Chapter 37- Whats Wrong With Twilight?

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Sci- Twilight's POV~

All of us are in Pinkie's living room, eating pizza. What rainbow said earlier can't leave my mind, I can't focus on anything, I can't read. The girls notice me, "ya OK sugar cube?" Aj ask, I smile and nod.

I thought they'll leave me alone again, but I was wrong, all of their attention is still on me. "Twilight dear, we can tell there's something going on with you" rarity said "you can tell us" fluttershy add in "it will make you feel better if you tell us" subset said, I only shook my head, "its OK, I'm fine" I said and forced smile. They only nod and went back on whatever they were doing.

I excuse my self and went to the bath room, I took my phone with. I sat on the crucible that was closed, I look at my phone, put the password on. I look at the school's news and only saw all about that shadow. I then heard someone knocked.

"Um, twilight? Are you there?" Rainbow ask, I wasn't suppose to answer, but my mouth open by its self "yes I am, need anything?" I ask. 'Dang it!' I thought, "uh nothing though, I just wanna ask you, are you mad?" She ask "no" I answer "you sure?" She ask again "yes I am not mad rainbow" I said "OK then" she said then it went quite.

I went out of the bathroom, and saw no one is in the living room, its all clean, 'they must've went back to Pinkie's room' I thought. I walk upstairs, while getting closer I heard someone talking about... Me?

I walk closer to the room, I peek and I saw apple jack and rainbow dash doing.... What exactly? 'What are they doing? I thought their talking about me..' I thought. I then heard someone moaned?! Seriously! What are they doing?! I can't see clearly, apple jack had her hair blocking them, her hair isn't tied up as it used too. I slowly walk away, I can't take it! I can't stand whatever they are doing! First rainbow hit princess twilight and now apple jack?! Seriously! Tell me who's next!

I was tip toe walking, I was about to step in the stairs but that got me to stop, "oh hey twilight! Your there" rainbow said, I turn around with a smile, fake smile, I don't feel comfortable around them for now, "y-yeah, I saw you guys weren't at the living room so I uh I went here to check on you guys but y-your not complete a-and and uh y-you two s-s-seem busy s-so I didn't bother asking where's the rest" I stutter, hoping they don't notice me feeling uncomfortable around them, "are ya OK sugar cube? Ya don't seem comfortable" apple jack said, 'nice going twilight!!' I thought, "what? He he, I'm fine, w-where's the rest?" I ask, trying to change the topic "their in the backyard" rainbow said. I immediately ran down to the backyard not looking back at them and NOT waiting for them to say anything else! I don't want to be around her by now! I can't take what she is doing to everyone! What?! Don't tell me she's on the way next to pinkie then fluttershy then rarity!

Rainbow Dash's POV

She doesn't seem to be herself this days, I'm starting to get worried. I walk back to the living room, they said they want outside at the backyard to get some air since its getting hot in here, me and apple jack said we'll follow by and went up stairs to get something.

"Hey dash, don't ya think there's somethin' strange goin' on about twilight?" Apple jack ask, don't you that I don't? "I actually do, she's not her self this days though" I said "yeah, when she said she's fine earlier? I know that's a lie, I can tell she's lien' she's actin' weird and she ain't lookin' good" aj said and took of her tie, I then heard someone walking closer here, " she--- hmmm! Hmmm!!!" I stop her from talking by putting my hand over her mouth, she try and remove it and when she removed my hand she was about to speak hut I put my finger in front of my lips signaling her to be quite. She seem to get my point, she went quite and heard the floor creaking outside the room. She was about to speak again but I stop her once again with my hand "hmmmm!! MmmmMMmm!!!" She tried to speak, she was sounding like she was moaning though. I can't tell if someone or if twilight is there because of apple Jack's hair blocking the view! The floor creaked again, seems the person is walking away, I removed my hand over her mouth and both of us walk out of the room quietly and saw twilight walking down, "oh hey twilight! Your there" I said, she turn around with a smile, I can tell that's a fake smile, she doesn't seem comfortable too "y-yeah, I saw you guys aren't in the living room so I uh I went here to check on guys but y-your not complete a-and and uh y-you two s-s-seems busy s-so I didn't bother asking where's the rest" she said as she stutter, "are you OK sugar cube? Ya don't seem comfortable" Apple Jack ask "what? He he, w-where's the rest?" She ask changing the topic "their in the backyard" I said and was about to say something again but she raced out to the outside, 'what's her problem? Is she avoiding me?' I thought.

Me and apple jack looked at each other and went down and to the backyard, when we got out, there's a bon fire, 'are they having a camping?' I thought and giggle, they are all sitting in circles, twilight is sitting between fluttershy and rarity, princess twilight is sitting next to sunset while pinkie is standing while singing and playing a guitar, me and apple jack sat down on the grass. I gotta admit Pinkie's voice is beautiful! Add in her cheery voice. Pinkie finished her singing and we all clapped, I look at twilight, who is looking at me, I smile at her hut she only look away.

"Who's next?" Pinkie ask, "Twily dear! Would you pls sing for us?" Rarity ask twi, since when did she start calling her 'Twily'? I didn't know, I put my mind back in the topic, I wanna hear her sing. "Sure, this song is from counted coloratura, I just love her song" she said. She she said Countess Coloratura? Does she know that girl? Maybe there's a pony countess coloratura.

She borrowed the guitar from pinkie and start playing, I was shock at first in how did she learn to play but I forgot about that when she sang.

"🎶 Equestria the land I love
A land of harmony, our flag does wave from high above to pony kind to see~
Equestria the land I love! Where pony kind to roam! They say to friendship never ends! Equestria My Home!~🎶"  she finished singing, it may be short but it was beautiful, all of us only stare at her, of how beautiful her voice is! I look at sci-twi, she doesn't seem so happy, she seem more like annoyed. She look at me and only glared at me, 'what did I do?' I ask my self, seriously, what's wrong with her?


PS: tell me if I had an error pls!! Need to fix that!

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