Chapter 52- Back In One

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Sci- Twilight's POV~

"TWILIGHT!" Someone shout, but before I could see who it was, I was pushed to hard as o fell on the ground.



Someone shout at the same time. Some of them even gasp. I open my eyes, having a hard time trying to lift my self up. I turn my gaze around, everyone is in shock, some is about to cry, and their attention is focus in something--- or should I say, someone.

I turn to where they are looking at, and saw.... Her, Rainbow Dash. "R-rainbow..." I whisper and tried to stand up so I can reach her, but I failed, I fell once again. "R-rainbow..." I said again, but this time, my voice cracked.

"YOU MONSTER!" I heard Fluttershy shout but I didn't bother looking back, my eyes are locked in one person, laying in the ground, Dead. "I'm going to kill you!" I heard Midnight shout, "if you can!" The shadow tease. "Go to hell!" Rarity yell. "You go first." He said again. I know everyone are trying to hold their tears from falling.

I try to get closer to her, and when I did, I quickly held her, hugged her. "Rainbow..." I whisper, "pls wake up.." I said again while looking at her, "pls? Wake up" I said, but nothing, she didn't move, she isn't breathing anymore. She's gone. "Rainbow...." I said and started crying hard. I don't wanna loose her! "Rainbow wake up!" I said to her but nothing! "Rainbow pls! Wake up!" I said and shake her. "Rainbow!" I shout. "Rainbow dash..."

I didn't feel anything anymore. My tears stop. The pain faded. And I don't know what is happening any more, until, my gaze went..... Black.

Princess Twilight's POV~

Everyone are so mad like hell, trying to kill the shadow, I don't know why but Midnight is mad as well. I'm a bit far from them. Didn't bother helping them. Instead, I stood here, watching one person cry, while she hold her friend. The one she loves. Rainbow Dash and Sci-Twilight Sparkle.

"You are nothing but a pure evil like a demon in hell!" Midnight shout. They are battling with the shadow using magic. Six versus One.

I turn my gaze to Twilight. She slowly stood up, her back facing everyone. And she slowly turn around, her eyes are lifeless. No emotions can be seen, no anger, no sadness, no pain, just a cold look.

She slowly walk towards everyone and stopped in the middle. "Stop!" She shout but so loud that it made a wave of sound and echoed. "Twilight?! What are you doing in there?! Move!" Sunset demand but she didn't listen.

She looked at Midnight then raise her hand, "T-twilight..." Midnight stutter. "Just for the last time, Midnight." She coldly said, "A-are you sure?" Midnight ask. Slowly, Twilight nod. A smirk crossed Midnight's face, "Let's." She said then grab Twilight's hand.

A bright light appear right in their holding hands, then a blue-green electricity a-like run around them, then a huge blinding light appeared around them, causing for all of us to cover our eyes. Then, explosion of a sound wave made all of us fall again.

"Mhwahahaha!" A Evil laugh was heard. "Oh so great! To be back in one again! Mhwahaha!" Midnight Sparkle, the powerful on came back. "Oh my beloved world! How I miss this place. The world, I use to break! Oh well" She said, then turn around, "Mhwahahaha! This? Is your So-Called Scary Shadow?" She ask while floating in circles around him. "Distance you fool!" He shout, "You are the one who is a fool, haha!" She laughed. "I don't know, a loser like you want to rule this world!" The shadow said, "Haha! Calling me a Loser? Doesn't make you a Winner! Nice try, but try more harder! Haha!" She teased then gave distance to him.

"Twilight..." I heard someone whisper behind me. Sunset. They are now hiding with me, and watching the scene between Midnight and the Shadow.

"Ahaha! What a fool! Trying to scare me? Well that wont do!" The shadow said. "I'm not scaring you, but if you want then, go on. I won't stop you." Midnight said, then made a ball made out of here magic then played with it. "Watch your words, Missy!" The shadow said. "Hmm. I might say, you look like a Pathetic Desperate Attention Seeker Jerk, trying to scare a drop dead gorgeous like me. Oh what a freaking loser haha!" She laughed. "So be it..." The shadow whisper.

The shadow quickly made a Shadow snakes from behind then made them all reach for Midnight and made her as their food. "Oops. To late, I've already been in that level." She said and Calmly zapped all the shadow snakes using just her finger making it look like a gun. "Already been there huh? Then what about this!" He shout and then made a hydra. "Pch. For babies!" She said then used her both hands, then zapped the hydra.

"Agh!" The shadow shout in frustration. "You had beat all of my pets... Well then." He said, then made a cloud raining black fling balls. "So~ easy!" She said, dodging every ball that comes in her way, just by flying like a lazy person, and sometimes zapped some of it.

When everything ran out. "My turn." She said, her Flaming Glasses flamed hard, her horn starting a magic, her hands on top while blue-green electricity run around it. As she made a huge ball, she threw it at the shadow but of course, he stopped it.

He use his blasting black magic and Midnight did the same. "Aw.. Look at your Rainbow Dash, she's gone!" The shadow remind. Midnight got distract, as she turn and look at Rainbow dash, laying on the ground. Her eyes went back to normal, "Rainbow..." She muttered. The shadow didn't waste any moment then tried to make his Death Ball again and was about to throw it but...

"MIDNIGHT! TWILIGHT!" I shout and snapped back and faced the shadow. But before he could threw it, Midnight moved fast and blast out her Blasting Magic and hit the Shadow, right on his weak spot. Just by the count of 3, he exploded, and now, his gone.

Finally, chaos is over...

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A/N: 2 Chapters To Go.

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