Chapter 6- Secrets Reaveled

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~ at carousel boutique ~
Rarity went in to her boutique as she was greeted by her little sister "hi rarity!" Sweetie belle greet "hello sweetie" rarity greet back "hey sis? Is it ok if me and the crusaders have a little sleepover here?"sweetie belle ask "why sure, as long as you don't make a mess to the boutique" rarity said "OK!" Sweetie said and went out as rarity sigh "hmm what should I get for her?" Rarity ask "it might be my time to tell her I like her" rarity said and start thinking and gasp "I know what to give her!" Rarity said and went to her room and make something, after 10mins she finish what she was making "there! All better! She might like this!" Rarity said and put the thing that she made next to her saddle bag and went down stairs and clean her mess up.

~ at fluttershy's cottage~
Fluttershy went in while greeting her animals "hello angel! Are you hungry?" Fluttershy ask as she bought out a salad and gave it to angel, fluttershy fed her animals and went to her room as well "what do I give her ? She ask as angel came in "what is it angel?" She ask as angel start bouncing like speaking to fluttershy "you have an idea what I should give her?" She ask as angel bounce again "what is it??" Fluttershy ask as angel went to fluttershy's beside table and pull out a little dirty bracelet "oh your right! That will be it!" Fluttershy said and grab the bracelet and flew to the kitchen and clean it. After she finish cleaning it the bracelet shines as the light reflect at it "oh thank you so much for your help angel! I wouldn't know what will I give her without you!" Fluttershy said and put the bracelet back to her bed and took the animals a little bath.

~ at rainbow's cloud house~
"Ugh!! I didn't like that dream!" She said " maybe that dream had something to do to my feelings?" She said and start thinking "I should just tell twilight I like her, but that is not enough! I should give something for her!" She said and start flying around to find something "ugh! Nothing!!!" She said and buried her face on her pillow "maybe just something will do?!" She said, rainbow didn't think of any idea as she cannot think of anything else " maybe saying I like her will be enough?" She ask "no! No! I will figure out a way, still there's only 3hrs before the sleep over maybe I could just take a nap" she said and took a nap.

~ at the castle~
Twilight was just sitting in her library while reading, she stop and sigh " I hope I could tell her I like her so much" twilight said and look at the clock it was '4:00' "almost there just wait for the right moment" twilight said and heard a knock "who could that be?" She ask and flew to the door and open it seeing rainbow standing in front of the door "r-rainbow? Your early" twilight said "i-i just wanted to talk to you before the rest came in" rainbow said as twilight let her in and both of them walk to twilight's room "ok what is it??" Twilight ask "first, where's spike?" Rainbow ask wanting to make sure they are alone "at rarity's he and the crusader had a sleep over he said they wanted him to join them" twilight answer as they got in front of her door room and open it and went inside, rainbow went to her bed as both of them sit in the bed "ok, look twilight I think I... I uhh..." Rainbow can't bring out her words as she is to shy to tell while she blush "you what?" Twilight ask "look I've been having this weird feelings and I think I l-lo--" rainbow got interrupted when they heard a knock on the door, both of them looked at the clock next to twilight's beside table saying its '4:30' "wow... The time is fast" twilight said and head to the door "be right back" twilight said and left. Twilight went to the door and open it and saw rarity "oh hey rarity" twilight greet "hello darling, may I come in?" She ask "sure" twilight answer "why are you so early?" Twilight ask "look I need to tell you something... In private?" Rarity ask as twilight nod and both of them head to a empty room and went inside and closed it "ok what is it??" Twilight ask "c-can you keep a secret dear??" Rarity ask hoping she can "sure" twilight said "look I have been.... Having a little crush..on.... A-aj!" Rarity said as twilight gasp "oh my celestia! I knew you like her!" Twilight said with a big smile while hugging rarity "can you keep a secret too?" Twilight ask "why sure Darling" rarity said "I know you guys notice this but I.... Kinda have a crush on--" twilight pause and went closer to rarity's ear "dash" she added "ooh! I might say darling you really make a great couple!!!" Rarity said while jumping a bit "heh thanks we should get you settle in" twilight said and open the door and went back to her room with rarity by her side, twilight went in and saw dash just sitting in her bed "oh... Dash is already here!" Rarity said while walking to her bed "uhh y-yeah" twilight said as she and the rest heard a knock "that must be aj and the rest" twilight said "I'll be right back" twilight added and walk to the front door. Twilight open the door and saw aj,flutters and pinkie standing there waiting "hi girls! Come on! Dash and rare is already there" twilight said as she step aside letting them in and walk to her room and went inside "ok girls were complete! I will let you just get your stuff ready and we could start this fun fun sleepover!!" Twilight said as the rest jump and shout 'yey!' "Oh yeah!!" Pinkie shout and brought out her party canon and fire it. While they are preparing two by two of them are in different place or beds talking, rarity and twilight talking in rarity's bed, aj and fluttershy just talking while fluttershy is sitting in Pinkie's bed while aj in her's, rainbow and pinkie are talking too while pinkie is standing while rainbow is sitting in her bed. Each of them talk.

"hey Dashie! Can you keep a secret??" Pinkie ask while hoping on rainbow's bed "sure, what is it?" Rainbow ask "look I kinda.... Having a crush on.. F-fl-fluttershy" pinkie said while blushing "whoa! Really?" Rainbow ask as pinkie nod shyly "when are gonna tell her you like her?" Rainbow ask "later... I was going to give her this" pinkie said bringing out the small chest from her main and open it as it shines from the inside, rainbow's eyes widen when she saw what was the inside of the box, pinkie closed it and hide it on her main again "wow pinks! That thing is absolutely beautiful!" Rainbow said "heh,thanks "can you keep a secret as well?" Rainbow ask as pinkie nod "I think you already know who I like" rainbow said as pinkie gasp "you mean you like her?!" Pinkie ask as rainbow nod "do have something to give her??" Pinkie ask again as rainbow shook her head "aw"pinkie said.

"So aj, how's Winona?" Fluttershy ask "she's fine though, how 'bout angel?" Aj ask back "she's fine too." Fluttershy answer "uh hey, fluttershy, c-can ya keep a big secret?" Aj ask "yes I can,why?" Fluttershy ask "well ya see... Ah have a a crush" aj answer as fluttershy had her eyes widen "oh, really? Who?" Fluttershy ask as aj tilt her head with her eyes looking in the direction of rarity and twilight "twilight?" Fluttershy ask as aj shook her head "rarity??" She ask again as aj nod "oh! Wow, I have to say you make a great couple after all" fluttershy said "heh, thanks" aj thanked "can you keep a secret too?" Fluttershy ask as aj nod with a smile "I like.....pinkie" fluttershy said with a blush in the end "well ah might say sugar cube! Ya two make a cute couple" aj said with a smile " I was going to give her these later" fluttershy said showing aj the bracelet "oh wow. Nice, she might like it " aj said "ah was gonna give somethin' to rarity too" aj added while bringing out a small box and open it as it shines too in a color of light blue "wow its a good gift for her! She will totally like it" fluttershy said as aj hid the box "hope she will" aj said as she and fluttershy continue talking.

"So rarity, when are you going to tell her?" Twilight ask "I think later? I want to give her something too" rarity said and show twilight what she made earlier "wow I'm sure she will like it, it's really common to her" twilight said "so do you have anything to give for her?" Rarity ask as twilight shook her head sadly "that's just sad dear, maybe saying you like her or saying 'I Love You' will do" rarity said with a grin "I guess your right, let's just go one with the sleep over" twilight said and got off of the bed "ok girls let's start!" Twilight said as the rest cheer.

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