Chapter 22- You Changed

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Once everypony arrived at rainbow's house they all hop out of the balloon. They did the same thing they did before but it was still the same, starlight look at rarity giving her a 'do it' look, rarity nod and start up her magic. Rarity got in but after 5seconds she came back out side.

"Aaaahhhhhh!!!!!!" She scream "what?! What?!" Starlight ask trying her best to calm rarity "a terror! A horror! What a madness!!" She said then fainted really dramatically "um... Trix? Go in" starlight said as trixie teleport in, Trixie came back with the same expression she had earlier "well?" Pinkie ask "the house is dark, messy, full of broken glass, bottle of beers, blankets and pillows everywhere, some stinky smell and I heard some giggling not crying" Trixie explain "giggling?!" Everypony except Trixie said in unison as she nod.

Starlight,trixie and rarity teleport them and the others inside without making a noise, what Trixie said they did heard giggling. They follow the sound while walking so quite, as for rarity, she had a disgusted look on her face while she walk on a clear and clean floor. They follow the giggling until they saw rainbow's room door is open, and so does the light, and that's where the giggling became louder. Everypony peek and saw, soarin and rainbow on the bed doing something (not bad). They all gasp.

They all stop peeking and let them be seen, but the two didn't saw them. "You are so dirty!" Rarity said with a mad look, rainbow and soarin stop whatever they were doing and look at rarity and the rest "wha-what are you all doing here?!" Rainbow ask "should we be the one who should ask that 'what in tarnation he is doin' here?!' In your room, in your bed?!" Aj ask angrily "non of your business dweebs!" Soarin said "hey! Your not part of this you crazy meanie,ugly and big eye bug guy!!" Pinkie said "hey!! Who do you think you are to call him that?!" Rainbow ask really mad "do you even know what you've two done to twilight?! She's a princess for crying out loud!!" Starlight yelled "I may not be part of this group of yours! But I change! And I would like to say that you really not the rainbow everypony know anymore!" Trixie said "I don't think I even know you anymore rainbow!" Fluttershy said "so?! Who cares if I change?! This is my own life!! I do what I want and do it when I want!!" Rainbow shout "the element of loyalty! Is this the element of loyalty?!" Starlight ask "ugh!! I don't care if I'm not the element of loyalty anymore!! I'm more happy not to be one of the elements!! And totally I'm better with soarin more than that egghead!! And I'm more better without all of you!!" Rainbow yelled again "rainbow that is enough!!! You were drunk that day when you and twilight broke up!! And its all soarin's fault!!!" Starlight yell back "hey! Don't you dare point hooves at me!!!" Soarin yell mad "why?! Its truly your fault!!! Don't you think I saw it?! Well I did!! The day we were all busy, at night I saw you two here m*beep!*t!!!" Fluttershy said "w-we did?!" Rainbow ask shock "th-this can't be true! Your just lying!!" Rainbow yell again "well I'm not! Its up to you!! If you get pregnant well its not our fault and its not our problem and mostly we will totally not help you!! I may be the element of kindness but I'm just doing what is best!!" Fluttershy said "you rainbow are so pervert!" Rarity said "yeah! Good bye big eye guy!! And you pervert!!" Pinkie said "hey!!!" Rainbow yell but they ignore her as they all start walking out of the room, before they all leave, Trixie stop first "oh and so let you know! You even made your mistake even worst! You really made the wrong decision of choosing the wrong pony between the most special one! The pony you chose before made you happy, but now? It made you different and it made you make your friends hate you more! If I were you? I will return to the special, being stuck with the worst one? It will only make your life even worst!" Trixie said then left. That's when rainbow got into thinking about her decision.

They all went out with mad expressions then hop on the balloon and went down. "Ugh! I won't forgive that dirty pony ever not until twilight forgive her!" Rarity said, they hop out and went to twilight's castle and all teleport in the castle, they saw the castle was all dark like it was a hunted castle, they heard some sobbing, sniffing and mostly crying. It sounded more like a ghost that gave fright to the others.

They did the same thing with rainbow's house, they follow the sound and it led them to twilight's room. They open door quietly and saw something under the blanket in twilight's bed. They walk closer walking really quite. Starlight use her magic then levitate the blanket, trixie and rarity was about to blast magic, which that was just a easy spell and not much dangerous, they stop when they saw twilight crying.

Twilight's coat and mane color seem to drain a bit, her mane and tail messy, her eyes were all red and puffy and her bed, well its wet just half of her bed, and her front hooves are wet as well. "Twilight?" Starlight said "wha-what are you all doing here?" Twilight ask with a really weak voice "twilight dear, where here to comfort you" rarity said "what do you mean?" Twilight ask again "twilight, fluttershy and pinkie told us what happen. On what they saw" starlight explain "I know you don't trust me so well. But I'm just trying to help, that I think you should forget her, there is a lot of colts and mares around anyways" trixie said "thanks for trying trixie, but I don't think I would ever find somepony like her anymore" twilight said "its ok sugar cube, forget her like what trixie said. She change anyway" aj said "what best is to make you OK again, why not try going out of the castle, get some fresh air, feel some sunrise or be at a quite place twilight, not just here, locking your self up and cry for her. She won't change, I even think she's pregnant" fluttershy said a bit quite at the end "she she is?! With who?!" Twilight ask shock "we believe with........ Soarin" starlight said as twilight sigh "right.... With soarin" twilight said and look down sad, the rest look at each other then twilight "why don't we bring you outside! Enjoy some beautiful day with us!" Pinkie said "I guess your right, lemme just fix my self up" twilight said then went out of her bed, the rest left her in her room and wait outside.

A/N: SO SO SO SORRY FOR NOT UPDATING!!!! I've been busy around school and did not have much time here, even though I have but my classmate kept borrowing my phone, plus my bday is on Wednesday (July 11) , and I'm having a hard Time to remember who was invited and how many and who is coming and not coming, and we will have a culminating dance in music,arts, physical education and health in short M.A.PE.H that is what we call here in Philippines so hope you guys enjoy the chapter and I know I did not put a '*beep*' on the other chapter, well I forgot so sorry again for not updating for a while!! Enjoy my readers!!!!

And I was suppose to update this yesterday but I ran out of load

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