind twilight's back and look at the other side. When twilight felt something behind her she look at her left side and saw a wing and she look to her right side when suddenly rainbow look to her left side and both of them was face to face, both of their faces was too close to each other when rainbow suddenly kissed her in the cheek. Twilight was surprise and had her eyes widen and left speechless, rainbow felt bad and got sad "s-sorry" rainbow said and left, she flew to a open window with her rainbow trail "rainbow wait!" Twilight called out but she was too late, she held her cheek where rainbow kissed her and a smile grew to her face 'she like me? Ugh! Why didn't I do anything?!' She thought "I need to find her!" Twilight said and looked for rainbow.

•with rainbow•
Rainbow went to a place with no pony around, she landed in the grass and walk closer to the river and in front of her was a far mountains, she sat in front of the river and cried with her ears drop "I'm so stupid!!" She shouted "she probably hate me now" rainbow said with a sob "who will ever like a pony like me? I'm stupid" she said and one of her tear dropped on the river.

•with twilight•
Twilight found rainbow sitting in front of the river, she landed a bit far in her back and heard her crying and she heard "who will ever like a pony like me? I'm stupid" she heard rainbow said, twilight walk closer to rainbow "I will" twilight said, rainbow's ears went up when she heard a familiar voice behind her she turn around to see twilight with a smile, rainbow's ears drop again. Twilight sat next to her "y-you will? But you hate me" rainbow said still crying, twilight put a hoof in rainbow's chin to make her look at her "I don't hate you rainbow" twilight said still smiling, twilight took a deep breath and kissed rainbow in her lips. Rainbow was surprise as her wings went open and ears went up and her tears stop pouring, twilight release and rainbow kissed her back, twilight remove her hoof and both of them kissed, they let go and hugged "I love you twi" rainbow said "I love you too Dashie" twilight said back. Both of them stand up and went to twilight's place in her library and both of them lay down on the ground where twilight was before (their position is like in the ending part of the video), twilight and rainbow stayed there while reading and cuddle a bit.

A/N: hey guys! I know its boring, I just have sick so I just manage it to continue so you guys don't have to wait for a long time, well see ya!~
April 23, 2018(Monday)

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