Chapter 4- The Dream

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Apple jack got off of her bed and went to rarity and kiss her as they both blush and relies the kiss "there happy now?!" Aj said "haha super!" Rainbow said "its your turn aj!" Pinkie said "ok truth or dare to.... Fluttershy?" Aj said "um uh dare?" Fluttershy said not sure about her choice "OK then ah dare ya to hah... Well ah dunno hug pinkie until the game ends?" Aj said "uh oh um o-ok" fluttershy said and went to pinkie and hug her "nice! Your turn" aj said "um ok truth or dare to rarity" fluttershy said "truth dear" rarity said "ok.... Do you like aj?" Fluttershy ask with a smirk as rarity blush "uh um n-no!" Rarity said "ha! The second couples!" Pinkie said while pointing in the directions of aj and rarity "heck yeah! They look good together" rainbow said "I must say rarity you and aj make a great couple after all" twilight said as fluttershy nod "uhhhh c-can we just leave this conversation?" Rarity ask "ok.... Is spike asleep?" Fluttershy ask noticing spike is asleep "yeah he usually sleep early and wake up later at 11 to take a snack and went back on sleeping" twilight said "oh should we continue?" Pinkie ask "sure why not" twilight said as they continue the game "ok rare it's your turn!" Pinkie said "ok truth or dare to twilight!" Rarity said "hmm dare I guess" twilight said "hmm well I dare you.... Can I get help?" Rarity ask "sure!" Pinkie answer "aj help me!" Rarity said "what dare is best?" Rarity ask as aj went to her and whisper something "ah good dare" rarity said and aj went back to her bed "ok twilight dear, I dare you to.. Kiss .... Rainbow!" Rarity said stopping her laugh "what?!" Rainbow and twilight said in unison "pay back darling" rarity said "but why me?!" Twilight ask "I pick you to do that because me and aj want a pay back to rainbow and the reason we pick you because you and rainbow look cute together" rarity explain "ugh fine!" Twilight said and flew over to rainbow and kiss her, both of them blushed "hah I knew they will blush!" Pinkie said as rainbow and twilight let go blushing "there you two happy?!" Rainbow and twilight ask in unison as aj and rarity giggle "very much... YES!" They both said in unison and keep on playing. They took their dinner and went back in the room and play a bit and got ready to sleep "good night darlings!" Rarity said as she lower her mask to her eyes and sleep "night sugar cubes" aj said and went to sleep "nighty night" pinkie said and went to  too "good night see you tomorrow morning" fluttershy said "night girls" twilight said and closed eyes "night guys!" Rainbow said and roll to side "good night my sweet princess, sweet dreams" rainbow whisper and closed her eyes.

Rainbow woke up to see her self in twilight's bed "huh? How in equestria did I get here?!" Rainbow ask herself and look around to see that she was alone in the room suddenly the door went open revealing a purple alicorn it was non other than twilight "hey rainbow! Did you sleep well?" Twilight ask "uuh" rainbow was to confuse to speak "oh and don't worry I already figure the truth that you like me by saying last night 'good night my PRINCESS' I mean its easy to figure out" twilight said while walking around and stop in front of rainbow from the bed "w-well I can't help it twilight.... Your the most beautiful, smart,sweet,caring  and awesome pony I've ever met in my life, I can't also help it that..... That I love YOU" rainbow said as she began blushing while saying those words "oh you really do?" Twilight ask as rainbow nod shyly "well if you do good luck with that cause I don't like you back" twilight said as rainbow got her heart shutter in peaces "Nopony will ever love you rainbow Nopony will love you back EVER!" twilight said as the rest came in and gather around in the bed "we don't love you!" Pinkie said "we don't care about you!" Fluttershy said "we hate ya so much!" Aj said "we don't like you!" Rarity said "we will never like or care or love you back! Because your lazy and dumb!" Twilight said. When they all said that rainbow began crying as her heart ache of painful words that she heard, rainbow flew up and head to the door but before she could open it pinkie was already there "why in a hurry?" Pinkie ask as she walk forward as rainbow walk backward until she bump into twilight as the rest form in circles around her "don't leave yet rainbow! Cuz the party is just getting started!" Pinkie said while she and the rest brought out some knifes "we want to kill you!" They all said except rainbow, they all raise the knife in unison and buried it to her chest...

Rainbow woke up sweating and breathing heavy and she look to her body and look at where bed she was, and she was in her bed she sigh "phew! Just a dream" she said. She look up and saw her friends staring at her around the bed as twilight was in front of her in the end of the bed "you ok Dashie?" Pinkie ask "you scare me" fluttershy said "did ya have a nightmare?" Aj ask "uh I didn't" rainbow said "your clearly lying, we can tell" rarity said "ok ok I did... Can we just forget about this?" Rainbow ask wanting go back to sleep "sure" the 4 ponies except twilight and rainbow said and went back to their beds except twilight "uuhh twilight? Aren't you tired yet??" Rainbow ask as twilight walk closer to her "that dream you had was not just any dream " twilight said "w-what do you mean?" Rainbow ask "I mean its REAL!" twilight said as she raise up a knife and buried it to rainbow.

03:10 am
"Gah!"  Rainbow sat up sweating and scared "is this the real life?!" She ask looking around and slap her self "no more nightmare! No more nightmares!" She repeat it and repeat it until twilight woke up "ughmm... Rainbow? Is that you?" Twilight ask with a sleepy voice as she sat up rubbing her eye with her right hoof, twilight went to rainbow and saw she was covering her eyes with her hoof and keep saying 'no more nightmares'. Twilight remove rainbow's hoof and saw her eyes were red and puffy, twilight was shock to see her crying "rainbow are you ok?" Twilight ask as rainbow blush a bit "y-yeah I am" rainbow said " what happen? Why are you crying?" Twilight ask "n-nothing" rainbow answer "did you have a nightmare?" Twilight ask "y-yeah, double nightmare to be exact" rainbow said as she look up and look over to twilight's eyes 'she is so beautiful,her beautiful sparkle purple eyes, her smooth lavender coat. I hope she likes me back' rainbow thought 'she is gorgeous, her sparkle magenta eyes, her rainbow mane how it shines through the moonlight. I wish she could be mine' twilight thought, twilight and rainbow had been staring into each others eyes for a while as they both getting closer and closer and closer that they could kiss but before they could they were interrupted by a pony who is giggling. They both look at the direction at where the giggling was and found pinkie was covering her mouth with her hoof with a smile "p-pinkie?! How long were you watching us?!" Twilight ask with a shock look  "oh not too long... Were both of trying to kiss?again?" Pinkie ask with grin as twilight and dash blush and look a bit and turn back to pinkie "no!" Twilight and rainbow said in unison "right~" pinkie said with a smirk while she is lying down in her bed "you know what?*yawn* you two lover birds should go back to sleep and continue what ever your doing tomorrow" pinkie said and went back to sleep "uhm uh... I-i better go back to sleep" twilight said as she start walking back to her bed 'quick rainbow! Make her come back! And it may be your time confess your feelings for her!' Rainbow thought "twilight?" Rainbow called "hmm?" Twilight said "uhh nothing never mind... Have a good dream though" rainbow said "you too" twilight said and went back to sleep 'ugh! Rainbow! Why didn't you tell her?! I'll tell it in a good time' rainbow thought and went back to her sleep as well.

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