Chapter 51- Midnight Sparkle

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Its dark. Yet, I can hear everything. I'm trapped. Trapped inside my own mind. Midnight and the shadow had locked me up.

"Let twilight go!" I heard rainbow. "R-rainbow..." I whisper. I know she can't hear me, so does the others, but what can I do? I'm locked up!

"Bring her back!" Shouted Fluttershy. "You meanie!" Pinkie yell, "Bring our Twilight back!" Shouted Rarity. "I'm going to kill you both!" Sunset yell, "Ya ain't goin' anywhere!" Apple jack yell as well.

I felt my place shake, again. It means they are hitting the shadow and Midnight. Or should I say, Midnight Shadow. "Back off!" Rainbow shout, then my place shake again. "Agh!" I shout when I fell on the ground.

"Twilight..." Someone called. I turn around but saw no one. "Twilight..." Someone called again, I kept turning around, but still, I didn't see anyone. "Twilight." Someone called, I turn around and saw, Midnight. "What are you doing in here?" I ask, madly. "I came here to..." She said but stopped, "to free you.." She added.

I froze at my place. Is she serious?!

"I don't wanna team up with the Shadow anymore..." Midnight said, "I really don't wanna come back but, that Shadow, he freed me and switch the both of us." Midnight explain, "I tried not to come out but he was too powerful than me. Ever since Sunset defeated me, I swear to myself not to come out anymore. By I broke my promise to my self..." She said and her voice sound like crying.

"Just forgive me, Twilight. I'll use all my magic left, and free you from here." She added. "Then what's the catch?" I ask, "Non." She answer. "I'm willing to sacrifice my self just to stop all this chaos." She sounded so serious. Are you going to trust her twilight?

"I am willing to take the risk." She smiled. "After all, I wouldn't exist without you." She said, then hugged me, "Thank you for making me, Twilight. At least, just in a short time I enjoy how to live even if I'm just stuck in here." Midnight said then let go of me.

"Just wait in here." She said after disappearing in front of me. Damn! What is she going to do?!

Not to long after I felt my place shake again. "What the hey?!" I heard Apple Jack ask.

"Midnight! What are you doing?!" The shadow ask, "I am not going to help you take over the world!" Midnight shouted. "You traitor!" The shadow yell, then everything shakes.

"What the heck is going on?!" Rainbow ask. I didn't know what happen next, all I know someone pulled me out then I hit the ground. "Agh..." I said in pain. "Twilight!" Someone shout, before I could see who it was, I felt someone hugged me. "Twilight!" My friends...

"After what I did for you, I can't believe that you will be a traitor!" The Shadow yell.

Me and the others stopped and watch Midnight and the Shadow fight together. They had split. The Real Midnight Sparkle, and the Real Shadow.

"How did you get out?" I heard Rainbow ask, in concern. "Midnight... Midnight helped me." I said, "Midnight did that?!" Pinkie ask in surprise. "If that's the case, we must help her." I heard Princess Twilight said, "Let's go." I said.

Everyone stood up and ran behind Midnight, but before I could follow them, Princess Twilight stopped me. "Hold up." She said then smile, "you need this." She said then I felt something in me. I transform, in the same outfit like hers. "Now we are one." She said then we both smiled.

"TRAITOR!" The Shadow shout. "I am. But I choose to do good than bad." Midnight said, then used her magic to fight with the shadow. The same magic she used to fight with sunset. And the shadow did the same. "You think you can defeat me by your own! Haha!" The shadow laugh.

"Oh yeah?" Rainbow teased, and help Midnight. The others followed and I did. "Drop it Shadow. Evil can't win." Midnight said, "I will always win!" The shadow yell. "You? Always win? What about the time we defeated you?" Princess twilight teased. "SHUT UP!"

Our battling seems like it took forever. I don't know what will happen next. Until...

"Die." The shadow whisper, before we could do anything. He threw a Ball, A Black Flaming Death Ball. We froze at our spots. One hit, you die.

I was so lost, while looking at the black ball that I didn't notice that its not all of us that it will hit. It was on my direction. I can't move, I'm so nervous, I don't know what to do!

I'm panicking! It will hit me! I will die!

I closed my eyes shut. And wait for the ball to hit me, but before it could...


A/N: I know I always put Cliffhangers but.. Well I just like doing that.

Sorry for the long UD! Really busy in school, but hey! Vacation is here now! But before I could completely go on summer...

I need to deal with my Clearance😑 ya know what that is for? A freaking piece of paper! That before teachers could sign it they will give us plenty of random tasks! Aghhh I hate that!

Anyways... Next UD? Well, dunno, this is not my only story. I'm writing another story, for only Filipinos can read though...

So anyways... Enjoy! Babyeee!! Sorry for a short chappy! Hehe

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