Chapter 20- Unexpected Stories

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Fluterrshy's POV~
"Well last night I was just following five baby bunnies---

After I return the baby bunnies with their parents I decided to go home right away, I turn in the corner and saw rainbow all drunk, I heard her knock then I saw twilight came out "oh hey Dashie! What are you doing here? " she ask probably she didn't notice rainbow all drunk at first "you! I want to tell you something egghead! " I heard rainbow said "what is it? " twilight ask "I want to break up with you!" rainbow said and that's when twilight notice her drunk "rainbow your all drunk, I think you should go home now" twilight said as she put her hoof around rainbow, but rainbow slap her hoof causing her to remove her hoof "no! I am so totally not drunk! You listen to me egghead doesn't mean your a princess that doesn't mean I should be acting like I'm talking to celestia! You princesses are such a jerks! I don't even know why I even liked you on the first place! Well I think soarin is better than you! You egghead that I hate so much!!" I heard rainbow said which she cause twilight to burst into crying "h-how could you s-say that?! " twilight ask her between sobs "how can I? Because I made the wrong decision of loving you! I was wrong about you all along! You didn't gave me love but I did, soarin gave me what I want!" rainbow said again which she make twilight even more sad "your not the rainbow I know! " I heard twilight said "don't care egghead! " rainbow said "if you want to break up with me then fine!! I'm more glad too! I was doing better before you came in my life and ruin everything!! You were a lazy pegasi I ever met anyways!! Get out of here you bitch!" I heard twilight said then slam the door shut "glad to leave this trash hole you bitch!" I heard her said back as she flew away

--- then that's where I heard everything at first" I said then I made everypony confuse "at first? " Trixie ask "well something even worst happen! " I said then the rest had wide eyes "what is?! " spike ask worried "well---

Another FLASHBACK<<<
After I saw rainbow flew away I decided to follow her with me not getting caught. While flying I heard her saying "stupid twilight! Stupid princess! " she kept saying more mean stuff until I saw her house, I saw soarin standing in front of her house waiting for her, when rainbow landed I saw them kiss "did ya break up with that loser? " he ask rainbow its pretty clear that both of them are drunk. I saw them went inside and I flew closer to rainbow's house and peek through the windows to see what's happening. When they got inside I heard them giggling and I saw them heading up stairs, I quickly check each window to see where they are going and saw them both heading to rainbow's bedroom. I quickly flew to rainbow's bedroom window and peek to see what's going on and that's where I heard more giggling then I gasp quietly on what I saw! Rainbow and soarin on rainbow's bed making-out!! I look away quickly while blushing and decided not to watch more and then I heard loud moans and I heard "oh soarin! Your doing great! " I heard rainbow said which cause me to blush in the darkest shade of red, I decided to flew away and not to stay more longer in rainbow's house"

When I finish the story about what happen last night I saw the rest blushing like crazy as me "THEY DID?!? " all of them ask except me and pinkie in unison, I then heard pinkie giggle "that's how I react at first when fluttershy told me! " pinkie said then laugh falling in the couch "yes they did" I answer their question which it made rarity faint dramatically on apple Jack's hooves "well worst happen earlier as well! Sort of though!" pinkie said "what is darling?" I hear rarity ask.

Pinkie Pie's POV~
"what is darling?" I hear rarity ask me "well when ---

I hop out of the sugar cube corner and I decided to visit fluttershy, but I decided to visit twilight first to see how she is doing after doing princess stuff. I stop when I saw rainbow in front and knocked, I then saw twilight came out then her face gave rainbow a glare "hey twi wanna---" I heard rainbow was speaking until twilight cut her off "oh hey! What are you doing here?!" twilight ask her while rolling her eyes and sounding annoyed "what? Cant I see my mare friend? " rainbow ask her "see YOUR MARE FRIEND?? I thought you wanna break up with me?! " twilight ask her again still sounding annoyed "I didn't said that! " rainbow said "yes you did! You said it last night!! You said I did not gave you love so enough and that's where you decided to date soarin!!! " twilight said "last night?! I did not twilight! " rainbow said defending her self since she was clearly loosing "did not?!? Are freaking serious rainbow dash?!?!? You said it your self last night that you want to break up with me!! You even said soarin was better than me and you said you hate me AND you said we princesses ARE JERKS!!!!! " twilight said really angry at rainbow " I did not! I don't even remember a thing!! " I heard her yell "yeah because you were drunk! I even said you were but you said you weren't!! " twilight yell back "do you really wanna break up with me?! " rainbow hissed "do I? I said YOU SAID IT YOUR SELF LAST NIGHT THAT YOU WANNA BREAK UP!!!!!! YOU SAID IT AND NOTHING ELSE!!!!!! NOW GET OUT OF HERE YOU MORON!!!" Twilight shout at rainbow and slam the door shut that it almost break. Rainbow just flew away I called out for her but she ignore me"

I ended my story and I saw them with shock expressions "I can't believe this!" rarity said "is this totally happenin'?! " apple Jack ask can't believe everything "this is bad! I felt so sorry for both twilight and rainbow especially twilight who got even more heart broken by rainbow!" starlight said "what are we going to do? " spike ask "we must help them and do something to make them get back together" Trixie said really wanted to help us too.

Late publish! I was suppose to publish this earlier but I was too busy helping my parents! But hey! At least I still publish this a bit late around 19mins late though so yeah! That's all and goodbye dear readers!!

PS: I really wasn't planning on adding the word make-out, bitch and moron since those are not allow on 13 below but still I'm a teenager well sort of a teenager so that's all!!

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