Chapter 30- Till Death Our Love Is Forever

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Rarity, Fluttershy, Starlight and Twilight were so happy that they are about to get married.

Everypony was preparing for the marriage of Rarity, they all decided to let rarity be the first one to get married since she can't stop squealing.

Everything is on set, apple Jack is in the altar waiting for her bride, although she can be the bride cuz she can't be the groom since she's a mare right? The door open, everypony turn their heads to see rarity with her wedding dress, it was bit long dress and it was all cyan. Apple jack couldn't help but blush seeing her bride could be more beautiful.

So on, the marriage was lined up, the next one was fluttershy, with her green wedding dress, and a butterfly in her mame holding her Vail, she looked like to be the pony of nature. The next one was starlight with her lighter purple dress, with some design in color blue.

After the three got married twilight and rainbow decided to get married after 6days, since twilight was a princess she didn't know but tons of ponies are helping with their preparation. Fluttershy with the song, pinkie and apple jack with the foods and so did Mr and Mrs cake, rarity doing the most best bride's dress she could make for twilight and doing the decorations with fluttershy, and so did starlight and Trixie help decorating too but also a sign to make invitations. The princesses were also helping as well, why not? Twilight had been saving and helping ponies, this could only be their trade to her as a sign of thankful.

Rainbow was on her house just doing what she was suppose too (idk), when all of the sudden, somepony burst through her door "WERE BACK!!!!!" Ponies shout, rainbow turn her head only to see her parents "mom! Dad!!" Rainbow shout and flew to them and gave them a hug "aw! We miss our little rainbow!" Her dad said "so dear, what.. Are you doing??" Her mom ask "oh, well you see, while your out of equestria, well, I was with somepony and now both of us are about to get married heh" rainbow explain, a bit nervous "married?!?! With who?!?" Both of her parents ask "with, twilight" she answer "Princess Twilight Sparkle?! You are going to get married with a mare?! And its one of the princesses?!?" Her father ask shock "yeah..." She answer quietly "b-b-but! How?!" Her mother ask her "mom, twilight is my friend long time ago before she became an alicorn" rainbow explain "b-but......" Her mom said then unexpected her parents hug her "ooohhh! I'm so proud of you!!" Her mom said and let her go "you didn't thought that we would hate you, did you?" Her mom ask with a smile "uh.... No" rainbow said

Rarity burst through rainbow's door and said "rainbow dash!! I need you to-- oh, sorry was i interrupting?" rarity ask "is that princess twilight?" Rainbow's mom ask "mom, that's rarity" she said "um hello, hehehe, sorry for interrupting I was just here to tell rainbow that the dresses are done" rarity said "oh cool!" Rainbow said "mom, dad wanna come?" Rainbow ask "oh, no need dear" her mom said "oh, rainbow dear I'm sorry but I hadn't made your parent's dress!" Rarity said "its OK rarity, you still had time, now c'mon let's check it out" rainbow said "I'll be back later! See ya guys!" Rainbow added and left.

"So darling, apple jack, pinkie, Mr and Mrs cake are done with the foods, the dresses are done, fluterrshy's bird choir is doing well and Trixie and starlight are done with the invitation, the decor on canterlot is the problem we need to leave by tomorrow so the rest of us can decor quickly" rarity explain "geez, didn't know this will be so stressing!" Rainbow said as they arrive at the boutique, rarity open the door showing the inside a bit messy than ever, fabrics, paper, streamers, beeds and more laying on the ground "oh so so sorry dear about this, I was making the best bride's dresses I could make, the flower girl's dress is over there, the bride's mades are there and the rest over there" rarity said pointing to where the dresses are "and here's yours!!" Rarity said showing her her dress "whoa rarity that's beautiful!" Rainbow said "oh I'm glad you adore it!!" Rarity squeal "but where's twilight's dress?" Rainbow ask looking around "oh dear its up stairs at my room" rarity said as they both walk to rarity's room.

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