Chapter 18- Busy

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It's been weeks when the visitors visit equestria. The mane six were being busy after one week.

Twilight was busy from princess stuff. Rainbow dash was being busy from training at the wonderbolts academy. Rarity being busy making dresses for rara, sapphire shores and coco pomel. Apple Jack being busy at the farm bucking apples from trees all day and doing more chores. Pinkie being busy helping the cake family bake expensive sweets that ponies from canterlot and Manhattan ordered. Fluttershy was busy too taking care of animals and helping her friend that was a vet from her animal customers that needed help.
•At the wonderbolts academy•
Spit fire blew her whistle signalling all wonderbolts to take a break. Rainbow dash was on her way to the cafeteria when she was stop by soarin calling out for her "hey crash! I mean dash! " he said then stop in front of rainbow "oh hey soarin! What's up? " rainbow ask "oh nothing, just wanted to catch up with ya! " soarin said as both of them start walking inside the cafeteria "how are you and twilight anyways? "he ask "just fine! " rainbow answer "oh! did you saw the awesome sonic boom last week? " he ask smiling "yeah, me and twi were the ones who made it.... It was by accident though.. " rainbow explain "accident? Well I don't think it is! That was like the coolest sonic boom ever, what does it called? If yours was SONIC RAINBOOM then what about that sonic boom? "he ask "well we don't know exactly but pinkie called it 'Sonic Star Rainboom' " rainbow said then they talk more when it was time for them to go back on training.

Skip After The Training>>>
Rainbow and Soarin decided to hang out for the night since rainbow's friends are all busy from their works, soarin and rainbow went to a club and buy some alcoholic drinks for them. It was 11 in the night and rainbow and soarin are already so drunk "hey soarin! *hic* why don't ya *hic* come at my place?" rainbow ask drunk "sure *hic* that'll be fun! *hic*" soarin answer "great! *hic* meet me by my door*hic* I need to go somewhere else really *hic* quick! " rainbow said then flew off while soarin went to her cloud house.

Rainbow flew to Twilight's castle, she stop in front and knock. Twilight open the door and saw dash standing. She and dash talk then rainbow flew off to her cloud house.

•With Fluttershy•

Fluttershy finish helping her friend then went home to do more stuff, it was already 10:59 in the night, she walk all the way to her cottage when she saw five baby bunnies on the path way "oh my! What are you all doing out here all alone? " fluttershy ask with concern in her voice, fluttershy took the bunnies to her cottage. She put them all in the couch and gave them each carrot one by one, she then went outside to check the rest of her animals then saw one squirrel hurt "oh dear" she said and took the squirrel inside and put some bandages on him and put him on a small bed for small animals like him to rest. Fluttershy then turn her head to see the baby bunnies were gone, she gasp "oh no! Where are they?! " fluttershy ask panicking and while looking around, her pet angel bunny then poke her to get her attention, once he did he pointed outside the window where the five little bunnies where playing with the rest of her animals. She sigh in relief and went outside as well "oh there you guys are! "she said calmly "I was so worried that you guys weren't inside, I thought you all ran away! Now, where's your home?" she ask as the bunnies lead her the way.

Fluttershy was just following the bunnies until they reach behind twilight's castle, she then saw a bush and check it out, she then saw two adult bunnies "oh hello there! Are this your babies? "fluttershy ask as the the five baby bunnies came in, the bunnies then were all happy that they were all together, all of them went out and hug fluttershy "aw! You are all most certainly welcome! " fluttershy said as the bunnies went back and she then left.

Fluttershy turn at the corner of the outside of the castle she then turn her head on the left side to see rainbow all drunk and was about to knock on twilight's door, once she did fluttershy saw twilight came out, she then heard all what they said from the start. She started to became scare and step back to hide, she peek at the crystal wall still listening to them, after them talking rainbow flew off as twilight slam the door shut.

Fluttershy then decide to follow rainbow dash with her not noticing fluttershy. She then finally reach her home, she then saw soarin outside of rainbow's house waiting for her, rainbow and soarin went in and close the door. Fluttershy was just outside, she flew closer to the cloud house and peek at the windows to know where both of them are, she saw two of them was walking up stairs. Fluttershy just follow them until they reach rainbow's room, she peek at the window and gasp quietly on what she saw, she was also shock and blushing. Fluttershy then decided not to watch more but instead of leaving them alone and head home.

•The Next Day•
The next day fluttershy still can't believe on what happen, she didn't know what to do. She also does not want to remember what she saw last night at rainbow's house, fluttershy decide not to speak about any thing that happen last night. Fluttershy was then snap out of her daze when she heard her friend "hey fluttershy! " a raspy voice said "are you OK? " fluttershy then look up to see the mare that she doesn't want to see right now "um... Fluttershy!~ " the pony waved her hoof in front of fluttershy. For some reason she just flew off, fluttershy wasn't really on the mood to see her, for now she had different things that she think on the mare pony the she does not want to see she also think dirty stuff on the pony so that's why she does not want to see her.

Hey guys! Lucky to update this again! Not that bay though so I decided to update it again!

PS: were also at the part on what I was saying!!!! It's really almost there! One more chapter and you'll know!!!! Bye for now!!!

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